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作者(外文):Wang, Yu-Long
論文名稱(外文):Improving electrical characteristics of Fin-shaped Tunneling-Field-Effect-Transistor using Microwave dopant activation and Asymmetry structure
指導教授(外文):Wu, Yung-Chun
口試委員(外文):Lee, Ming-Hung
Luo, Gung-Li
外文關鍵詞:Tunneling field effect transistorMicrowave annealingAsymmetry structurePoly-siliconFin-FET
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:555
  • 評分評分:*****
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隨著可攜式電子產品市場需求,雖然電晶體朝著低成本高密度發展,但是元件製程和物理的限制使得要繼續維持元件特性變的更為困難。為此 ,設計出不同於一般傳統MOS電晶體的元件為一勢在必行之解決方案。
本文使用P-I-N結構之穿隧電晶體.其利用量子穿隧機制來進行操作,使元件可以經由不同於MOS電晶體飄移電流的穿隧電流來達到快速開關的特性, 使元件在OFF的狀態下漏電電流可以減少,達成低功率消耗的目的。 由於使用鰭式閘極的原因,能夠從多個方向影響主動層的電位分布,進而增加閘極對通道的控制能力,使元件特性更好。綜合以上論述,具鰭式閘極穿隧電晶體為一高效能且具有良好開關特性之元件。
在本研究中我們專注在以低溫微波退火來取代傳統高溫快速退火以形成陡峭接面.相較於傳統高溫快速退火,低溫微波退火可降低次臨界擺幅及提升穿隧電晶體的導通電流; 但在提升導通能力的同時, 我們觀察到因為熱電子效應所引發的負微分電導現象,

The market demand for portable electric equipment increase dramatically year by year. Although transistors develop toward low cost and high density, maintaining device characteristics becomes difficult due to the device fabrication and physics limitations of the device. Designing a device that different from conventional MOSFET is a necessary way.
This thesis based on Fin-shaped Tunneling Transistor which operated by quantum tunneling mechanism. Thus, compared with conventional MOSFET operated by drift mechanism, the Tunneling Transistor can achieve fast on/off characteristic. By the Fin-shaped structure, it can affect the active layer electric potential distribution by multi-direction, increasing the gate control ability and enhance the characteristics. Above the discussion, the Fin-shaped tunneling transistor is a device with high-efficiency and good transfer characteristic.
In this thesis, we focus on demonstrate that microwave dopant activation technique can help TFETs to form an abrupt tunneling junction. Subthreshold slope and driving current can be greatly enhanced by microwave annealing as the dopant activation method compare to traditional rapid thermal annealing. An interesting phenomenon of negative differential conductance in the output characteristic was observed, which is attributed to hot-carrier effect at the high gate overdrive operation. A positive temperature dependence of transfer characteristic is also observed, which is related to the bandgap narrowing effect and the enhancement of the thermionic field emissions of the grain boundary states. Finally, with the geometric difference between source and drain, we demonstrate a device with high on-state current and low off-state current, simultaneously.
This work shows experimental data for device’s reliability; all the data can display Fin-shaped
tunneling transistor has applied to high value actually, it would become the next-generation device.
中 文 摘 要……………...………………………………………………………………………….i
Contents vii
Table Captions ix
Chapter 4 ix
Figure Captions x
Chapter 1 x
Chapter 2 x
Chapter 3 xii
Chapter 4 xi
Chapter 5 xii
Chapter 1 1
Introduction 1
1-1MOSFET Scaling in Semiconductor Industry 1
1-2 Low Power Device 6
Chapter 2 8
Basic Mechanisms of Tunneling Field Effect Transistors 8
2-1 The history of TFET 8
2-2 Principle of operation 8
2-3 Microwave 15
2-4 Motivation 16
Chapter 3 25
Device Structure and Fabrication 21
Chapter 4 25
Results and Discussion 25
4-1 Transfer characteristics 25
4-2 Geometry characteristics 26
4-3 Output characteristics 26
4-4 Temperature characteristics…………………………………………………………………..27
Chapter 5…...………………………………………………………………………………………39
Asymmetry-Gate Tunneling Field-Effect Transistor………………………………………………39
5-1 Abstract of AG-TFET……………………………………………………………………………39
5-2 Device Structure and Simulation Model………………………………………………………….. 39 5-3 Results and Discussion…………………………………………………………………………….40
Chapter 6…………………………………………………………………………………………….46

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