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作者(外文):Huang, Yi-Han
論文名稱(中文):應用課程本位讀者劇場於海洋教育- 海洋知識及單字知識
論文名稱(外文):Application of Curriculum-Based Readers Theater in Marine Education: Oceanic Knowledge and Vocabulary Knowledge
指導教授(外文):Chien, Chin-Wen
口試委員(外文):Luo, Wen-Hsing
Ke, I-Chung
外文關鍵詞:curriculum-based readers theatermarine educationoceanic knowledgevocabulary learning
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The purposes of this case study were to develop a marine curriculum taught in English and explore the influence of using Curriculum-Based Readers Theater (CBRT) on promoting students’ oceanic knowledge and vocabulary learning. The participants were twelve sixth graders and received a ten-week CBRT curriculum in the 2019 school year. To address the research questions, oceanic
knowledge tests and vocabulary tests were administered at the beginning and the end of the instruction for gathering qualitative data. Qualitative data were also collected in the study, including
interviews, observations, and teaching reflections. In terms of data analysis, the researcher separately used descriptive statistics and thematic analysis to evaluate quantitative and qualitative data.
Based on the data analysis, the study had the following major findings. First, CBRT instruction was effective for improving students’ oceanic knowledge through repeated reading. Secondly, CBRT
was beneficial for students’ receptive ability to recognize spoken forms of target vocabulary. However, it was also found that it was challenging for the teacher to integrate cooperative learning into CBRT and to possess English knowledge as well as knowledge in other content areas. At last, based on the findings, implication on integration of CBRT into marine curriculum and issues for further study were provided.
LIST OF TABLES..................................................viii
LIST OF FIGURES...................................................ix
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION............................................1
1.1 Background of the Study......................................1
1.2 Statement of Problem.........................................2
1.3 Purpose of the Study.........................................4
1.4 Research Questions...........................................5
1.5 Terminology..................................................6
1.5.1 Marine education.........................................6
1.5.2 Curriculum-Based Readers Theater.........................7
1.5.3 Vocabulary knowledge.....................................7
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................9
2.1 Marine Education.............................................9
2.1.1 Definition...............................................9
2.1.2 Marine education in Taiwan..............................10
2.1.3 Empirical studies in Taiwan.............................11
2.2 Curriculum-Based Readers Theater............................22
2.2.1 Definition..............................................22
2.2.2 Repeated reading........................................24
2.2.3 Empirical studies.......................................25
2.3 Vocabulary Learning...........................................30
2.3.1 Vocabulary knowledge....................................30
2.3.2 Effective vocabulary instruction........................32
2.3.3. Vocabulary learning and CBRT...........................36
2.4 Conceptual Framework........................................38
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY............................................41
3.1 Research Design.............................................41
3.2 Setting and Participants....................................43
3.3 Data Collection.............................................44
3.3.1 Oceanic knowledge test..................................46
3.3.2 Vocabulary test.........................................48
3.3.3 Interview...............................................52
3.3.4 Teaching reflection.....................................54
3.3.5 Observations............................................55
3.4 Procedure...................................................55
3.5 Data Analysis...............................................59
3.5.1 Quantitative data.......................................59
3.5.2 Qualitative data........................................59
3.6 Ethical Issue...............................................60
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS................................................62
4.1 Oceanic Knowledge Test......................................62
4.2 Vocabulary Knowledge Test...................................63
4.2.1 Written form............................................64
4.2.2 Spoken form.............................................65
4.2.3 Form and meaning........................................66
4.3 Challenges Faced in CBRT....................................67
CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION.............................................68
5.1 Influence of CBRT on Learners’ Oceanic Knowledge............68
5.2 Influence of CBRT on Learners’ Word Knowledge...............72
5.2.1 Written form............................................73
5.2.2 Spoken form.............................................75
5.2.3 Form and meaning........................................78
5.3 Challenges in present study.................................80
5.3.1 Cooperative learning....................................80
5.3.2 Oceanic knowledge.......................................82
CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATION.............................84
6.1 Summary of Major Findings...................................84
6.1.1 Influence of CBRT on learners’ oceanic knowledge through
repeated reading........................................84
6.1.2 Influence of CBRT on learners’ vocabulary knowledge in
spoken forms............................................85
6.1.3 Challenges on CBRT considering teachers.................88
6.2 Implications................................................89
6.2.1 Integration of cooperative Learning.....................89
6.2.2 Collaboration between English teachers and content
6.3 Limitations and Issues for Further Study....................93
Appendix I. Oceanic Knowledge Test...............................106
Appendix II. Vocabulary Knowledge Test...........................110
Appendix III. The Interview Outline..............................114
Appendix IV. Lesson Plans........................................115
Appendix V. Worksheet I-The Beauty of the Seashore...............124
Appendix VI. Worksheet II-Write and Match........................125
Appendix VII. Worksheet III-Peer-evaluation......................126
Appendix VIII. The CBRT Script...................................127
Appendix IX. National Tsing Hua University Institutional Research
Board Approval......................................129
Appendix X. The Informed Consent Form............................130
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