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作者(外文):Li, Gang
論文名稱(外文):Applying the Mean-Ends Chain to Explore the Visitors’ Experiences from Google Reviews Towards Taipei 228 Memorial Museum
指導教授(外文):Chao, Chih-Liang
口試委員(外文):Rong, Fang-Jay
Yen, Hung-hsu
外文關鍵詞:Taipei 228 Memorial MuseumText MiningLDA Topic ModelMeans-End Chain
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本研究利用文字探勘技術分析參訪者評論,特別是針對二二八紀念館的遊客經驗。以2019年至2023年9月為期。蒐集參訪者在Google Maps網站所分享的線上評論,分別就整體遊客與外籍遊客,透過LDA主題模型分析遊客探訪主題;再以方法目的鏈分析,萃取出遊客對於臺北二二八紀念館的具體概念。綜合本研究的發現,我們可以看到紀念館在推動歷史、人權教育、促進文化交流,以及滿足來自不同背景遊客的需求上扮演著關鍵角色。本研究獲致結果如下:

一、 本研究透過LDA主題模型共萃取出下列主題模型:對於全體遊客而言,可歸納為四個主題:「參訪評價」、「衝擊與反思」、「歷史教育」和「紀念館體驗」。在外籍遊客的分析中,主要集中於下述參訪議題:「歷史背景」、「教育體驗」和「紀念館服務」以及「參觀陳設」。

二、 利用方法目的鏈的分析框架描繪出訪客體驗的屬性、結果和價值。遊客體驗的屬性包括建築本體、過渡空間、展品物件文本、互動設施、軟體服務、時空元素、管理制度、社會他者和初始意象等九個;在結果部分則涵蓋歷史時空體驗、生理五感刺激、認知類比與增長、正向情緒喚起、負向情感衝擊、活動限制、支持關係。價值方面則包括脈絡性價值、代價交換滿足、歷史教育價值、社交價值、經驗性價值、規範性價值、反思與認同等七個項目。

三、 在構建屬性、結果、價值編碼表及價值階層圖結果發現,全體遊客與外籍遊客所追求的價值非常相似,由價值階層圖的階層分佈與鏈結狀態可得知,台北二二八紀念館全體遊客在參訪過程中所重視的價值要素依重視程度高低分別為:「歷史教育價值」、「經驗性價值」、「代價交換滿足」、「反思與認同」以及「脈絡性價值」。而外籍遊客所重視價值屬性要素,依重視程度高低則依序為:「歷史教育價值」、「反思與認同」、「代價交換滿足」、「脈絡性價值」以及「經驗性價值」,兩者在價值排序上有些差異,在項目上大抵是雷同的。

The 228 Incident is a crucial key to discussing modern Taiwanese politics. Taiwan Broadcasting Corporation, the site of the 228 Incident, has been preserved its original building appearance despite being under the authority of different government units after the war. Also, as it was a pivotal point in triggering the Taiwanese people's resistance against tyranny during the 228 Incident, the Taipei 228 Memorial Museum was established here 50 years after the event. Undoubtedly, this is a significant heritage left to us by history, allowing us not only to glimpse into the ghostly past but also to look forward to the future.

This study utilizes Text Mining technology to analyze visitor reviews, specifically focusing on the visitors’ experiences at the Taipei 228 Memorial Museum. Spanning from 2019 to September 2023, it collects online comments shared by visitors on the google maps website. The study analyzes the themes of visitors through the LDA topic model for both general and foreign visitors; moreover, it employs Means-End Chain to extract visitors' perceptions of the Taipei 228 Memorial Museum. Synthesizing the findings of this study, the Taipei 228 Memorial Museum plays a pivotal role in advancing historical education, human rights education and fostering cultural exchanges, and accommodating the needs of visitors from diverse backgrounds. The results of this study are as follows:

