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作者(外文):Chen, Chao-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Design and Characterization of Mechanically-Coupled CMOS-MEMS Filters
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This work reports on the design and characterization of a mechanically-coupled CMOS-MEMS filter centered at several MHz with a narrow bandwidth and reasonable insertion loss after filter termination performed in a 4-port network analyzer. To implement a bandpass filter, the proposed filter structure produces two physical resonance modes, therefore forming a filter passband with a desired bandwidth by the use of the mechanical coupler at proper coupling locations.
By the use of a conventional filter design, the metal stacking layers in a foundry-oriented CMOS platform were used to fabricate the device structures, making great progress aligned with existing fabrication lines. To further reduce the motional impedance, the high-velocity coupled array and gap-reduction mechanism were adopted to create larger transduction areas and tiny gap spacing for capacitive transducers, respectively. However, due to the existence of undesired parasitics from a typical two-port configuration, the resonance response would be dwarfed and masked by the background feedthrough floor. Furthermore, the matching condition is also limited by shunt capacitance at the I/O ports for filter transmission, that significantly barricades the proper filter termination. To solve this issue, a pure motional response of the proposed filter can be extracted once the de-embedding scheme is carried out.
To attain the lower material loss, the silicon dioxide structure was developed in this work as well. Ideally, the SiO2 can provide better electromechanical coupling and higher quality factor as compared with the metal stacking counterparts. Based on the electrical isolation of the oxide structure, the filter devices can be operated in differential configuration via the balun function on the network analyzer. With that, the feedthrough parasitic can be evidently alleviated without any post-data processing, thus creating 30dB noise-floor improvement in filter performance.
第一章 前言 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 文獻回顧 5
1-3 文章架構 9
第二章 理論分析及元件模擬 11
2-1 理論模型的建立 11
2-1-1 機械系統 12
2-1-2 等效電路 13
2-1-3 雙端自由樑 (free-free beam) 共振器 16
2-2 機械濾波器模型 21
2-2-1 機械耦合樑模型 22
2-2-2 Termination考量 27
第三章 金屬複合結構 30
3-1元件設計與模擬 31
3-1-1 增加感應面積 32
3-1-2 縮減運動間隙 34
3-1-3 參數設計及模擬 36
3-2 元件製程與製作結果 38
3-2-1 CMOS-MEMS後製程 39
3-2-2製程結果檢視 41
3-3 量測設置及結果 44
3-3-1 元件寄生效應去除(De-Embedding)技術 44
3-3-2 共振器量測 46
3-3-3 溫度特性量測 49
3-3-4 濾波器量測 51
第四章 氧化物複合結構 60
4-1元件設計及模擬 61
4-2元件製程與製作結果 65
4-2-1 CMOS-MEMS後製程 65
4-2-2製程結果檢視 69
4-3 量測設置及結果 71
4-3-1 濾波器雙埠量測 72
4-3-2差分驅動式濾波器量測 77
第五章 結論與未來研究 82
5-1 結論 82
5-2 未來研究 84
第六章 參考文獻 86

