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論文名稱(外文):Determine Recycle Fee to Maximize Profit under Cannibalization between New and Remanufactured Products
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隨者氣候變化越來越劇烈,近年來環保意識逐漸抬頭,許多國家制訂環保法令來要求企業,如歐盟的廢電子電機產品指令(WEEE) 規定大型家電的回收率是75%、小型家電是50%和消費性電子產品是65%。本論文建構兩個兩期的數學模型,探討新品及再製品之間的蠶食效應如何影響新品和再製品的價格以及回收費用,並在兼顧政府回收數量規定下使企業利潤最大化。在第一個模型中,假設第一期新品的價格是由市場決定,企業本身沒有定價能力。第二個模型則假設第一期新品的價格也是決策變數。在兩個模型中都推導出決策變數的封閉型解析解,並根據解析解推導討論管理洞見。
Because of the climate change, environmental protection attracts a lot of attention. Many countries establish green regulations and ask companies to take their responsibility. For example, European Union requires return rate of seventy five percent for large electronics, fifty percent for small appliances and sixty five percent for consumer electronics. In this research, two two-period models are developed to discuss how cannibalization between new and remanufactured product impacts the prices of new and remanufactured products and the recycle fee. The objective is to maximize the profit given that the recycle quantity meets government requirement. In the first model, the price of the new product in the first period is assumed given by the market. The company does not have enough bargaining power to set its own price. In the second models, the price of the new product in the first period is a decision variable. The closed form solutions of both models are found. The managerial insights are derived and discussed based on these closed form solutions.
摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
一、緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究背景 1
1.3研究目的 2
1.4研究架構 2
二、文獻探討 4
2.1再製造 4
2.2蠶食效應 6
2.3回收率與回收費用 7
2.4小結 8
三、問題描述與假設 9
3.1問題描述 9
3.2基本假設 11
3.2.1市場價量函數 11
3.2.2 回收限制 12
3.2.3 回收費用為回收率的函數 12
四、模型建構 13
4.1利潤最大化模型 13
4.2求解結果 14
4.2.1情況一 15
4.2.2情況二 20
4.2.3情況三 25
4.3小結 30
五、敏感度分析 32
5.1情況一 32
5.2情況二 35
5.3情況三 38
六、第一期新品價格為變數的模型建構 40
6.1利潤最大化模型 40
6.2求解結果 41
6.2.1情況一 42
6.2.2情況二 48
6.3實驗設計 53
6.3.1情況一 58
6.3.2情況二 63
七、結論與未來研究 67
7.1結論 67
7.2未來研究 68
參考文獻 69
附錄一 73
附錄二 76

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