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作者(外文):Chiang, Yi-Chen
論文名稱(外文):An Investigation of Multilevel Relationship between Branding Culture and Employee Brand Work Outcomes: The Mediating Effects of Brand Psychological Ownership and Reward Incentive
指導教授(外文):Chiang, Hsu-Hsin
口試委員(外文):Lee, Yi-Hsuan
Liu, Cheng-Hong
外文關鍵詞:Branding CultureBrand Psychological OwnershipEmployee Brand Work OutcomesReward Incentive
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半導體產業是我國重要經濟來源,但中國紅色供應鏈的衝擊,及資訊科技更臻快速便利,台灣半導體企業品牌力面臨考驗。Chiang, Chang, Han, and McConville(2013)提出員工對品牌文化的價值信念認同理解,則會對品牌具歸屬感並認為自身對品牌具影響力,進而產生品牌心理擁有感(Chang, Chiang, & Han, 2012)。此外,獎酬制度對員工的工作表現具激勵效果可提升創新績效,若缺少獎酬機制將會阻礙組織內部良好實務運作(邱漢誠,2013)。在本研究的員工品牌工作結果包含:品牌承諾及品牌公民行為。Modi and Patel (2012)認為員工有高度品牌體驗,較容易具有品牌承諾而實現品牌目標,及展現品牌公民行為(Burmann & König, 2011)。據上述文獻,本研究認為品牌文化、獎酬誘因、品牌心理擁有感與員工品牌工作結果會影響企業發展,顯示此為重要的研究議題。
The semiconductor industry is an important economic source in Taiwan; however, due to the impact of China’s red supply chain and the information technology becomes faster and more convenient, the brand power of Taiwan semiconductor enterprises is facing challenge. Chiang, Chang, Han, and McConville (2013) put forward that with the recognition and understanding of value and belief of branding culture, employee will have a sense of belonging to the brand and think that they are effective in the brand, thus producing sense of psychological possession on the brand (Chang, Chiang, & Han, 2012). In addition, the rewarding system can incent employees’ performance and improve innovation efficiency. The lack of the rewarding system will hinder the good practical operation of the organization (Chiu, 2013). This study argues that employee brand work outcomes include brand commitment and brand citizenship behavior. Modi and Patel (2012) assert that employees who have a high brand experience are easier to have brand commitment, which is helpful to achieve brand goals and show brand citizenship behavior (Burmann & König, 2011). According to above-mentioned literature, this study agrues that branding culture, reward incentive, brand psychological ownership and employee brand work outcomes will affect organizational development, showing an important research issue.
Hierarchical linear modeling was utilized to examine relationships among branding culture, reward incentive, brand psychological ownership and employee brand work outcomes. This study collected data from employees of semiconductor industry. Total 680 questionnaires were distributed and 364 were responded, showing the response rate is 53.5%. The analysis results show that: 1. Branding culture has a positive effect on brand psychological ownership. 2. Branding culture has a positive effect on employee brand work outcomes. 3. Brand psychological ownership positively affects employee brand work outcomes. 4. Brand psychological ownership mediates the relationship between branding culture and employee brand work outcomes. 5. Reward incentive mediates the relationship between branding culture and employee brand work outcomes.

The managerial implications in this study include: 1. Semiconductor enterprises can make employee internalize values of branding culture and produce brand psychological ownership through various brand-related activities. 2. Employees who identify branding culture produce positive attitudes and behaviors towards the brand. 3. The enterprise can deepen employees’ value and belief of branding culture and produce employee brand work outcomes through reinforcement of brand psychological ownership. 4. Various reward incentives can be made by semiconductor enterprises to motivate employees to express better working attitudes and behaviors on brand. So, this research results suggest that the semiconductor enterprises can pay more attention to the establishment of branding culture. As employees who participate more brand-related activities will have the stronger brand psychological ownership, which can promote employees’ brand commitment and altruistic behaviors. Reward incentive can be used to motivate employees to achieve positive working results on brand, making enterprises competitive and sustainable. Results can be as references for the future research.
第一章 緒論--01
第一節 研究背景與動機--01
第二節 研究目的--06
第三節 研究流程--07
第一節 品牌文化--09
第二節 品牌心理擁有感--19
第三節 員工品牌工作結果--27
第四節 獎酬誘因--38
第五節 研究假設推論--41
第三章 研究方法--46
第一節 研究架構--46
第二節 研究對象及資料蒐集--47
第三節 研究變項的操作型定義與測量工具--48
第四節 資料分析方法--54
第五節 控制變數--56
第六節 衡量模式分析結果--57
第四章 研究結果--62
第一節 樣本敘述性統計分析--62
第二節 研究變項的相關分析--64
第三節 虛無模式--67
第四節 跨層次分析--68
第五節 跨層次中介效果--71
第五章 結論與建議--73
第一節 假說成立表--73
第二節 管理意涵--76
第三節 研究貢獻--78
第四節 研究限制與未來展望研究方向--80
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12. 品牌人力資源管理與品牌公民行為之關係研究:留職意圖、企業聲譽認知、品牌承諾之影響效果
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