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作者(外文):Huang, Shih-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Using Shape context with Spatial Information for Character Recognition in Natural Images
外文關鍵詞:Shape contextsNatural scene imagescharacter recognitionspatial information
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本研究針對ICDAR 2003所提供的自然場景字元影像資料集(數字0~9與大寫英文字母A~Z,共5100張)進行辨識,得到最佳化形狀內容特徵參數,並且討論不同空間資訊參數對辨識結果的影響。相較於傳統形狀內容特徵對應方法,本研究所提出之方法,在辨識率與處理速度都有大幅的提升。
Natural scene images contain a variety of characters in different type of fonts. The camera and environmental factors could cause the characters to be deformed and be broken. The deformable and broken images make it hard to be recognized. Based on the property of shape context, this method can be used for natural scene images of the characters in different type of fonts, even allowing a few deformed in characters. Therefore, this study selected the shape contexts as feature for character recognition in natural scene images.
Traditionally, the shape contexts method requires multiple iterations to make feature point matching and each iteration used the Hungarian algorithm to optimize for feature point correspondence. Because the Hungarian algorithm requires a lot of computing time, the time complexity is O (n3). Therefore, this study added the two-dimensional spatial information of feature points, each feature points given the label from different spatial information. Only the corresponding feature point with the same label would be matched, without the need for iteration. The proposed method will improve character recognition speed and efficiency.
This study used the data set of ICDAR 2003 (digits 0 through 9 and the uppercase letters A ~ Z, a total of 5100 images) for character recognition. Based on the experimental results, this study got the best shape context parameters and the effect of different parameters of spatial information could be discussed. Compared to the traditional shape contexts of the corresponding method, the proposed method’s recognition rate and the processing speed improved dramatically.
摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 簡介 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 形狀內容-(Shape context) 7
2.2 矩量特徵 12
2.2.1 Hu矩量 12
2.2.2 Zernike矩量 13
2.3 區域特徵-Zoning 14
2.4 紋理特徵-賈伯特徵 15
2.5 小結 19
第三章 研究方法 21
3.1 前處理 23
3.1.1 輪廓擷取 24
3.1.2 取樣 27
3.2 形狀內容特徵擷取 27
3.3 成本矩陣計算 28
3.3.1 樣板影像 29
3.3.2 形狀特徵成本矩陣 30
3.3.3 梯度方向成本矩陣 30
3.4 空間排序對應 32
3.5 K最鄰近演算法(k-nearest neighbor, KNN) 34
第四章 結果與討論 36
4.1前處理分析 37
4.2 形狀內容參數分析 39
4.2.1 取樣點數分析 40
4.2.2 半徑參數設定 41
4.2.3 角度參數設定 43
4.2.4 成本矩陣參數調整 44
4.3 空間資訊參數分析 46
4.4 綜合討論 49
第五章 結論與未來展望 58
5.1 結論 58
5.2 未來展望 59
參考文獻 61
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