Figure 1.1: 超外插(Superheterodyne)接收器架構示意圖 2
Figure 1.2: 直接降頻(Direct-Conversion)收發器架構示意圖 3
Figure 1.3: Low-IF接收器架構示意圖 4
Figure 1.4: Avago Tx/Rx 雙工器系統 7
Figure 1.5: CMOS-MEMS濾波器相關範例 8
Figure 2.1: 樑型共振元件及其二階系統等效模型 11
Figure 2.2: 電容式共振元件模型及其驅動方式 12
Figure 2.3: 自由樑截面示意圖 16
Figure 2.4: 共振器工作頻率藉由直流偏壓調變 20
Figure 2.5: 計入寄生效應之共振器等效電路 20
Figure 2.6: 雜散電容對於頻率響應之影響 20
Figure 2.7: 濾波器之機械模型與其頻率響應 21
Figure 2.8: 機械耦合樑示意圖及其T-shaped等效模型 22
Figure 2.9: 濾波器等效電路模型 25
Figure 2.10: 耦合樑長度與剛性之對應關係(Al, ws=hs=1um, fo=8MHz) 26
Figure 2.11: 耦合樑長度與頻寬之對應關係(Al, ws=hs=1um, fo=8MHz) 26
Figure 2.12: 濾波器Termination過程(CP = 0pF) 29
Figure 2.13: 濾波器Termination過程(CP = 1pF) 29
Figure 3.1: 金屬複合結構之濾波器元件示意圖 32
Figure 3.2: CMOS-MEMS自由樑濾波器之有限元素模態模擬 32
Figure 3.3: 陣列式設計示意圖 34
Figure 3.4: 吸附效應(Pull-In)示意圖 35
Figure 3.5: 基於金屬複合結構之濾波器響應模擬 36
Figure 3.6: TSMC 0.35um CMOS 2P4M 標準製程剖面圖 39
Figure 3.7: CMOS-MEMS元件後製作過程之前後比較 40
Figure 3.8: 雙端自由樑陣列式共振器之SEM全景圖 42
Figure 3.9: Pull-in外框與Meander Spring之SEM放大圖 42
Figure 3.10: 雙端自由樑陣列式濾波器之SEM全景圖 43
Figure 3.11: 機械耦合樑(Coupler) 之SEM放大圖 43
Figure 3.12: 共振器(a)開啟與(b)關閉之等效電路模型 46
Figure 3.13: 陣列式共振器單埠(One-Port)量測架設圖 47
Figure 3.14: 自由樑陣列式共振器之量測結果 48
Figure 3.15: 對應不同元件材料之TCf量測結果 50
Figure 3.16: 對應不同陣列數之TCf量測結果 51
Figure 3.17: 陣列式濾波器雙埠(Two-Port)量測架設圖 52
Figure 3.18: 陣列式濾波器雙埠(two-port)架構量測結果 52
Figure 3.19: 濾波器頻寬調變能力 53
Figure 3.20: De-Embedding與Termination技術示意圖 56
Figure 3.21: 濾波頻帶使用De-Embedding技術之響應結果 56
Figure 3.22: 濾波頻帶進行阻抗匹配後之響應結果 57
Figure 4.1: 基於蝕刻Metal1所達成之等效運動間隙 61
Figure 4.2: 基於蝕刻Poly2所達成之等效運動間隙 61
Figure 4.3: 氧化物複合結構之濾波器元件示意圖 63
Figure 4.4: 基於氧化物複合結構之濾波器響應模擬 63
Figure 4.5: 以Metal1空間作為運動間隙之元件後製作過程 66
Figure 4.6: 以Poly2空間作為運動間隙之元件後製作過程 68
Figure 4.7: 雙端自由樑陣列式濾波器之SEM全景圖 69
Figure 4.8: 機械耦合樑(Coupler) 之SEM放大圖 70
Figure 4.9: 以Metal1空間作為運動間隙之結構剖面 70
Figure 4.10: 以Poly2空間作為運動間隙之結構剖面 71
Figure 4.11: 陣列式濾波器雙埠(Two-Port) 量測架構 72
Figure 4.12: 濾波器量測結果─以M1空間作為感測間隙 74
Figure 4.13: 濾波器量測結果─以Poly2空間作為感測間隙 75
Figure 4.14: 濾波頻帶進行阻抗匹配後之響應結果 75
Figure 4.15: 陣列式濾波器差分驅動式量測架構 78
Figure 4.16: 濾波元件於差動與雙埠量測架構之響應比較 79
Figure 4.17: 濾波元件於差動架構下之阻抗匹配過程 80
Figure 4.18: 濾波頻帶進行阻抗匹配後之響應結果 80

Table 1.1: 中頻帶通濾波器規格表 4
Table 3.1: 單石式整合製程比較表 30
Table 3.2: 基於金屬堆疊之陣列式共振器設計參數 37
Table 3.3: 基於金屬堆疊之陣列式共振器規格 58
Table 3.4: 基於金屬堆疊之陣列式濾波器規格 59
Table 4.1: 基於氧化物複合材料之陣列式濾波器設計參數 64
Table 4.2: 雙埠架構下氧化物複合材料之陣列式濾波器規格 76
Table 4.3: 差動架構下氧化物複合材料之陣列式濾波器規格 81
Table 5.1: CMOS-MEMS濾波器比較 85
Table 5.2: 機械與電路式濾波器比較 85

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