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作者(外文):Gao, Guo-Hao
論文名稱(外文):Doing Chinese? Highly-skilled Taiwanese Workers in a China’s State-owned Enterprise.
外文關鍵詞:Taiwanese skilled workersmigrationstate-owned enterprisesinstitutionalizationChinese party regime
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  • 評分評分:*****
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  Unlike former Taishang (Taiwanese investors)studies, which mainly focuse on the context of operation in Taiwanese enterprises, this paper attempts to examine the work experiences of Taiwanese skilled workers in a Chinese state-owned enterprise from the perspective of institutionalization. Although the Chinese central government has started the reform of marketization since 1978, the state-owned enterprises in post-socialist China are still largely controlled by Chinese Communist Party. That is, the Chinese Communist Party is still capable of shaping the rules of the game in the state-owned enterprises through formal and informal regulations, such as rewarding systems and informal rules. Under these circumstances, the Taiwanese skilled workers with relatively more competence and experience still have to follow the rules and behave like a Chinese to obtain the legitimacy in the state-owned enterprises. In a “red” enterprise as the case presented in my study, the Taiwanese skilled workers would have the behavioral model of “semi-party member”, and act as “a Chinese who loves the nation and its party”. Consequently, it is difficult for them to apply the former Taiwanese communication model in Chinese state-owned enterprises. However, in the personal territories, such as the dormitory, foot bath shops, and restaurants, the Taiwanese skilled workers behave differently in the back stage and actively seek an inner expression of “self-recognition” in their living space. By complaints and gossips, they constantly challenge the pressure and authority imposed by the institutional structures. Such behavior differences of the Taiwanese skilled workers in the front and back stages not only highlight the presentation of self in institutionalization, but also increase our understanding of organization theories regarding what would happen on the back stage.

Keyword: Taiwanese skilled workers , migration , state-owned enterprises, institutionalization, , Chinese party regime.


第一章:緒論 1
 第一節:研究緣起:台幹不「台」了 1
 第二節:問題意識 2
第三節:研究方法 4
第二章:文獻回顧 6
第一節:劃界:台商研究中的台幹 6
 第二節:台幹作為一類技術移民群體 9
 第三節:制度化:行動者在制度環境中的合法性 12
第三章:中國大陸國企制度文化生成:社會主義與市場經濟的雙重建構 17
 第一節:國企前身:單位制的基層組織 17
 第二節:國企改革:「市場化」的注入 19
 第三節:改革的有限性:黨政制度的遺緒 21
 第四節:「H公司」:一間國企的真實面貌 24
第四章:國企台幹的「制度化」過程 35
 第一節:具備台灣經驗的台幹 35
 第二節:做「中國人」:從外人到自己人 41
 第三節:類黨員:紅色企業的生存法則 47
第四節:我是中國人,卻不如你想像 52
 第五節:台幹多樣性:回應制度的不同方式 55
第五章:結論 60
參考文獻 65


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