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作者(外文):Hung, Ying Chan
論文名稱(外文):Investigation on Water Layers on Free-standing Films and Self-assembled Tin Dioxide for Resistive Random-access Memory Application
指導教授(外文):Yew, Tri Rung
外文關鍵詞:water layers on free-standing surfacesresistive-switching devices
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水膜的厚度與結構。實驗結果發現有一 100~170 奈米厚的水膜形成,且此水膜的厚度並不受到微流道的高度、奈米顆粒的濃度、以及奈米顆粒大小所影響。本研究進一步分析發現,此 100~170 奈米厚水膜只會在無基材支撐的懸空氮化矽薄膜觀測窗上形成,並且水膜層厚度受到觀測窗薄膜厚度影響,因此本研究提出假說將懸空觀測窗與水膜層視為一個系統,其總厚度為 470 nm,並且這個系統的特性表現出 Casimir-Lifshitz effect。本研究的結果將能應用於微流道的設計、定量分析溶液中奈米顆粒的濃度、與觀測顆粒團聚狀態。
(Ag/ITO/SnO2-x/SnS/Mo),達成可變電阻的功能。分析發現,可變電阻的效應由錫摻雜氧化銦與二氧化錫的介面貢獻,而 n 型二氧化錫與 p 型硫化亞錫形成之 pn 接面可當作可變電阻的開關(selector);此可變電阻的操作電壓(set/reset voltage)低,分別為 Vset = 0.38 V 與 Vreset = - 0.15 V;高低組態阻值比高達 544 倍;此元件不需要 forming process 且有非線性電流電壓特性曲線;且將此多層膜堆疊作成微米結構時也可保有電阻轉換的效應。因此本電阻式記憶體元件在省電且高記憶密度的記憶體元件上,深具應用的潛力。
There are two research topics in this work. The first one is the investigation on water layers on free-standing surfaces. Herein, it was observed that a 100–170 nm-thick water layer formed on the free-standing Si3N4 films in
microchannel chips designed for observing liquid samples by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). This water layer is surprisingly stable against the surface tension of water, and its thickness is beyond expectation.
In this work, the thickness and the structure of water layers were analyzed by electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and the quantitative particle counting method. Results show that the thickness of water layers is insensitive to microchannel gap heights, particle concentrations, and particle sizes. Furthermore, the microchannel was opened after forming water layers. It was found that the water layers formed only on free-standing Si3N4 films, and there is no water layer formed on the Si3N4 deposited on a Si substrate. Consequently,
the water layer and the free-standing Si3N4 film together sandwiched by the air were taken as a system remaining at a constant total thickness. The Casimir-Lifshitz effect may have played a role in forming and/or holding stable
of these free-standing layer systems.
The second topic in the work is focused on self-assembled tin dioxide for resistive-switching devices. Resistive random access memory is a promising device compared to current mainstream memories. In this study, a forming-free resistive switching structure, Ag/tin-doped indium oxide (ITO)/SnO2-x (defined as SnO2 with oxygen vacancies)/SnS/Mo was demonstrated with nonlinear
current–voltage characteristics, low set/reset voltage, and high on-state to off-state ratio. The interface between ITO and self-assembled SnO2-x contributes
to the resistive-switching behavior. Besides, a p-n junction of p-SnS/n-SnO2-x acts as a selector. Hence, it shows great potential for low-power devices and
solving the sneak path problem in cross-bar memory arrays. Furthermore, a micro-/nano-structured resistive switching device was demonstrated successfully.
List of Figures.............................................................................................XII
List of Tables...........................................................................................XVII
Part A Investigation of Water Layers on Free-standing Films .........1
Chapter A1 Introduction to liquids on solid surfaces..............................1
A1.1 Physical phenomena of liquids on solid surfaces .......................1
A1.2 Motivation of this work...............................................................2
Chapter A2 Literature review....................................................................3
A2.1 The water layer on free-standing solid films ..............................3
A2.2 Conventional understanding of water layer adsorbed on solid
surfaces .......................................................................................4
A2.3 Casimir-Lifshitz effect, the long-ranged van der Waals force....4
A2.4 The free-standing water layer – soap bubbles.............................7
Chapter A3 Experimental procedure and instruments for
investigation on water layers ......................................................................10
A3.1 K-kit: the microchannel device .................................................10
A3.2 Experimental procedure for making water layers.....................11
A3.3 Instruments used in water layer characterization......................15
A3.3.1 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) ...........................15
A3.3.2 Scanning electron microscope (SEM) ...................................20
Chapter A4 Results and discussion of the investigation on water
A4.1 The optimal procedure to form water layers.............................21
A4.2 Measuring water layer thickness by EELS ...............................24
A4.3 Exploring the structure and the thickness of water layers by the
quantitative particle counting method ......................................25
A4.3.1 The structure of water layers.................................................25
A4.3.2 The effect of PS-bead concentration/size and the K-kit gap
height on water layer thickness.............................................28
A4.3.3 The effect of Si-substrate on water layer thickness.............31
A4.3.4 The effect of nitride layer thickness on water layer
thickness………………………………………………..…… 37
A4.3.5 The ethanol layers...................................................................42
A4.4 The mechanism of forming water layers ..................................43
Chapter A5 Conclusion.............................................................................50
Chapter A6 Future prospect ....................................................................51
Part B Self-assembled Tin Dioxide for Forming-free Resistive
Random-access Memory Application ........................................................52
Chapter B1. Introduction of the resistive random-access memory
B1.1 Advantages of the resistive random-access memory (RRAM) 52
B1.2 Working principles of RRAM...................................................54
B1.2.1 Forming process of resistive-switching devices....................55
B1.2.2 Operation procedure of RS devices.......................................55
B1.2.3 Key performance indexes of RRAM .....................................56
B1.3 Sneak path problem...................................................................57
B1.4 Motivation of this work.............................................................59
Chapter B2. Literature review.................................................................61
B2.1 Resistive-switching mechanisms ..............................................61
B2.2 Materials for RS devices...........................................................63
B2.3 I–V nonlinearity ........................................................................64
Chapter B3. Experimental procedure and instruments to fabricate
resistive-switching devices...........................................................................65
B3.1 Experimental procedure ............................................................65
B3.2 Experimental instrument ...........................................................70
B3.2.1 Grazing incidence X-ray diffractometer (GIXRD)..............70
B3.2.2 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) ...........................72
B3.2.3 Electrical measurement and instrument...............................74
Chapter B4. Results and discussion of RS devices.................................75
B4.1 Thin-filmed resistive-switching devices...................................75
B4.1.1 The effect of self-assembled SnO2-x layers on RS devices....75
B4.1.2 The effect of an ITO layer on RS devices .............................78
B4.1.3 Optimized thin-filmed resistive-switching devices...............79
B4.2 Nanostructured resistive-switching devices..............................81
B4.2.1 Thermal evaporating SnS layers ...........................................81
B4.2.2 Nanostructured resistive-resisting switching devices..........82
B4.3 Discussion on the mechanism of resistive switching for
Chapter B5. Conclusion............................................................................87
Chapter B6. Future prospect....................................................................88
Reference ......................................................................................................89
List of publication and patent.....................................................................95
Chapter S1. Experimental procedure of the preparation of K-kit.......99
Chapter S2. Results and discussion of the preparation of K-kit ..........99
S2.1. Pretesting loading the solution in K-kits...................................99
S2.2. The effect of surface conditions and the structure of
microchannels on the loading and drying processes ...........101
S2.3. The effect of heating on drying processes ..............................105
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