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作者(外文):Chen, Yen-Chun
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Integrating tablet PCs with the Interactive Classroom System into the Elementary School Classroom : Using the subject of Integrative Activities as an example
指導教授(外文):Shelley Shwu-Ching Young
外文關鍵詞:Integrated activitiesInteractive Classroom SystemTablet PCE-learning
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現今升學主義的教育環境,綜合活動學習領域容易被淪為被忽略的課程。教學上經常遭遇的教學困境如:(1)學生對教材的省思不足;(2)無法長時間維持學習動機;(3)評量的方式不容易等等。為改善綜合活動學習領域的教學困境,本研究期望透過NovoClassroom教室互動系統結合平板電腦融入在綜合活動,建置一套數位學習環境,以NICE (NovoClassroom Integration Cooperation Environment)教學情境,引導學習者透過閱讀活動、投票活動、問答活動來激發學習者討論、思考環境議題,並對環境議題有更深入省思、內化的能力。
Nowadays in the exam-oriented environment, the subject of Integrative Activities easily becomes neglected courses in Taiwan. The current teaching difficulties in the subject of integrative activities’ are as follows (1) students lack of reflections on textbooks, (2) unable to maintain learning motivation for a long time, (3) the way of assessment is not easy.
To improve the teaching and learning difficulties of the subject in integrative activities, the purpose of this research was to integrate tablet PCs with the NovoClassroom Interactive Classroom System to build a digital learning environment, entitled NICE learning situation (NovoClassroom integrated Cooperative Environment), to facilitate learners’ discussion and thinking of environment issues through quiz, voting as well as reading activities and guide learners to have deeper reflections and the capabilities of internalization from the environment knowledge.
According to the differences of the students’ learning achievements, students were divided into experimental group and control group. Through quantitative and qualitative methods the data were collected and analyzed. Results of this study reveal that: (1) 75% of learners have advantage in learning achievements of environment knowledge; (2) “Notes Function” and “Push Function “in “Interactive Classroom System” could enhance 83% learners’ reading interests; 76% learners’ questioning and answering, and 85% learners’ learning interests; (3) In the Q&A activity, “Push Function” offers the learners to share their answers with each other. The good answer will be pushed in class, which promotes the learners’ thinking abilities and makes them bring up more opinions.
This study applied “NICE” to integrate activities and 7 elements of “REFLECT” are identified from using the environment and learning effects. The seven elements are R: Reservation of learning record, E: Encouragement of learning thinking, F: Feedback, L: Learning Jointly, E: E-learning environment implementation, C: Collaboration of small groups, T: Transformation of learning behaviors. Finally, some suggestions are given for future studies on instructional design in the integrated activities and functional design in interactive classroom system.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 V
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景與動機 1
1.2. 研究目的 6
1.3. 研究問題 7
1.4. 研究範圍與限制 8
1.5. 重要名詞解釋 9
1.6. 研究內容架構 10
第二章 文獻回顧 11
2.1. 綜合活動學習領域 11
2.1.1. 綜合活動學習領域的本質 11
2.1.2. 綜合活動學習領域的教學困境 14
2.1.3. 綜合活動學習領域相關理論基礎 16
2.2. 環境教育 19
2.2.1. 環境教育的內涵 19
2.2.2. 科技輔助環境教育的應用 21
2.3. 教室互動系統 23
2.3.1. 教室互動系統之概念 23
2.3.2. 教室互動系統應用於學習相關研究 26
2.3.3. 教室互動系統之影響 28
2.4. 以學習者為中心之學習環境 32
2.4.1. 學習者為中心相關理論基礎 32
2.4.2. 營造以學習者為中心之學習環境 34
2.5. 科技輔助學習的方式 36
2.5.1. 行動學習 36
2.5.2. 平板電腦輔助學習 38
2.5.3. 電腦輔助合作學習 40
第三章 研究方法 42
3.1. 研究架構與流程 42
3.2. 研究對象 45
3.3. 實驗設計 46
3.4. 實驗期間 48
3.5. 研究工具 49
3.6. 資料蒐集與分析 51
4.1. 教學情境 53
4.2. 教學設計 55
4.2.1. 教學目標 56
4.2.2. 教學主題 58
4.2.3. 教學活動設計 59
4.2.4. 教學策略 63
4.3. 系統與教學環境的整合 67
4.3.1. 系統架構 68
4.3.2. 系統介面 71
4.4 實驗對象背景分析 73
4.4.1 基本資料分析 73
4.4.2 學習者科技能力使用情況分析 74
第五章 資料分析與討論 78
5.1. NICE融入學習者之成效評估 79
5.1.1. 學習者環保知識之學習成效 79
5.1.2. 學習者的省思能力 86
5.1.3. 學習者的互動模式 92
5.1.4. 學習者的學習態度 95
5.1.5. 學習者的課堂情境與教學氣氛 99
5.2. 系統的使用回饋分析 105
5.2.1. 功能易用性分析 105
5.2.2. 介面呈現與操作性分析 106
5.3. 學習者對於系統融入教學之看法分析 109
5.4. 問卷信度分析 111
5.5. 討論 112
第六章 結論與建議 113
6.1. 結論 114
6.1.1. 融入NICE教學實驗之學習過程評估 114
6.1.2. 融入NICE教學實驗之使用回饋評估 115
6.1.3. REFLECT教室互動學習模式 115
6.2. 研究建議 118
6.2.1. NICE教學情境融入綜合活動學習領域之建議 118
6.2.2. 教室互動系統功能設計 119
6.3. 未來展望 120
參考文獻 121
英文部分 121
中文部分 127
附錄一:資訊能力調查 131
附錄二: 教室互動系統融入教學情境之問卷 137
附錄三:教師訪談大綱 143
附錄四:學生訪談大綱 145
附錄五:觀察紀錄表 147
附錄六: 環保知識能力測驗 151
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