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作者(外文):Yang, Mei-Ling
論文名稱(中文):廣告標語的文學修辭及其傳播成效 -以保健食品爲例
論文名稱(外文):The Literary Rhetoric of Advertisement Slogans and their Communication Effects for Health Foods
指導教授(外文):Ting, Wei-Jen
Chang, Bin-Wha
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Che-Han
Tseng, Chih-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Literary RhetoricDemographyRhetoricAdvertising SloganHealth FoodCommunication EffectivenessSatisfaction AnalysisStructural AnalysisLanguage Structure
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在人口學變項的分析,填答者人口特質以40~49歲(34.3%)、高中學歷(55.6%)、月收入29,999(含以下)元(32.5%)、居住於北部地區者居多(72.7%)。有近7成受訪者近3個月沒看過保健食品廣告(69.8%),近5成受訪者近3個月沒買過保健食品(54.7%)。在標語滿意度分析上,以”驚嘆語G+名詞N+形容詞ADJ+主詞S+受詞O:一夜好眠不是夢!關鍵時刻 有效減重 日夜塑崩兼顧日夜代謝(m=3.7)”、” 驚嘆語G+動詞V1+副詞ADV1 +動詞V2+副詞ADV2:全草本配方!蘿蔔硫素提升防護力(m=3.7)”、”驚嘆語G+名詞N+主詞S+動V:輕鬆提升免疫力! 值得你的信賴 日本金盞花萃取葉黃素(m=3.7)”,此三種標語結構最受受訪者滿意。若比較其人口學特質的差異,本研究發現在所設定的30種語言結構中, 僅在以下之語言就夠有人口學特質之差異,”驚嘆語G+主詞S+受詞O +副詞ADJ:青春美麗天天補給!膠原蛋白胜肽淡淡牛奶香品質堅持”的語言結構上,女性的滿意度(m=3.83)顯著大於男性(m=3.26; p<0.05)。有看過保健品廣告者其在於”動詞V+副詞ADV +形容詞ADJ+名詞N:給你好活力美麗蔘活鈣出你的生活自信”、” 動詞V+副詞ADV+名詞N:使用高綠原酸綠咖啡豆 加強代謝機能”、” 主詞S+受詞O+名詞N+反覆形容詞ADJ:餐前準備好安心享受美食不用怕完整保留 抗胃酸好完整 植物性膠囊好安心 酵用直達好美麗 不易破碎好保存 無異味好吞嚥”,這三者的語言結構滿意度顯著高於沒有看過保健食品廣告者。居住於北部及中部被地區的受訪者在” 驚嘆語G+主詞S+受詞O +副詞ADJ:青春美麗天天補給!膠原蛋白胜肽淡淡牛奶香品質堅持”這類型的語言結構滿意度顯著高於菊助於南部地區之受訪者(p<.05)。
本研究同時針對這30種廣告標語結構的人口學特質喜好度進行分析,茲將有顯著性喜好度的部分加以說明,在”維他命B群之廣告標語(主詞S+受詞O+名詞N)”,受訪者有顯著偏好者(p<.05)為高中學歷以下者喜好”高效能的產品 B群雙層錠 8小時活力(O+S+N)”,高中學歷以上者喜好”B群雙層錠高效能的產品8小時活力(S+O+N)”,在”鋅、精胺酸、瑪卡滋之廣告標語(驚嘆語G+主詞S受詞O+名詞N+形容詞ADJ)”, 高中學歷以下者喜好”提升男性生理機能關鍵! 鋅、精胺酸、瑪卡滋 補養身 運動表現有感提升(G+S+O+N+ADJ)”,高中學歷以上者喜好”提升男性生理機能關鍵! 補養身 鋅、精胺酸、瑪卡滋 運動表現有感提升(G+O+S+N+ADJ)”,在黃精、刺五加、韭菜籽之廣告標語(動詞V+副詞ADV+主詞S+受詞O),沒有看過保健食品廣告者較偏愛V+ADV+S+O結構,有看過保健食品廣告者較偏愛O+S+ADV+V結構(p<.05)。在高含量水溶性纖維之廣告標語結構,近3個月沒看過保健食品廣告者較喜愛V1+ADV1+V2+ADV2結構,有看過保健食品廣告者較喜愛V2+ADV2+ V1+ADV1結構(p<.05)。在高綠原酸綠咖啡豆之廣告標語結構,近3個月沒買過保健食品廣告者較喜愛V+ADV+N結構,有買過保健食品廣告者較喜愛V+N+ADV結構(p<.05)。在萄糖胺飲之廣告標語結構,年齡30~39歲以下者較喜歡反覆ADJ+ S+O結構,30~39歲以上者較喜歡O+S+反覆ADJ結構(p<.05)。在食事對策之廣告標語結構,月收入在5-6萬者較喜愛ADJ+O+N結構,6-7萬者較喜愛N+ADJ+O結構(p<.05)。研究建議,對於保健食品業者,可依據本研究之結果,針對所要行銷對象之人口學特質進行廣告標語設計,相信其可獲致較高之廣告傳播成效。
Our surroundings are filled with numerous advertising slogans, and these slogans aim to create an impression on consumers through various forms of literary rhetoric. The dissemination of advertising slogans is closely related to modern consumer lifestyles and is inseparable from them. Rhetoric explores the aesthetics of language and discourse. Every advertiser who uses advertising to attract the attention of customers and promote their products hopes to maximize the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns, stimulate consumer desires, and achieve excellent sales and performance. However, one of the research questions to be explored in this study is which parts of speech structure or rhetorical patterns used to embellish advertising slogans can enhance their effectiveness in communication or increase the value of the products. This study aims to analyze the literary rhetoric in advertising slogans for health food products and evaluate their effectiveness through rhetorical analysis, questionnaire surveys, and statistical