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作者(外文):Wang, Hsin Chih
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Silicon IP Development Strategy of IC Design Service Based on Technology Roadmap – A Case Study of DDR Product in G Company
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Ming Chuan
外文關鍵詞:IC Design HouseSilicon Intellectual PropertyProduct RoadmapDevelopment Strategy
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系統單晶片(SoC,System on a Chip)為一個新興的設計概念,透過矽智財(SIP,Silicon Intellectual Property)的重複使用,縮減整體的 SoC 設計時間,達成快速開發的目的,Double Data Rate synchronous dynamic random access memory Physical Layer是指雙倍資料率同步動態隨機存取記憶體實體層,用於快速存取記憶體中的資料,DDR矽智財近年來為SoC不可或缺的矽智財之一。
由於近年來台灣IC設計服務公司面對半導體製程不斷演進的情況下,專案的半導體固定的工程費用(Non-Returned Engineering)增加,為了縮短客戶的開發時間與未來量產成本,IC設計服務公司若可以透過自身開發關鍵矽智財,除了提升市場競爭力,也可降低客製化IC進入門檻。本研究將以設計服務公司的矽智產開發為例,探討高度整合性系統單晶片中所需的DDR矽智財,透過技術地圖產品開發觀念,分析電視晶片市場在不同應用與製程所需的DDR矽智財,為個案公司擬定矽智財開發策略。本研究從不同種類的矽智財中分析適合個案公司的矽智財,依照個案公司的核心技術能力並長期規畫此矽智財開發策略。
In recent years, Taiwan IC design service companies face the semiconductor manufacturing process migration, which means the semiconductor engineering (Non-Returned Engineering) cost contimuously increases. To attract customers with shorter development time and lower mass production cost become the key factors to survive.
System-on-chip (SoC, System on a Chip) is a new design concept of semiconductor, which reuses Silicon Intellectual Properties (SIP) to reduce the overall the SoC design period and achieve the purpose of rapid product development. The Double Data Rate synchronous dynamic random access memory Physical Layer (DDR PHY) is a new technology that can access memory data more effective. DDR silicon intellectual property is valuable in recent years for SoC.
If the case study company could provide its own SIP portfolio which was developed by themselves, not only better market competition but also lower entry barrier of customized IC the company will have. This study takes SIP development of the design service company as an example. We discuss DDR silicon intellectual property of the highly integrated SoC through technology roadmap concept to analyze the TV SoC product in different applications and different processes to strategic development plans. The analyses of this study find out suitable SIP for case company while considering its own key technology capabilities and long-term planning horizon for SIP development strategies. Case company can continue developing core technological capability of SIP to enhance market competitiveness and extend new and differential ASIC services in the near future.
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
1 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與議題 2
1.3 論文架構 2
2 文獻探討 4
2.1 技術地圖概述 4
2.1.1 技術地圖的種類 6
2.1.2 技術地圖產生的效益 8
2.2 智慧資產 9
2.3 矽智財元件 13
3 研究方法與架構 19
3.1 研究資料蒐集 19
3.2 技術地圖繪製 19
3.3 個案公司矽智財開發策略 20
3.4 專家討論驗證其正確性與可行性 20
4 研究案例分析與討論 21
4.1 矽智財產業介紹 21
4.2 個案公司背景簡介 22
4.3 個案研究與策略實例 29
4.4 討論 42
5 結論與未來發展 47
5.1 結論 47
5.2 研究限制 48
5.3 未來研究方向 48
6 參考文獻 50
7 附錄 54
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