1. Through the LDA topic model, this study extracted the following themes: For all visitors, the themes can be summarized into four categories: "Visit Evaluation," "Impact and Reflection," "Historical Education," and "Museum Experience." In the analysis of foreign visitors, the main topics focused on "Historical Background," "Educational Experience," "Museum Services," and "Exhibition displays."
2. In order to construct the framework of the attributes, consequences and values of visitor experiences, the Means-End Chain has been applied. The attributes of visitor experiences included nine elements: "Architecture Itself", "Transitional Spaces", "Exhibit Object Texts", "Interactive Facilities", "Software Services", "Spatiotemporal Elements", "Management Systems", "Others", and "Initial Imagery". The consequences covered "Historical Spatiotemporal Experiences", "Physiological Sensory Stimulation", "Cognitive Analogies and Growth", "Positive Emotional Arousal", "Negative Emotional Impact", "Activity Restrictions", and "Supportive Relationships". The values included "Contextual Value", "Cost-Exchange Satisfaction", "Historical Education Value", "Social Value", "Experiential Value", "Normative Value", and "Reflection and Identification".
3. In constructing the ACV coding tables and the Value Hierarchy Diagram, it was found that the values pursued by general visitors and foreign visitors are very similar. According to the hierarchy distribution and linkage status of the Value Hierarchy Diagram, the values emphasized by all visitors during their visit, in order of importance, are: "Historical Education Value," "Experiential Value," "Cost-Exchange Satisfaction," "Reflection and Identification," and "Contextual Value." The value attributes emphasized by foreign visitors, in order of importance, are: "Historical Education Value," "Reflection and Identification," "Cost-Exchange Satisfaction," "Contextual Value," and "Experiential Value," showing some differences in value ranking but generally similar in items.
中文摘要 i
謝 誌 vi
目 錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 二二八紀念館研究 7
第二節 方法目的鏈理論 14
第三節 文字探勘 19
第三章 研究方法 25
第一節 研究場域 25
第二節 資料來源 31
第三節 研究分析方法 36
第四章 資料分析 41
第一節 LAD主題分析 41
第二節 方法目的鏈分析 50
第五章 結論 67
第一節 研究結果 67
第二節 討論與建議 76
第三節 研究限制與後續研究討論 80
參考文獻 83

圖1研究流程圖 5
圖 2方法目的鏈架構 15
圖 3 LDA主題建模方法 24
圖 4台北二二八紀念館 25
圖 5台北二二八紀念館地圖 26
圖 6常設展展區規畫暨1F、B1平面圖 29
圖 7常設展展區規畫暨2F樓平面圖 29
圖 8 台北二二八紀念館GOOGLE MAP評論人次 32
圖 9 GOOGLE MAPS 所擷取之網路評論 33
圖 10 網路評論之外文翻譯 33
圖 11 研究流程圖 39
圖 12 LDA主題模型可視化分佈圖 42
圖 13 全部遊客主題1(左)和主題2(右)模型關鍵詞可視化分佈圖 45
圖 14全部遊客主題3(左)和主題4(右)模型關鍵詞可視化分佈圖 46
圖15外籍遊客主題1(左)和主題2(右)模型關鍵詞可視化分佈圖 47
圖 16 外籍遊客主題3(左)和主題4(右)模型關鍵詞可視化分佈圖 48
圖 17台北二二八紀念館價值階層圖 56
圖 18台北二二八紀念館脈絡性價值階層圖 59
圖 19台北二二八紀念館代價交換滿足價值階層圖 61
圖 20台北二二八紀念館歷史教育價值階層圖 63
圖 21台北二二八紀念館經驗性價值階層圖 65
圖 22台北二二八紀念館反思與認同價值階層圖 66

表 1排名前五十名高詞頻詞語 35
表 2 各組主題數目LDA模型一致型分屬表 37
表 3 本研究操作定義 38
表 4編碼員相互同意度與信度 40
表 5 台北二二八紀念館全遊客參訪LDA主題表 43
表6 台北二二八紀念館外籍遊客參訪LDA主題表 43
表 7編碼分類與定義說明 51
表 8台北二二八紀念館全遊客價值蘊含矩陣值 53
表 9台北二二八紀念館外籍遊客價值蘊含矩陣值 54
表 10紀念館參訪受不同截取值之關係鏈結與單元格之分析表 55
表 11鏈結強弱分佈表 57

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