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作者(外文):Yeh, Yao-Hua
論文名稱(中文):增進英語音素覺識能力之教學活動探究 - 以四年級學童為例
論文名稱(外文):Exploring Activities to Increase Students’ English Phonemic Awareness: A study of fourth graders
指導教授(外文):Chou, Chiou-Hui
口試委員(外文):Yang, Rong-Lan
Hung, Shao-Ting
外文關鍵詞:phonemic awarenessword-learning activitiesword knowledgepicture book
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本研究探討將單字教學活動融入國小四年級英語課堂,並檢視單字學習成效。音韻覺識(phonemic awareness)一直是學童在學習單字時重要的基礎,若能發展良好的音韻覺識概念,對於未來英語學習將有很大的助益。本研究所使用的單字教學活動包含繪本閱讀、音節教學、音素教學及小書製作,目的為促進學童音韻覺識的概念及擴充詞彙深度,而小書製作也讓學童有機會應用習得字彙於繪本句型中。
The purpose of this study is to investigate if the word-learning activities can help the students develop their phonemic awareness and expand the depth of word knowledge. The activities used during the vocabulary instruction including (a) storybook reading, (b) syllables instruction, (c) phoneme instruction, and (d) mini-book making. The target words were from the eight selected picture books, which used in the word-learning activities and mini-book making. Most of the activities focused on the training of phonological awareness, especially on phonemic awareness. The mini-book making was designed to help the participants use the target words in writing based on the sentence pattern from the picture book. Once the participants get familiar with the activities, it will be easier for them to learn and decode new words.
The participants in the study were 28 fourth graders of a selected class with a lower average grade. The researcher selected them to do the research to improve their English proficiency. In the study, the researcher used two periods per week for the picture book teaching and mini-book making. The study lasted for 8 weeks.
The instruments in this study include the list of 50 words for oral performance, the list of 50 words written test, and mini-quiz tested each week. The above data were analyzed by pair t-test to compare the learning performance before and after the instruction. The products of participants’ mini-book making and participants’ performance on all the instrument were analyzed through the class observation as the qualitative way.
The major findings revealed that the participants’ phonemic awareness can be improved through word-learning activities. The mini-book making also expanded their vocabulary depth because they knew how to use the target words to make the sentences and created their own mini-books.
Table of Contents

Introduction............. 1
Background............... 1
Purpose of the study..... 4
Research questions....... 5
Significance of the study 5

Literature Review............................ 7
Word Knowledge............................... 7
Phonological Awareness....................... 8
Phonemic Awareness........................... 9
Definition.................................. 10
The measurements of phonemic awareness...... 10
The empirical studies of phonemic awareness. 12
Summary..................................... 17
Vocabulary Instruction...................... 17
Direct methods of vocabulary instruction.... 17
Indirect methods of vocabulary instruction.. 18
Picture Books................................ 19
Definition.................................. 19
The empirical studies of picture books...... 20
Summary..................................... 25
The Application in the Study................ 25

Methodology.......................................... 29
The Participants..................................... 29
Teaching Materials and Activities.................... 30
Books used in the study.............................. 30
Activities used in the study......................... 35
Samples of mini-book making.......................... 39
Data Collection...................................... 42
The study procedures................................. 42
The class routine.................................... 43
The instruments...................................... 45
Data Analysis........................................ 47
A list of 50 words for oral performance during the pre-test and post-test 47
A list of 50 words for the pre and post written test. 48
A mini-quiz about the phonemic awareness............. 48
The products of participants’ mini-book.............. 48
The Researcher’s Journal for Each Week............... 49

Findings..................................... 51
Oral Performance............................. 51
Written Test................................. 52
Participants’ Performance on Mini-Book Making 53
The inter-rater reliability.................. 53
The first mini-book making................... 54
The second mini-book making.................. 56
The third mini-book making................... 58
The fourth mini-book making.................. 61
The fifth mini-book making................... 63
The sixth mini-book making................... 65
The seventh mini-book making................. 67
The eighth mini-book making.................. 69
The Results of Participants’ Mini-Quizzes.... 72
Syllable blending............................ 73
Syllable sorting............................. 74
Phoneme blending............................. 74
Phoneme deleting............................. 75
Phoneme segmenting........................... 76
The Researcher’s Teaching Journal............ 78
The journal of the first lesson.............. 78
The journal of the second lesson............. 80
The journal of the third lesson.............. 81
The journal of the fourth lesson............. 83
The journal of the fifth lesson.............. 85
The journal of the sixth lesson.............. 86
The journal of the seventh lesson............ 88
The journal of the eighth lesson............. 89

Discussion............................................. 93
The Common Features of the Mini-Books.................. 93
The classification of the common features.............. 94
The common features occurred in different weeks........ 95
The examples of the common features.................... 96
The Participants’ Weak Performance on Mini-Quizzes.... 102
Syllable blending..................................... 103
Syllable sorting...................................... 104
Phoneme blending...................................... 104
Phoneme deleting...................................... 104
Phoneme segmenting.................................... 105
The Researcher’s Observation and Journals............. 106
Time management....................................... 106
Participants’ performance during different activities. 108

Conclusion and Implications.................................. 119
Conclusion................................................... 119
The word-learning activities on students’ phonemic awareness. 120
The effectiveness of word-learning activities on words application. 121
Implications................................................. 122
Using the appropriate materials.............................. 122
Using the diverse activities to help the students’ word learning..................................................... 123
Designing the effective assessments.......................... 124
Limitations of the study 124

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