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論文名稱(中文):以脈衝式熱管原理與二氧化鈦光觸媒親水特性 製作高效能解凍板之研究
論文名稱(外文):Research of the Defrosting Plate By Using Principle Pulsating Heat Pipe Theory with and Photocatalytic Hydrophilic Properties of TiO2
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經實驗證明具有較多迴路的編號1001解凍板且填充率在85%下具有較佳的解凍性能,且有0.0612(g/s)的冰塊溶解速率,而1001解凍板在填充率85%與功率9W的條件下總熱阻值為最低的0.039(oC/W)比一般的純鋁板做為解凍板之總熱阻值還來的低。而鍍抹上TiO2後的解凍板冰塊溶解時間更比未鍍抹的解凍板快上約30秒,證明表面光觸媒化後的解凍板由於親水性的特性使其具備較佳的解凍性能,而在UV LED抑制生物生長實驗暴露劑量在約11.61(J/天),約為每日照射2.5W的UV LED 45分鐘就即可達到明顯抑菌效果。
Heat pipe used in electronic component cooling mechanisms become popular increasingly, such as the traditional heat pipes, loop heat pipe, pulsating heat pipe, etc. This study is the use of a pulsating heat pipe excellent features to produce high performance products. Pulsating heat pipe is a new type of cooling technology, it has arbitrary length and continuous by using of the capillary loops and bends enough into many different shapes, mainly by the gas-liquid two-phase actuation principle. It can be effectively conducted heat source from the high temperature to the low temperature area, which is a highly efficient energy the heat transfer device.
Due to pulsating heat pipe is simple structure can be arbitrarily curved excellent features, it has been found to be widely used, that beyond the traditional heat pipe and has excellent heat transfer characteristics. According the advantages by using the above properties, we can develop the principle of application to use in defrosting plate for the fresh meat or frozen food.
We choice Aluminum plate which has low thermal resistance and high performance in thermal conduction, then using CNC machining to carve the fluid loop channel of pulsating heat pipe for the two-phase working zone, and the filling working fluid is methanol. Discuss the different geometry、 filling rate of defrosting plate to find out the excellent specifications and fastest defrosting ice melt time, the experiment also the use of UV irradiation TiO2 photocatalyst, the resulting hydrophilic properties, it can easily make the ice-melting water to spread around in the plate, trying to increase the water covered in defrosting plate area.
The experiment proved the both type 1001-plate that having the large number of loop and the filling rate in 85%, which has better performance in ice-melting (the rate is 0.0612 [g / s]) of the ice dissolution rate, In addition to the type 1001-plate also has the lowest in total thermal resistance (0.039[oC/W] ) than Aluminum plate under the condition in FR-85% and 9W. The coated TiO2 on defrosting plate in ice-melting time is faster than uncoated defrosting plate about 30 seconds. It show the proof about after the photocatalytic plate surface can be better in defrosting performance due to the hydrophilic properties. In the other hand, in UV LED inhibiting biological growth in experimental exposure dose at about 11.61 (J/day), which is about 2.5W of daily exposure to UV LED 45 minutes to reach significant inhibitory effect.

摘要 I
致謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX

第一章 前言 1
1.1 緒論 1
1.2 脈衝式熱管簡介 2
1.3 研究目的 3

第二章 理論分析 13
2.1. 脈動式熱管的尺度效應 13
2.2. 熱管與脈動式熱管的工作原理比較 13
2.3. 關於潛熱和顯份額的理論分析 14
2.4. 物理模型 14
2.5. 數學模型 14
2.6. 解凍板示意圖與熱阻量測 15
2.7. 解凍板熱擴散率量測與開發 17
2.8. 解凍板比熱容量測原理與熱傳導係數 20
2.9. 工質填充最佳化設計 23
2.10. 光觸媒的簡介 25
2.10.1 光觸媒之催化原理 26
2.10.2 光催化劑之原理 27
2.11. 光觸媒製備法 29
2.12. UV LED 抑菌性實驗 30

第三章 實驗工具及裝置 32
3.1. 幾何環路設計 32
3.2. 實驗操作機台介紹 33
3.3. 填充技術機台介紹 36
3.4. 解凍板加熱排封裝機台介紹 38
3.5. 解凍板製作與規格介紹 40
3.6. 光觸媒製備實驗步驟 42
3.7 熱擴散率量測實驗 46
3.8 比熱容量測實驗步驟 46
3.9 UV LED劑量暴露實驗 47

第四章 實驗結果與討論 48
4.1. 熱阻量測實驗結果 48
4.2. 冰塊融解時間關係 55
4.3. 光觸媒化後熱阻量測實驗 58
4.4. 光觸媒化後冰塊融解時間關係 光觸媒化後冰塊融解時間關係 60
4.5. 光觸媒化後比熱容量測 61
4.6. 光觸媒化後擴散熱傳導係數KSP分析 63
4.7. UV-LED 照射探討抑菌性研究 63

第五章 結論 65

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