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作者(外文):Wang, Yu-lien
論文名稱(外文):The Method of Design Thinking into the Process of Developing the Scratch Curriculum of Environmental Education
指導教授(外文):Liao, Guan-Ze
口試委員(外文):Wang, Yi-Hsuan
Chiu, Fu-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Environmental EducationDesign ThinkingDesign-based ResearchScratch
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:735
  • 評分評分:*****
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Scratch was a visualized language in programming easy for learning and usage. Aside from the learning of computation and thinking, it could also help users learn about the design strategies and methods to solve problems. In view of currently dramatic changes happening to global climate, the courses of environmental education were increasingly important. However, most environmental education in schools were conducted by teachers and learned by students in classrooms. Therefore, the core elements of environmental education could not be achievable effectively. Therefore, this research was conducted by means of the design thinking method to combine both computation thinking and environmental education. It led students to reveal the settings of real life, together with the problem conception or solution, by using the educational animation produced by Scratch.
In this research, the design-based research was served as the framework. It was used for experimental planning. The design thinking was the means used to combine both environmental education and computation thinking and observe the practical teaching fields. In this research, 200 students from 8 classes were recruited as the examinees for on-field teaching activities. Research goals were separately described as below. From the collection of scientific literatures, the teaching strategies and applications about environmental education were compiled. Design thinking was used to develop and design the activities of the environmental education through Scratch animations. From on-field teaching activities, we could understand whether students could understand Scratch through the design activities of the animations of environmental education. It aimed to explore the ARCS learning motivation of the students under the teaching strategies by means of design thinking and compile design suggestions.
Based on research results, teachers using the method of design thinking to design these courses could help students combine environmental education and computation thinking with metacognition arisen. Students used the method of design thinking to design Scratch animations available for exploration from practical implementation and the reflection on what had been learned. Students generally contended with these courses, the applications of program bricks could be easier. It was also available for students knowing how to add new roles and modeling. By using role movement and modeling change, students could also mention the knowledge about air pollution. From the questionnaires about ARCS learning motivation among students, we knew all the learning motivations of focusing attention, relevance, and self-confidence and satisfaction sense showed positive responses. In this research, the design of Scratch animation courses lacked human-computer interaction games. In the future, it was available to develop delightful and digital learning modules. With such delightful and digital learning framework, it was available for students to design the works full of gaming sense.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目次 IV
表次 VII
圖次 IX
第一章 緒論 - 1 -
第一節 研究背景與動機 - 1 -
第二節 研究目的與問題 - 3 -
第三節 研究範圍與限制 - 4 -
一、研究範圍 - 4 -
二、研究限制 - 4 -
第四節 名詞釋義 - 4 -
一、環境教育 - 4 -
二、設計思考法 - 4 -
三、設計式研究法 - 5 -
四、Scratch - 5 -
五、ARCS - 5 -
六、學生之學習歷程 - 5 -
第二章 文獻探討 - 6 -
第一節 環境教育之探討 - 6 -
一、環境教育的意義及內涵 - 6 -
二、環境教育之發展脈絡及趨勢 - 9 -
三、十二年國教環境教育議題 - 11 -
四、環境教育策略之相關研究 - 15 -
第二節 數位教學之相關研究 - 17 -
一、學習理論 - 17 -
二、悅趣化數位學習 - 27 -
三、數位教學策略 - 31 -
第三節 Scratch相關研究 - 33 -
一、Scratch簡介 - 33 -
二、Scratch的教育理論的基礎--建造主義 - 35 -
三、Scratch與多媒體 - 36 -
四、Scratch與運算思維 - 39 -
第四節 設計思考法相關研究 - 47 -
一、設計思考法的定義 - 47 -
二、設計思考的策略思維 - 48 -
三、設計思考的流程與步驟 - 53 -
第五節 設計式研究法相關研究 - 57 -
一、設計式研究法簡介: - 57 -
二、設計式研究法之研究步驟 - 61 -
第三章 研究方法 - 64 -
第一節 研究對象 - 64 -
第二節 研究架構 - 64 -
第三節 研究流程 - 65 -
一、準備階段 - 68 -
二、執行階段 - 71 -
三、評鑑階段 - 75 -
第四節 研究工具 - 75 -
一、序列圖卡(初探期) - 75 -
二、學習日誌(初探期) - 76 -
三、作品自評表 - 78 -
四、學習動機量表 - 80 -
第四章 研究結果與討論 - 84 -
第一節 準備階段 - 84 -
一、環境教育教學策略整合- 84 -
第二節 執行階段 - 85 -
一、各時期研究結果 - 86 -
第三節 評鑑階段 - 108 -
一、ARCS學習動機評估量表結果 - 108 -
第五章 結論與建議 - 113 -
第一節 研究結論 - 113 -
第二節 研究建議 - 118 -
第三節 未來研究方向 - 118 -
參考文獻 - 119 -
中文部分 - 119 -
英文部分 - 122 -
附錄 - 126 -
附錄一 教案設計 - 126 -
附錄二 Scratch2.0指令積木功能對照表 - 139 -
附錄三「活動一」小組的討論流程及注意事項 - 149 -
附錄四 學習日誌問卷 - 150 -
附錄五 Scratch仿作課程滿意度調查表 - 151 -
附錄六 小組互評表 - 152 -
附錄七 A班ARCS學習動機評估量表評估結果 - 153 -
附錄八 B班ARCS學習動機評估量表評估結果 - 156 -
附錄九 C班ARCS學習動機評估量表評估結果 - 159 -
附錄十 D班ARCS學習動機評估量表評估結果 - 162 -
附錄十一 E班ARCS學習動機評估量表評估結果 - 165 -
附錄十二 F班ARCS學習動機評估量表評估結果 - 168 -
附錄十三 G班ARCS學習動機評估量表評估結果 - 171 -
附錄十四 H班ARCS學習動機評估量表評估結果 - 174 -

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