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作者(外文):Huang, Yu-Wen
論文名稱(外文):Nonlinear Lumped Element Model of Dielectric Liquid Lens
指導教授(外文):Yeh, J. Andrew
口試委員(外文):Yao-Joe Joseph Yang
Kuo-Cheng Huang
Chih-wei Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Dielectric forceLiquid lensLiquid parametersContact angle
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  • 點閱點閱:318
  • 評分評分:*****
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Focus tunable dielectric liquid lens, its size is miniaturized and is applied to kinds of electrical products now. Hence, the way to quickly predict the behavior of the droplet of the liquid lens becomes important. In the dielectric liquid lens, the gravitational factor of two immiscible liquids could be eliminated by identical/similar density. Other forces, such as surface tension force, dielectric force, friction, are affected by liquid basic properties and environments, for example, actuating voltage, so that it should be discussed more deeply.
It will be a time consuming work if we test every different kind of liquid mixture. In this study, we try to use the view of energy transferring and built a nonlinear lumped element model of dielectric liquid lens, including equation fittings of basic liquid property, such as density, surface tension, interfacial surface tension, refraction, dielectric constant and viscosity, and the relationship between basic liquid properties and parameters of dielectric liquid lens like contact angle and actuating voltage. By doing so, we could quickly choose the appropriate parameters and conduct the experiment, instead of time and material waste.
With regard to equation fittings of basic liquid property, density, surface tension, interfacial surface tension, refraction, dielectric constant and viscosity could be fitted in linear, logarithm, logarithm, linear, 2ndpolynomial and exponential equation, respectively.
The relationship between actuating voltage and the cosine value of the contact angle of working droplet could be fitted by 2ndpolynomial equation, based on the experimental results conforming to the trend chart of theoretical values.
中文摘要 ................................................................ii
英文摘要 ................................................................iii
目錄 ................................................................... iv
圖目錄 ................................................................. vi
表目錄 ................................................................. xi
符號表.................................................................. xii
第一章 緒論 ............................................................. 1
1.1 研究背景 .........................................................1
1.2 文獻回顧 .........................................................3
1.2.1 液態透鏡概要 ............................................... 3
1.2.2 液態透鏡的調焦機制 ......................................... 4
1.3研究動機與目標 ................................................... 6
1.4實驗架構 ......................................................... 9
1.5論文架構 ......................................................... 9
第二章 基本原理 ........................................................ 10
2.1 非線性LEM模型 (non-linear Lumped Element Model) .................10
2.2 驅動電壓(V) 對液珠的接觸角餘弦值(cosθ)公式........................ 11
2.3 密度 ............................................................13
2.3.1 兩液混合之密度公式 .........................................13
2.4 表面張力 ........................................................15
2.4.1 兩液混合之表面張力公式 .....................................16
2.5 折射率 ...........................................................17
2.5.1 兩液混合之折射率公式 .......................................17
2.6 介電常數 .........................................................18
2.6.1 兩液混合之介電常數公式 .....................................18
2.7 黏度 ............................................................19
2.7.1 兩液混合之黏度公式 .........................................19
第三章 量測儀器介紹 .....................................................21
3.1 KEM DA-645 高精度液體密度計.....................................21
3.2 LAUDA TD1C表面張力計 ..........................................21
3.3 ATAGO DR-M2/1550折射度計.......................................22
3.4 Agilent E4980A精密型LCR METER .................................23
3.5 LAUDA DV-III Ultra CP流變儀......................................23
3.6 軟體Origin Pro 8 曲線擬合..........................................24
3.7 接觸角量測系統...................................................24
第四章 實驗果與討論......................................................26
4.1 密度 .............................................................26
4.2 表面張力..........................................................32
4.3 界面張力..........................................................38
4.4 折射度............................................................40
4.5 介電常數..........................................................46
4.6 黏度..............................................................52
4.7 電壓對液珠的接觸角餘弦值(cosθ) ....................................58
第五章 結論與討論........................................................76
第六章 未來工作..........................................................77
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