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作者(外文):Fan, Li-Fen.
論文名稱(外文):A study of fifth-grade Students' concepts and drawings of quadrilaterals
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Hui-Yu
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Ying-Hao
Chen, Jian-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:quadrilateralcharacter representationdrawing
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  • 評分評分:*****
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The purpose of this study is to explore fifth-grade Students' concepts and drawings of quadrilaterals. A questionnaire survey was conducted on the fifth grade students in Hsinchu City and 149 valid questionnaires were collected. According to the collected questionnaire, it is divided into character representation and graphical representation. Followed by the second study, explore six fifth-grade Students' drawings of quadrilaterals without a drawing tool and drawings of quadrilaterals with ruler.

Research result
1. The definition of quadrilateral situation
The definition of square is characterized by "four sides are equal " and "four corners are right angles" as the main characters. Referring to " four sides are equal " is 24% more than "four corners of the right angle". The definition of rectangle is characterized by " opposite sides are the same" and "four corners are right angles". The description of the "side length" includes long sides are the same and short sides are the same, two long sides and two short sides, opposite sides are the same. The definition of diamond is characterized by " four sides are equal " as the main characters. The description of the "diagonal" includes the diagonal is the same big, four corners are right angles, four corners are not right angles, corners are not the same . The definition of parallelogram is characterized by "parallelism", " opposite sides are the same " or "diagonals are the same". Some students only see the upper and lower parallel but do not notice that the left and right sides are parallel.

2. The graphics of quadrilateral situation
The main features of the square graphics are "a pair is horizontal " and "a pair is vertical". 83% students can draw different size of the typical square graphics. But only 17% can draw the changes in the orientation of the graphics. The main features of the rectangle are "a pair is horizontal" and "a pair is vertical". 87% of students draw "the opposite side of the horizontal sides is longer than the vertical sides. 66% ratio of the graphics range is from 1 to 3.9. The main features of the diamond pattern are "the diagonal one was vertical, the other was horizontal". Only draw a typical diamond-shaped figure, that is "up and down diagonal for acute angle" accounted for 50%. 68% of the acute angle is from 50 degrees to 70 degrees. The main features of the parallelogram are " A pair is horizontal ", " the left and right sides are diagonally from the upper right to the lower left ". 77% ratio range is between 1 ~ 2.2. 59% acute angle range is between 50 degrees to 70 degrees.

3. drawings of quadrilaterals without a drawing tool and with ruler
Students are most likely to draw typical graphics in the square. The drawing order of typical graphics are in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. If the student draws a typical pattern in the case of hand drawings, then it is easier for the student to draw a typical graphic with the ruler. If the students draw a pattern of azimuth changes, most of the order in the drawing has a different drawing way. If students can draw graphics on the other side is easier to do graphics orientation conversion.

Keywords: quadrilateral, character representation, drawing
第一章 緒論...................1
第一節 研究動機............... 1
第二節 研究目的................4
第三節 名詞解釋................4
第四節 研究限制................5
第二章 文獻探討................6
第一節 幾何認知的發展理論.......6
第二節 概念...................12
第三節 幾何圖形的理解與歷程.....16
第四節 迷思概念的相關研究.......22
第三章 研究方法................. 26
第一節 研究設計................27
第二節 研究對象................28
第三節 研究流程................29
第四節 研究工具................31
第五節 資料的整理與分析.........41
第四章 結果與討論...............43
第一節 特殊四邊形的定義表現......43
第二節 特殊四邊形的繪圖表現......53
第三節 定義和圖形的連接關係......62
第四節 晤談的定義表現...........72
第五節 晤談的同類四邊形繪圖表現...79
第六節 晤談學生的繪圖表現........105
第五章 結論與建議.................114
第一節 結論.......................114
第二節 建議.......................118
附錄一 問卷內容...................125
附錄二 學習單.....................127

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