analysis. Specifically, this study will collect and categorize advertising slogans for health food products available in the market, classify them according to the types of health food products and the word combinations in the slogans, and create questionnaires for investigation. In terms of expected outcomes, this study hopes to summarize the requirements of literary rhetoric in advertising slogans for health food products through rhetorical analysis, such as the arrangement of parts of speech, textual prosody, and effectiveness of communication. The study will analyze these aspects through questionnaire surveys, with the aim of clarifying how literary rhetoric can enhance the effectiveness of advertising slogans for health food products.
In the analysis of demographic variables, the respondents' population characteristics show that the majority are in the age group of 40-49 years (34.3%), have a high school education (55.6%), have a monthly income of 29,999 yuan or below (32.5%), and reside in the northern region (72.7%). Nearly 70% of the respondents have not seen health food advertisements in the past three months (69.8%), and more than half of the respondents have not purchased health food in the past three months (54.7%). In the analysis of slogan satisfaction, the following slogan structures were found to be most satisfying to the respondents: "Exclamatory word G + Noun N + Adjective ADJ + Subject S + Object O: A good night's sleep is not a dream! Effective weight loss at critical moments, day and night shaping and metabolism (m=3.7)", "Exclamatory word G + Verb V1 + Adverb ADV1 + Verb V2 + Adverb ADV2: All herbal formula! Radish sulfur enhances protection (m=3.7)", "Exclamatory word G + Noun N + Subject S + Verb V: Easy enhancement of immunity! Japan's marigold extract lutein, worthy of your trust (m=3.7)". Comparing the demographic characteristics, this study found that among the 30 language structures considered, only in the language structure "Exclamatory word G + Subject S + Object O + Adjective ADV: Youthful beauty supplied daily! Collagen peptide with a hint of milk fragrance, adhering to quality", the satisfaction of females (m=3.83) was significantly higher than males (m=3.26; p<0.05). Respondents who have seen health product advertisements had significantly higher satisfaction with the following language structures: "Verb V + Adverb ADV + Adjective ADJ + Noun N: Give yourself good vitality and confident life with ginseng calcium", "Verb V + Adverb ADV + Noun N: Enhance metabolic function with high chlorogenic acid green coffee beans", "Subject S + Object O + Noun N + Repeated Adjective ADJ: Prepare before meals to enjoy food without worry, complete retention, good acid resistance, plant-based capsules for peace of mind, direct delivery for beauty, not easily breakable, odorless and easy to swallow". Respondents living in the northern and central regions had significantly higher satisfaction with the language structure "Exclamatory word G + Subject S + Object O + Adjective ADV: Youthful beauty supplied daily! Collagen peptide with a hint of milk fragrance" compared to respondents residing in the southern region (p<0.05).
