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作者(外文):Hong, Wan-Xiu
論文名稱(外文):Stray Bird –Style — A Creative Discourse on Hong Wan-Xiu’s Wood Art
指導教授(外文):Shiau, Ming-Twen
口試委員(外文):Lin, Po-Hsien
Yu, Chi-Ying
外文關鍵詞:Stray bird -styleMigrationHabitationLifestyleInterpersonal relationshipArtistic quality of wood
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As long as tens of thousand years ago, humankind began displaying migratory behavior, and with the passage of time, this behavior led to humans settling in different parts of the world and developing different races, with different appearances, languages, and social forms. Yet under today’s rapid development of science and technology, there is an increasing frequency of people going out or abroad owing to convenient transportation. A migratory lifestyle seems to have become the normal state of affair in society, and with the increasing contact between populations, gradually obscuring the boundaries between different ethnic groups.
This creative discourse uses the theme of “stray bird -style” to describe the psychological state of vacillation between adventurous flight and comfortable stay. Bird sculptures are used as the carrier of the inner mind, and from the images of migration and habitation, different series of wood arts are derived, presenting various lifestyles and interpersonal relationships. This creation is divided into three series, namely, the migration series with hovering as its theme, the habitation series with stay as its theme, and encounter series with interpersonal interaction as its theme. By means of the artistic quality of wood, the creation displays the singularity and uniqueness of individuals. In combination with the setting of the exhibition space form, the creation presents the phenomenon of the interdependence between individuals and groups. Moreover, under the migratory lifestyle, it reflects on the exchanges and explorations between people across regions, echoing the life journeys of people in search of their self-value and positioning, with the hope that the creation can resonate with the audience.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目次 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 創作動機與目的 1
第二節 創作架構與流程 5
第三節 創作內容與方法 7
第四節 創作範圍與限制 8
第五節 名詞釋義 9
第二章 學理基礎 11
第一節 遷徙之生活型態 11
第二節 多元文化與人際關係 16
第三節 木材之特性 22
第四節 木材之藝術特質 26
第五節 相關藝術家與藝術創作 31
第三章 創作理念與形式技法 39
第一節 創作理念 39
第二節 創作形式 41
第三節 創作技法 45
第四章 作品解說 59
第一節 遷徙系列 59
第二節 留居系列 67
第三節 邂逅系列 71
第五章 結論與建議 76
第一節 創作成果與價值 76
第二節 未來展望與建議 78
參考書目 80
附錄 83

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