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作者(外文):Tseng, Yu-Wen
論文名稱(外文):An Investigation of Multilevel Relationships among Authentic Leadership, Perceived Organization Support And Knowledge Sharing: The Moderating Effect of Moral Efficacy
指導教授(外文):Chiang, Hsu-Hsin
口試委員(外文):Lee, Yi-Hsuan
Liu, Cheng-Hong
外文關鍵詞:Authentic leadershipPerceived organizational supportKnowledge sharingMoral efficacy
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台灣半導體產業在全球產業供應鏈佔有重要的地位,影響著台灣各科技業的發展。但近年來,半導體人才受薪資福利誘因吸引,紛紛至國外發展,故企業如何留住人才以鞏固專業知識及技術不外流,實為值得深思的議題。本研究欲探討透過主管之真誠領導行為,使員工知覺組織支持後,有效的促進知識分享之行為(翁良杰、童惠欣,2017)。本研究並加以探討,當員工具有道德效能的感知時,能具備正向的道德規範及準則,不藏私、完整的傳遞知識並分享予同事(Walumbwa et al., 2011; 鍾瑞國、張婉玲,2012),實為本研究欲探討之研究方向。
本研究以台灣半導體產業員工為主要研究調查對象,對45間半導體公司發放675份問卷,回收有效問卷425份,有效回收率63%。本研究採用跨層次分析方法(Hierarchical Linear Modeling) 驗證真誠領導、知覺組織支持、知識分享及道德效能之跨層次關係,分析結果顯示:1.真誠領導與知覺組織支持有正向的影響關係;2.真誠領導與知識分享有正向影響關係;3.知覺組織支持與知識分享有正向的影響關係;4.知覺組織支持在真誠領導與知識分享之間具部份中介效果;5.道德效能在知覺組織支持及知識分享之間具有調節效果。

The Semiconductor industry in Taiwan plays a critical role in the global industry supply chain, affecting the development of the high-tech industry. Recently, due to the compensation incentive, lots of talents in Semi-con industry moved overseas for better development. Therefore, it is crucial for the enterprise to avoid talents and skills outflow. The purpose of this research is to discuss the effective knowledge sharing by perceived organizational support though authentic leadership. This study would like to investigate whether employees would share critical knowledge with their co-workers when they identify themselves with positive morality and guidelines. So these are the directions that this research aims at.
This study collected data from full-time employees in the Taiwan semiconductor industry. 675 questionnaires were distributed, and 425 questionnaires were responded, showing the response rate is 63%. Hierarchical linear modeling is utilized to investigate relationships among authentic leadership, perceived organizational support, knowledge sharing and moral efficacy. The results showed that: (1) Authentic leadership has a positive effect on perceived organizational support. (2) Perceived organizational support has a positive effect on knowledge sharing. (3) Authentic leadership positively affects on knowledge sharing. (4) Perceived organizational support partially mediates the relationship between authentic leadership and knowledge sharing. (5) Moral efficacy moderates the relationship between perceived organizational support and knowledge sharing.
The implications of this research include: 1. The organization can increase perceived organizational support through authentic leadership. For example, the supervisor can give the positive mindset and clear communication path to the employees, so that they can feel the true and transparent superior-subordinate communication so as to feel organizational supports and enhance employees’ positive working attitudes and behaviors. 2. The trust relationship between supervisors and employees can be built through the proper communication, making employees think that they can share their knowledge with co-workers on the basis of mutual trust. 3. Promoting the sense of moral efficacy lets employees aware of the positive moral concept at work so as to discipline themselves by following company’s regulations and sharing his personal knowledge.
Building on the research results, this study argues that authentic leadership can be valued in the Semi-con industry. Employees with perceived organizational support, they can share more knowledge and feedback to the organization so as to enlarge knowledge management scope and enhance organizational competitiveness.

Key Words: Authentic leadership, Perceived organizational support, Knowledge sharing, Moral efficacy
摘  要 I
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 真誠領導 7
第二節 知覺組織支持 15
第三節 知識分享 22
第四節 道德效能 30
第五節 假說研究發展 34
第三章 研究方法 39
第一節 研究架構 39
第二節 研究對象及資料蒐集 40
第三節 研究變項的操作型定義與測量工具 41
第四節 資料分析方法 46
第五節 信效度分析 49
第六節 衡量模式分析結果 50
第四章 研究結果 55
第一節 樣本敘述性統計分析 55
第二節 虛無模式 58
第三節 研究變項的相關分析 60
第四節 跨層次分析結果 62
第五節 跨層次中介效果 65
第六節 調節效果 67
第五章 結論與建議 72
第一節 假說成立表 72
第二節 討論與管理意涵 75
第三節 研究貢獻 78
第四節 實務上的建議 79
第五節 研究限制與未來研究 80
參考文獻 81
中文文獻 81
英文文獻 85

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1. 品牌文化、品牌承諾、品牌公民行為、顧客忠誠度與顧客公民行為之跨層次關係探討:以國際觀光旅館為例
2. 品牌人力資源管理、品牌契合、品牌公民行為、顧客滿意度與顧客公民行為之跨層次關係探討:以國際觀光旅館為例
3. 轉換型領導與工作表現之跨層次關係探討:以員工幸福感為中介效果、心理契約滿足為調節效果
4. 家長式領導與部屬效能之跨層次關係探討:以心理擁有感為中介效果、知覺組織支持為調節效果
5. 公司品牌管理、品牌心理擁有感與 品牌知識分享之跨層次關係探討: 以品牌承諾為中介效果
6. 品牌溝通、員工品牌參與及品牌公民行為之跨層次關係探討:以品牌承諾為中介效果
7. 領導者情緒領導行為對員工建言行為之影響:以心理擁有感為中介效果、工作幸福感為 調節效果
8. 家長式領導與部屬工作結果之跨層次關係探討: 知覺組織支持之中介效果、員工幸福感為調節效果
9. 雇主品牌與知識分享之關係研究:留職意圖、知覺利害關係人重要性、員工幸福感之影響效果
10. 品牌人力資源管理與品牌公民行為之關係研究:留職意圖、企業聲譽認知、品牌承諾之影響效果
11. 品牌文化與員工品牌工作結果之跨層次關係探討:以品牌心理擁有感及獎酬誘因為中介效果
12. 高承諾人力資源管理對工作結果之跨層次影響:以心理擁有感為中介效果、內外控人格為
13. 領導者情緒領導行為對建言行為與創新行為之影響:主管與部屬交換關係之中介效果
14. 情緒領導與正向服務行為關係之探討-知覺組織支持、顧客導向之中介效果
15. 品牌文化、員工品牌權益之跨層次關係探討:品牌心理擁有感之中介效果、員工幸福感之調節效果
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