This study also analyzed the preference for demographic characteristics in relation to the 30 advertising slogan structures. The following significant preferences are explained: In the slogan structure related to vitamin B complex ("Subject S + Object O + Noun N"), respondents with a preference (p<0.05) were those with a high school education or below who preferred "High-performance product: B complex double-layer tablets, 8 hours of vitality (O + S + N)". Respondents with a high school education or above preferred "B complex double-layer tablets, high-performance product, 8 hours of vitality (S + O + N)". In the slogan structure related to zinc, arginine, and maca extract ("Exclamatory word G + Subject S + Object O + Noun N + Adjective ADJ"), respondents with a high school education or below preferred "Key to improving male physiological function! Zinc, arginine, and maca extract, nourish the body, feel the enhancement in performance (G + S + O + N + ADJ)". Respondents with a high school education or above preferred "Key to improving male physiological function! Nourish the body with zinc, arginine, and maca extract, feel the enhancement in performance (G + O + S + N + ADJ)". In the slogan structure related to Polygonatum sibiricum, Acanthopanax senticosus, and leek seed ("Verb V + Adverb ADV + Subject S + Object O"), respondents who have not seen health food advertisements preferred the V + ADV + S + O structure, while those who have seen health food advertisements preferred the O + S + ADV + V structure (p<0.05). In the slogan structure related to high-content water-soluble fiber, respondents who have not seen health food advertisements in the past three months preferred the V1 + ADV1 + V2 + ADV2 structure, while those who have seen health food advertisements preferred the V2 + ADV2 + V1 + ADV1 structure (p<0.05). In the slogan structure related to high chlorogenic acid green coffee beans, respondents who have not purchased health food in the past three months preferred the V + ADV + N structure, while those who have purchased health food advertisements preferred the V + N + ADV structure (p<0.05). In the slogan structure related to glucosamine drink, respondents aged below 30-39 years preferred the Repeated ADJ + S + O structure, while those aged 30-39 years and above preferred the O + S + Repeated ADJ structure (p<0.05). In the slogan structure related to dietary strategies, respondents with a monthly income of 50,000-60,000 preferred the ADJ + O + N structure, while those with a monthly income of 60,000-70,000 preferred the N + ADJ + O structure (p<0.05). Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that health food companies design advertising slogans based on the demographic characteristics of their target audience. It is believed that this approach can lead to higher advertising effectiveness.
目錄 x
中摘 i
Abstract iv
致謝 viii
表目錄 xii
圖目錄 xiv
第一章緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究範疇與定義 5
第三節 研究問題與目的 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 保健食品攝取與健康之研究 9
第二節 廣告語言與修辭之研究 11
第三節 廣告標語與傳播成效之關係 13
第四節 反覆形式的廣告標語之研究 15
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 研究對象與抽樣 17
第二節 語文學結構 17
第三節 修辭學研究法 21
第四節 問卷調查法 24
第五節 研究假設與架構 24
第六節 統計分析 26
第四章 研究結果與討論 27
第一節 人口學特質分析 27
第二節 廣告標語滿意度分析36
第三節 廣告標語結構分析 74
第四節 廣告標語結構喜好度分析157
第五章結論與建議 180
第一節 研究結論 180
第二節 研究建議 191
參考文獻 194
附錄問卷 198

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