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作者(外文):Wu, Tzu Ho
論文名稱(外文):Optimising cell voltage and understanding charge storage mechanism of transition metal oxides and hydroxides for aqueous supercapacitors
Hardwick, Laurence
指導教授(外文):Hu, Chi Chang
Hardwick, Laurence
Cowan, Alexander
口試委員(外文):Wan, Chi Chao
Wen, Ten Chin
Teng, Hsis Heng
Wei, Tzu Chien
Cowan, Alexander
外文關鍵詞:Supercapacitorsaqueouscell voltagetransition metal oxidestransition metal hydroxides
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  • 點閱點閱:167
  • 評分評分:*****
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This study focuses on aqueous electrochemical capacitors (ECs) for optimising the cell voltage and understanding the charge storage mechanism of transition metal oxides and hydroxides. The first part discusses how to optimise cell voltage of symmetric and asymmetric ECs. In Chapter 4, a commercial activated carbon (ACS–679) was employed as an electroactive material to demonstrate the necessity of charge–balanced condition of aqueous symmetric ECs in order to improve the utilisation of electrochemically stable potential window of electroactive material. Besides, the effect of stable open–circuit potential on electroactive materials is also addressed here. The concept is on the basis of electrochemical charge–balance principle, therefore, it is believed to be applicable to all the symmetric ECs no matter what kind of material is used as electroactive material. The charge–balanced electric double–layer capacitors (EDLCs) was assembled to evaluate the acceptable cell voltage by means of electrochemical analyses, including cyclic voltammogram, constant current charge–discharge, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and inductance–capacitance–resistance meter measurements. Moreover, charge–unbalanced EDLCs were used to demonstrate the necessity of charge balance in symmetric ECs since those exhibit lower cell voltage and specific energy compared with the charge–balanced case. Similarly, in Chapter 5, asymmetric ECs consisting of reduce graphene oxide and manganese oxide (RGO//MnOx) were employed as an example to establish criteria for determining the highest acceptable cell voltage of asymmetric ECs with excellent reversibility and capacitor−like behaviour. It is very useful to evaluate the practical specific energy of asymmetric ECs by understanding the highest acceptable cell voltage. Besides, RGO//RuO2 was also demonstrated to verify the validity of the proposed criteria.
The second part probes the charge storage mechanism of transition metal oxides and hydroxides in aqueous ECs. In Chapter 6, a wide–ranging study on electrochemical activation from Mn3O4 to MnO2 in 0.5 M Na2SO4 medium were presented, which includes in operando monitoring of the structural evolution during the activation process via in situ Raman microscopy. Other advanced material characterisation techniques, such as powder X–ray diffraction, X–ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy, were also applied to analyse the as–prepared and activated MnOx. Due to the structural disordering of electrochemically activated birnessite−MnO2 and residual Mn3O4, the charge storage is attributable to the redox reaction between Mn(III) and Mn(IV) at outer surface active sites, rather than cations and/or protons intercalation into layer structures. In Chapter 7, the redox behaviours of γ−NiOOH/α−Ni(OH)2 in various electrolytes (LiOH, NaOH, KOH, CsOH and NH4OH) are discussed. The charge storage mechanism of γ−NiOOH/α−Ni(OH)2 was studied by means of EQCM and in situ Raman microscopy. Moreover, the computational simulation (DFT+U) based on EQCM results gives a better idea on the compositional changes in the first few potential cycles. The insertion/removal of Li+ does not alter the content of water inside the structure, while the insertion of Na+ and K+ leads to a significant removal of water. The removed water molecules cannot be reversibly re−inserted back into the nickel structure, leading to the loss of water molecules in Ni(OH)2 structure during charge–discharge process. The capability to retain water molecules inside the Ni(OH)2 is crucial for the stability of γ−NiOOH/α−Ni(OH)2 redox reaction.
Chapter 1 1
Introduction and Objective 1
Chapter 2 7
Literature Review 7
2.1 Aqueous Electric Double–Layer Capacitors (EDLCs) 7
2.2 Manganese Oxide Pseudocapacitors 14
2.3 Carbon//Manganese Oxide Aqueous Asymmetric ECs 29
2.4 Charge Storage Mechanisms of Manganese Oxides 35
2.5 Raman Spectroscopic Applications 50
2.6 Electrochemically Activated Manganese Oxide 57
2.7 Redox Mechanism of NiOOH/Ni(OH)2 62
Chapter 3 69
Experimental Methods 69
3.1 Chemicals and Instruments 69
3.1.1 Chemicals 69
3.1.2 Instruments 71
3.2 Experimental 72
3.2.1 Preparation of Graphene Oxide 72
3.2.2 Preparation of Manganese Oxide 72
3.2.3 Microwave–Assisted Hydrothermal Reduction of Graphene Oxide 73
3.2.4 Graphite Substrate Pretreatment 73
3.2.5 Electrodeposition of Ni(OH)2 74
3.3 Electrochemical Analyses 74
3.3.1 Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) 76
3.3.2 Chronopotentiometry (CP) 78
3.3.3 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) 80
3.3.4 Inductance–Capacitance–Resistance Meter (LCR) 82
3.3.5 Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance (EQCM) 83
3.4 Textural Analysis 84
3.4.1 X–ray Diffraction (XRD) 84
3.4.2 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 85
3.4.3 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 85
3.4.4 Nitrogen Adsorption/desorption Isotherms 86
3.4.5 Raman Spectroscopy 87
3.4.6 X–ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) 91
3.4.7 X–ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) 92
Chapter 4 93
Important Parameters Affecting the Cell Voltage of Aqueous Electric double–Layer Capacitors (EDLCs) 93
4.1 Motivation 93
4.2 Open–circuit Potential Effect on EDLCs 94
4.3 Establish Criteria for Aqueous EDLCs 98
4.4 Necessity of Charge Balance in EDLCs 109
4.5 Overall Capacitive Performances of Charge–balanced and –unbalanced EDLCs 118
4.6 Conclusion 122
Chapter 5 124
Criteria for Appointing the Highest Acceptable Cell Voltage of RGO//MnOx Asymmetric ECs 124
5.1 Motivation 124
5.2 Establish Criteria for RGO//MnOx Asymmetric ECs by Electrochemical Methods 125
5.3 Criteria Validation by RGO//RuO2 Asymmetric ECs 134
5.4 Conclusions 137
Chapter 6 138
Charge Storage Mechanism of Electrochemically Activated Manganese Oxide Composites 138
6.1 Motivation 138
6.2 Chemical Synthesised As–prepared MnOx 139
6.3 Electrochemical Activation Process of MnOx 145
6.4 Charge Storage Mechanism of Electrochemically Activated MnOx 156
6.5 Conclusions 164
Chapter 7 165
A New Redox Mechanism of Ni(OH)2 and Its Phase Transformation 165
7.1 Motivation 165
7.2 Electrochemical Behaviours of Ni(OH)2 166
7.3 In situ Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Ni(OH)2 177
7.4 The Proposed New Redox Mechanism of Ni(OH)2 183
7.5 Conclusions 187
Chapter 8 189
Summary and Future Works 189
References 193
Appendix 205
Acronyms 219
Curriculum Vitae 222

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