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作者(外文):Chao, Kang-Ju
論文名稱(外文):Application of Carbon Decoration and Graphene Quantum Dots in Hydrogen Generation through Photocatalytic Water Splitting
指導教授(外文):Lu, Shih-Yuan
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  • 評分評分:*****
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光觸媒產氫研究為內照式反應系統,其中使用甲醇為系統中的犧牲劑,於400W 高壓汞燈照射下進行反應。發現碳修飾可作為助觸媒的角色,效能達P25光觸媒之3-4倍,產氫效率最高可達24.8 mmol/h‧g,且碳含量有一最佳值為1 wt%。另外在沒有加入甲醇犧牲試劑的情況下,P25/C光觸媒效率可達到479.8
另一方面,自從石墨烯材料問世之後,隨即掀起研究熱潮,石墨烯2D結構具備高導電度、高比表面積、高電子移動率等優點。石墨烯氧化物大小約為10 nm以下,測量出可吸收波長約300 nm,為紫外光波段,並具有螢光放光之特性,此為具有半導體特性之石墨烯量子點。本研究首先將石墨烯氧化物量子點用於光催化產氫。使用碳纖維為起始材料在120℃溫度條件下,製備出石墨烯氧化物量子點之均勻分散水溶液,由穿透式電子顯微鏡分析尺寸約在3-6 nm之間,原子力顯微鏡結果顯示石墨烯氧化物量子點具有1-2個原子厚度,在不含有犧牲試劑的情況下,於400 W高壓汞燈照射下進行反應,發現具有產氫能力,光照時產氫速率約為11 μmol/hr,在還原完成之後,石墨烯量子點產氫之活性漸漸下降,可產氫照光時間約為14小時。且在照光之後,溶液的顏色明顯從橘黃色變為透明。高解析電子能譜儀分析顯示,在照光的過程之中,含氧官能基會大幅減少,顯示有光還原的作用,與溶液顏色的變化相符。由紫外光/可見光吸收光譜儀以及光激發螢光頻譜分析,發現石墨烯氧化物而在不具有含氧化官能基情況下,半導體特性大幅減少,故不能持續產生電子電洞對用以還原水產生氫氣。
Semiconductor photocatalysts, possessing suitable band gaps, are able to absorb solar energy and generate electron/hole pairs. When the electron/hole pairs successfully migrate to the surfaces of the photocatalyst, they may reduce and oxidize water to generate hydrogen and oxygen, respectively. This is a green process but it suffers from low efficiencies. If we are able to reduce the electron-hole recombination, the photocatalytic efficiency would be improved.
A simple carbon decoration, involving only immersion in adipic acid followed by calcination in N2 atmosphere, was developed to prepare thin carbon layer decorated TiO2 nanoparticles. The thin carbon layer was in tight contact with the TiO2 domain and served as an electron trapping centre to improve charge separations necessary for enhancement in photocatalytic water splitting performance of the TiO2 nanoparticles. With an optimal carbon loading of 0.3 wt%, a four-fold improvement was achieved for hydrogen production as compared with that achieved by pristine TiO2 nanoparticles. This simple carbon decoration provides a promising low-cost alternative to traditional Pt-decoration approaches for enhancing hydrogen productions from photocatalytic water splitting.
The second part of the thesis concerns the preparation of graphene oxide quantum dots and their application in photocatalytic water splitting. Graphene, a single layer of graphite, has the characteristics of high conductivities, high surface areas, and high electron mobilities. It has been shown that graphene oxides with a size below 10 nm can absorb UV lights shorter than 300 nm and exhibit significant photoluminescent emissions, implying the semiconductor features of the graphene oxide quantum dots.
In this work, graphene oxide quantum dots were applied for photocatalytic hydrogen production for the first time. Well dispersed graphene oxide quantum dots in aqueous solution were prepared from carbon fibers under 120℃ heat treatment. According to HRTEM analyses, the size of the graphene oxide quantum dots was about 3 to 6 nm. From the AFM analyses, these graphene oxide quantum dots were with a thickness of 1 to 2 atomic layers. Without use of any sacrificial reagent, the graphene oxide quantum dots showed the ability of hydrogen production with a rate of 11μmol/hr under irradiation of a 400 W high-pressure mercury lamp. During the reaction, the oxygen-containing functional groups of the graphene oxide quantum dots were gradually reduced, leading to formation of graphene quantum dots. The activity of the graphene oxide quantum dots gradually decreased with increasing irradiation time. The hydrogen evolution ceased after 14 hours. The color of the graphene oxide quantum dot suspension turned transparent from orange during the reaction. According to the high resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the oxygen-containing functional groups of the graphene oxide quantum dots were significantly reduced after exposing the suspension to the light source, which indicates the photo-reduction of the graphene oxide quantum dots. From the UV-visible and photoluminescence spectra, the reduced graphene quantum dots lost their semiconductor features.
摘要 I
圖目錄 III
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2 Honda-Fujishima effect 2
1-3光催化水分解原理 3
1-4 電子電洞對的分離 6
1-4-1 犧牲試劑的作用 6
1-4-2 助觸媒的使用 7
1-4-3 不同能隙半導體異質接面(heterojunction) 8
1-5 光催化水分解裝置 9
1-6 研究動機 10
第二章 文獻回顧 11
2-1 助觸媒的負載與功用 11
2-1二氧化鈦光觸媒之碳修飾 13
2-3石墨烯氧化物產氫反應 22
2-4 石墨烯氧化物量子點製作及特性 27
第三章 實驗方法與儀器原理 34
3-1 實驗藥品 34
3-2 儀器與實驗設備 36
3-3光觸媒製備 40
3-4 石墨烯氧化物量子點製備 41
3-5 分析儀器原理簡介 42
3-6光觸媒產氫儀器設置與分析 44
3-6-1 懸浮式光照反應器 46
4-1 碳修飾二氧化鈦光觸媒 49
4-1-1 碳材之選用 49
4-1-2 碳材二氧化鈦複合物基本物性鑑定 50
4-1-3 碳材之助觸媒效應 55
4-2石墨烯氧化物量子點分析與產氫應用 59
4-2-1石墨烯氧化物量子點基本物性鑑定 59
4-2-1鹽類離子產氫空白實驗 63
4-2-2石墨烯氧化物量子點產氫分析 64
第五章 結論 68
第六章 參考文獻 70
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