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論文名稱(外文):Efficiency enhancement of large area Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell by hydrogen-assisted Se vapor selenization process
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為因應世界能源短缺,可重複使用、乾淨的能源為下一世代考量的重點。 CIGS為第二代薄膜太陽能電池,具有高吸收係數、能源回收期短短、成本低廉及高穩定性等競爭優勢。瑞士EMPA研究機構已發展出效率20.4%之高效率CIGS太陽能電池,其未來應用於市場之潛力十分龐大。
效率顯示0%氫氣之效率最低,隨著氫氣比例的增加,在5%~15%時效率、填滿因子及開路電壓均可達到最佳的數值,但隨著氫氣超過15%,效率會隨之下降。材料分析部分,從CIGS薄膜SEM結果可發現:未通入氫氣的試片會影響CIGS/Mo接面造成試片效率的低落及短路。ESCA觀測到貧銅現象與效率呈現正相關,表面Na含量在15%時會達到極值且DLCP中可發現鈉效應現象的增加。LT-PL為探測CIGS缺陷的重要材料分析儀器之一,可在低溫環境下得到試片主要的缺陷種類。此次研究中發現到DAP1/BI比值中(相對強度)與效率呈現正相關,VSe在薄膜表面形成大量的結構使得本徵p-n結之形成,對於電子電洞分離不被缺陷捕捉有很大的貢獻,同時TEM-EDS分析發現同質接面變寬之現象,從中衍伸的電子電洞複合現象的減少造成p-n結優化的說法可從PL mapping中得知。
摘要 3
Abstract I
誌謝 III
Contents目錄 IV
List of Figures VII
List of table IX
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Preface 1
1.2. Basic principle and characteristic of solar cell 3
1.3. CIGS solar cell introduction 8
1.3.1. CIGS introduction and development potential 8
1.3.2. CIGS device structure 9
1.4. CIGS solar cell development 14
1.5. Paper review 21
Chapter 2 Experiment and Analysis Instrument 22
2.1. Fabrication instrument 22
2.1.1. In-line sputtering system 22
2.1.2. Large scale selenization furnace 23
2.2. Analysis instrument 23
2.2.1. Solar cell simulator system 23
2.2.2. Scanning electron microscope, SEM 26
2.2.3. Energy dispersive spectrometers, EDS 27
2.2.4. X-ray diffraction analysis, XRD 28
2.2.5. Raman scattering analysis, Raman 29
2.2.6. Photoluminescence system, PL 30
2.2.7. Time-Resolved Photoluminescence, TRPL 32
2.2.8. Drive-level capacitance profiling, DLCP 33
2.2.9. Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis, ESCA 34
2.2.10. Secondary ion mass spectrometry, SIMS 35
Chapter 3 Experimental 37
3.1. CIGS solar cell fabrication 37
3.1.1. Soda-lime glass cleaning 37
3.1.2. Mo electrode deposition 38
3.1.3. CIG precursor sputtering 39
3.1.4. CIGS selenization process 40
3.1.5. CdS buffer layer deposition 41
3.1.6. ZnO/ITO window layer and Al electrode fabrication 42
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 43
4.1. CIGS thin film analysis 43
4.1.1. SEM analysis of microstructural and morphology 43
4.1.2. X-ray diffraction & Raman scattering spectrum analysis 45
4.1.3. ESCA analysis of surface composition 47
4.1.4. SIMS analysis of depth profiles of elemental distributions 50
4.2. CIGS solar cell analysis 52
4.2.1. DLCP analysis of carrier density 52
4.2.2. TEM&EDS analysis of CIGS/CdS interface 53
4.2.3. TRPL analysis of CIGS hetero-junction property 55
4.2.4. LT-PL analysis of CIGS defects 57
4.3. Electrical property of CIGS solar cell 59
4.3.1. Efficiency measurements of CIGS solar cell 59
4.4. Mechanism of CIGS with hydrogen treatment 61
4.4.1. Mechanism of CIGS with hydrogen treatment 61
Chapter 5 Conclusion 64
5.1. Conclusion 64
5.2. Future work 65
Reference 68

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