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作者(外文):Hu, Wei-Hsiang.
論文名稱(外文):The Way To The Joyful-An Art Discourse By Hu,Wei-Hsiang
指導教授(外文):Hu, Yi-Cheng.
口試委員(外文):Kao, Jung-Hsi
Huang, Ming-Chu
外文關鍵詞:ApprpriationParodyImitate AntiquarianismThe Represent Of The AnonymousThe Lady In Chinese Palace
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:39
  • 評分評分:*****
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The discourt of this essay contain the painting of author from 2017 to 2019. There are six series of the essay include《Body building》, 《The happiness of master's degree》, 《Shuttle through the past and present》, 《Farewell to The Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting》, 《The work of Mural painting》, 《Space》. The author tries to analize the discourt of the painting by teasing the essay. All of the beginning of these painting were the experience of the daily life from author. The author tries to mimesis the norm of daily life, such as the limatation of environment and space to the life of Chinese royal court. At the same time, these daily life has also become the energy and the source of the author to represent these paintings. The author use Tang dynasty as the object of the paintings because of the 「completence」 and also tries to study the method of ‘’apprpriation’’ and ‘’parody’’.

The development of politics, economic, religion, and art achieve very well at Sui Tang dynasty(AD581~907). Figure paintings even reach its peak at the time, it breakthrough the limatation of religeon and politics. The figure paintings especially give attention on the reflection of real life. The topics of the figure paintings especially kept its attention on the spirit of human and the awareness of humanity. The author also use the method of ‘’appriation’’ to merge the image of Tang dynasty to his own paintings.

This essay will illustrate the motivation, the purpose and the research method on the introduction chapter. Then the essay will discuss the method of ‘’appriation’’ on chapter two, and also the case of ‘’appriation’’ and ‘’parody’’ in the history and modern art creation. On chapter three, the author will discuss the ideas of the paintings of these six series. The ideas could be sum up in three elements: the emotion of the lady in Chinese palace; multiple spaces; Non-specific person. The author will analyze these six series on chapter four. On the conclusion chapter, the author will sum up this essay and also sum up the paintings during his graduate studies, and at last the author will illustrate some direction of his own development and the expectancy of himself.

第一章 緒論.....................1
第一節 研究動機與目的............1
第二節 研究範圍與方法.............4
第二章 藝術中的再現、挪用與仿古...7
第一節 挪用.....................7
2-1-1 美術史之挪用...............9
2-1-2 挪用之於仿古..............16
第二節 藝術再現.................20
2-2-1 從模仿到再現..............20
2-2-2 論戲擬...................23
第三章 創作理念..................32
第一節 心靈的侷限:宮廷仕女之情...32
第二節 身體的限制:多重空間.......40
第三節 虛偽的假定:非特定人物.....47
第四節 小結......................53
第四章 作品分析..................54
第一節 身體建造系列...............55
第二節 研究所快樂系列...............60
第三節 古今穿梭系列...............63
第四節 壁畫彩繪系列...............67
第五節 再見芥子園系列.............72
第六節 空間系列..................75
第七節 小結.......................81
第五章 結論.......................82

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