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作者(外文):Chen, Yi Ching
論文名稱(外文):The Syntax and Semantics of Changing and Becoming in Mandarin Chinese
外文關鍵詞:light verbdegree achievementtelicityhead-finalbianchengBECOME
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This thesis investigates constructions that contain two Mandarin verbal elements, bian ‘change’ and BECOME, and studies them in syntax and semantics.
Based on observations on degree achievements and their complements with bian and BECOME, we find that BECOME and bian exhibit different syntactic properties - BECOME takes an XP complement, while bian and its complement form an X0-X0 compound. Moreover, they require different telicity properties for their complements. BECOME takes a telic predicate denoting a positive reading, while bian takes an atelic predicate denoting a comparative reading.
Questions about cheng ‘become’ also lead to issues that are closely related to bian and BECOME. When bian and cheng form a compound, a head-final construction is formed, and an object argument is obligatory, which is licensed by cheng.

2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 Degree achievements with the light verb BECOME 5
2.2.1 The process of incorporation 5
2.2.2 Aspectual coercion 9
2.2.3 The agreement of sentence final particles and
light verbs 13
2.3 Light verb analysis of bian 15
2.4 Selectional properties of BECOME and bian 21
2.5 Conclusion 25

3.1 Introduction 27
3.2 The characteristics of the adjectival bases 28
3.2.1 The scalar structures 28
3.2.2 Standards of comparison 32
3.3 Telicity determined by the scalar structures 33
3.4 Telicity determined by the light verbs 38
3.5 Mandarin DAs based on open scales 43
3.5.1 Context-dependent telicity 45
3.5.2 Individual level predicate vs. stage level
predicate 54
3.6 Mandarin DAs based on closed scales 64
3.7 Mandarin DAs based on two-point scales 68
3.8 Mandarin DAs that are varied in meaning 69
3.9 Conclusion 72

4.1 Introduction 73
4.2 The syntax of the V-cheng construction 74
4.2.1 Previous analysis: the small clause theory 74
4.2.2 The argument structure 77
4.2.3 Cheng as a head 79
4.2.4 The causative ba 88
4.3 The bian-cheng construction 92
4.4 Conclusion 96


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