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作者(外文):Lin, Shang Chi
論文名稱(中文):Low-cost paper and cotton-based Biochips applied to in vitro diagnosis
指導教授(外文):Tseng, Fan Gang
Cheng, Chao Min
外文關鍵詞:Low costpapercottonBiochipsin vitro diagnosisCRPLatexUrinalysiswhole blood
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我們探討紙和棉基應用於診斷裝置的開發是價格低廉的,易於使用的,並且能夠在1) 全血與尿液檢體直接測試分析2) 監視相關炎症蛋白的濃度( C-反應蛋白在這項研究中)和血型檢測,尿液中亞硝酸鹽,全蛋白,尿膽素原和尿酸等測定。在我的研究中,我們利用複合材料(棉花和層析紙)與蠟染的方法於紙為基礎的診斷裝置。因此我們的系統,它專門針對尿液和全血診斷並採用多重生物標定物的方法,不需要電,無須專業訓練人員,並且是在偏遠或家庭環境中的使用非常便利。棉和紙基體外診斷裝置的主要材料是非常便宜的,並通過使用“噴蠟打印機”或是自組裝的方式製作是很快速且方便的。最後希望有機會開發“印刷技術”應用在各種類型的檢測試劑塗布或應用監測疾病診斷裝置的快速製程上且可以普及在便利商店或是賣場中建立一個新的商業模式。
Here, we discuss the development of paper and cotton-based diagnostic devices that is inexpensive, easy-to-use, robust, and capable of simultaneous testing for 1) whole blood and urine assays 2) monitoring the level of a relevant inflammatory protein (C-reactive protein in this study) and blood typing in whole blood, nitrite, BSA, urobilinogen and uric acid assays in urine. In my study, we first attempted to make a paper-based diagnostic device via the wax printing method and a cotton-based diagnostic device via composite material (cotton and choreography paper). Our systems, which specifically targets urinalysis and whole blood diagnostics and employs a multiple biomarker approach, requires no electricity, no professional training, and is exceptionally portable for use in remote or home settings. Developing cotton and paper-based in-vitro point-of-care diagnostic devices are very inexpensive and easy to operate through using an “inkjet printer”. developed the “printing technology” make various types of diagnostic devices for either detecting or monitoring different diseases, use diagnostic devices for diagnosing different diseases and monitoring, in advance, the disease activities, and attempt to easy and fast manufacture of diagnostic devices and ship from the laboratory to the industry and can establish the popularity of a new business model at a convenience store or supermarket.
1. Acknowledgements 2
2. Abstract 3
3. Chapter 1. Introduction of Low-Cost Diagnostic Devices 4
4. Chapter 2. Cotton-Based Diagnostic Devices 10
4.1. Introduction 10
4.2. Materials and Reagents 15
2.2.1. Reagents of Urine-Based Assays 15
2.2.2. Materials of Cotton-Based Diagnostic Device 16
4.3. Methods 17
4.4. Results and Discussion 19
2.4.1. Cotton-Based Diagnosis Devices 19
2.4.2. Cotton-Based Diagnosis Devices for Colorimetric Assays 24
2.4.3. Dilution Effect of a Cotton-Based Fluidic Channel 29
2.4.4. Cotton-Based Diagnostic Devices for Urinalysis 39
4.5. Conclusion 47
5. Chapter 3. Rapid Blood Typing and CRP Assays Monitoring via Paper-Based Diagnostic Devices 49
5.1. Introduction 49
5.2. Method and Material 53
3.2.1. Fabrication of paper-based diagnostic devices. 53
3.2.2. Antibody immobilization in blood typing paper-based diagnostic devices. 53
3.2.3. Immobilization of CRP paper-based diagnostic devices. 56
3.2.4. Analysis of blood typing paper-based diagnostic devices. 58
3.2.5. Analysis of CRP assays using paper-based diagnostic devices. 59
5.3. Results 61
3.3.1 Fabrication for Paper-based diagnosis devices. 61
3.3.2. Paper-based diagnosis devices for blood typing assays. 66
3.3.3. Paper-based diagnosis devices for CRP assays. 71
3.4 Conclusion 81
6. Chapter 4. Future Work 86
6.1. Introduction 86
6.2. Expected Results 88
Reference 92

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