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作者(外文):Huang, Yi-Chen
論文名稱(外文):Study of Efficiency Enhancement of the W-Band Gyro-Backward Wave Oscillator
指導教授(外文):Chang, Tsun-Hsu
口試委員(外文):Chu, Kwo-Ray
Hung, Chien-Lun
Chen, Shih-Hung
Yeh, Yi-Sheng
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:585
  • 評分評分:*****
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The gyro-BWO(gyrotron backward wave oscillator) is a promising source of coherent millimeter-wave based on the ECM(Electron Cyclotron Maser) interaction. The facts that oscillation is formed by an internal feedback loop enables a gyro-BWO to use a non-resonant structure, hence the frequency of a gyro-BWO can be tuned broadly and continuously. However, the facts that the field profile tends to concentrate in front of the interaction structure when a gyro-BWO is working, strongly affects the interaction between electrons and wave, and this usually ruins the efficiency of a gyro-BWO. Hence the main idea of this study is to realize the basic characteristic and enhance the efficiency of a gyro-BWO.
W-band gyro-BWO is the main target of this study, and all the working parameters of this study is based on our W-band MIG gun, which has been designed and fabricated by Dr. C.P. Yuan, and the result is compared with our previous study on Ka-band gyro-BWO.
In small-signal operation, the behavior of the gyro-BWO is linear. The number of axial modes is strongly related to the times of energy deposition between electrons and wave. On the other hand, in nonlinear operation, the efficiency saturates with growing current or interaction length, which is result from the contraction of the internal feedback loop and hence contracts the field profiles.
Last of all, according to previous paper, we do some optimize to enhance the efficiency of W-band gyro-BWO by tapering our interaction structure quiet smoothly. The result shows that our by-tapering structure gives about 23%~30% in efficiency from 94GHz to 99GHz in oscillation frequency.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1兆赫茲微波簡介 1
1.2微波產生方式簡介 2
1.3磁旋管簡介 5
1.4電子迴旋脈射之原理 7
1.5論文概述 10
第二章 非線性理論計算公式 11
2.1電磁波的場方程式 12
2.2電子動力學 17
2.3電子初始分佈 20
2.4邊界條件 22
2.5轉換至慢速座標 24
第三章 磁旋返波振盪器之介紹與特性 28
3.1磁旋返波振盪器的基本原理與發展 28
3.2磁旋返波振盪器的線性行為 31
3.3磁旋返波振盪器的飽和行為 35
第四章 磁旋返波振盪器之效率分析與優化 41
4.1傾斜波導管結構對效率之影響 42
4.2雙段傾斜結構 50
第五章 結論 53
參考文獻 55
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