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作者(外文):Pan, Chih-Hao
論文名稱(外文):The study of interfacial electronic structures of different long-chain molecules on top of the uniform silver thin films by ARPES
外文關鍵詞:ARPESorganic thin filmsilver thin filmwork functionphotoemissionquantum well state
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  • 點閱點閱:524
  • 評分評分:*****
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We have studied the system of TTC and PFT on uniform silver thin films. The interfacial properties between the organic molecules and the uniform silver thin film can be probed by the use of the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). After the deposition of the organic molecules onto the silver surface, we found the change of energy position of the QWS and the change of the vacuum level, and these phenomena can be attributed to the result of the change of the interfacial potential at the organic/metal interface. From our results, we found that the vacuum level shift toward opposite directions and these results might come from the difference of the electron affinity of TTC and the PFT. By introducing the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule and the modified image potential model, the dielectric constant of the organic thin film can be extracted.
摘要 I


致謝 III

1.導論 1

2.基礎理論 3

2.1表面態 3
2.2 量子井態 5
2.3 鏡像位能模型 8
2.4有機材料的電子結構 11
2.5介面電子結構 13
2.6 有機材料 17
2.6.1 Tetratetracontane (TTC) 分子 17
2.6.2 Perfluorotetracosane (PFT)分子 19

3.實驗儀器與原理 22

3.1超高真空 24
3.2 離子濺射槍 (sputter gun) 26
3.3 蒸鍍槍 (Knudsen cell) 27
3.4 低能量電子繞射儀 (LEED) 28
3.5 同步輻射光源 31
3.6 光電子能譜 33
3.6.1 簡介 33
3.6.2 光電效應理論模型 35
3.6.3 角解析光電子能譜 39
3.6.4 電子能量分析儀 42
3.6.5 接收模式 45
3.6.6 解析度 46

4.樣品製備與分析方法 47

4.1樣品製備 47
4.1.1清潔鍺(111)表面 47
4.1.2成長銀薄膜與沉積有機薄膜 49
4.2功函數量測與分析 52
4.3計算有機薄膜介電常數 55

5.實驗結果 58

5.1真空能階偏移(Vacuum Level Shift) 58
5.1.1 TTC分子/銀薄膜/鍺(111) 58
5.1.2 PFT分子/銀薄膜/鍺(111) 61
5.2 有機薄膜的介電常數 65
5.2.1 TTC薄膜介電常數 65
5.2.2 PFT薄膜介電常數 68

6.總結 71

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