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作者(外文):Chen, Wei-Ling
論文名稱(外文):The Research on Marital Adjustment of Women Who experienced Parental Divorce
指導教授(外文):Chu, Hui-Chuang
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Hsiao-Feng
Wu, Yi-Chen
外文關鍵詞:women who experienced parental divorcemarital adjustment
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成年女性婚姻關係之影響、父母離婚對成年女性婚姻調適之影響。本研究採用質性研究方法,以立意取樣的方式邀請五位平均年齡為35 歲,平均結婚長度6 年,並皆在青少年時期經歷父母離婚之女性,採生命敘說與半結構深度訪談方式蒐集資料,資料分析方法以「整體-內容」方式作分析。
This research aimed to explore the marital adjustment among women who experienced parental divorce in the adolescent stage, how the experience of parental divorced affected the marital, and how the experience of parental divorce affected the marital adjustment. This research was constituted by qualitative research and purposive sampling. The five samples are recruited from age 30 to 39 adults who experienced parental divorce in the adolescent stage. This study was conducted by collecting life stories through narrative inquiry and semi-structures depth interview. The data was analyzed based on “holistic-content” approach.
After analyzing the major plots of their life stories, research shows that there are six main characters among these adults who experienced parental divorce in the adolescent stage in their marital adjustment process: 1.Adjusting their self in the beginning, 2. Changing negative event in the past toward the advantage thought, increasing the value of marital relationship. 3. Dealing with the complex relationship with parents, getting self-differentiation. 4. Regaining security, getting the confidence with couple of intimacy relationship. 5. The support system assists their marital adjustment. 6. Participants resilience helps them to see the future.
Additionally, the influence from parental divorced in the adolescent stage to the marital of these participants is as follows: 1. Experience of parent divorced in the adolescent stage affected the image of marriage. 2. Experience of parent divorce in the adolescent stage increased the fear of getting married. 3. Parents relationship in the adolescent stage affected their interaction with couple. Furthermore, the influence from parental divorced in the adolescent stage to the marital of these participants is as follows: 1.The experience of parental divorce affected the confidence of marital adjustment. 2. The experience of parental divorced affected the security of marriage. 3. The experience of parental divorced affected the deficient means of marital adjustment. 4. The experience of parental divorced affected increase the persistence in their marital adjustment process.
According to the research results, the women who experienced parental divorced in the adolescent stage have inferiority and the sense of insecure. But if they can make self-adjusting, they can reconstruct self-identity and build confidence up. Finally they can have happy marriage. Base on the research process and results, the limitations of this study and suggestions would be listed in the end.
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題4
第三節 名詞解釋4
第二章 文獻回顧7
第一節 父母離婚對子女影響的因素及相關研究7
第二節 婚姻調適的意涵與相關研究12
第三節 父母離婚對子女親密關係與婚姻影響之相關研究17
第三章 研究方法23
第一節 研究取向23
第二節 研究參與者26
第三節 研究工具29
第四節 研究程序31
第五節 資料整理與分析35
第六節 研究品質38
第七節 研究倫理40
第四章 研究結果43
第一節 淇淇的故事43
第二節 Sunny的故事62
第三節 KMJ的故事76
第四節 Bel的故事91
第五節 Teresa的故事104
第五章 研究發現與綜合討論119
第一節 經歷父母離婚成年女性的婚姻調適歷程119
第二節 經歷父母離婚成年女性的婚姻來自父母離異的影響128
第三節 經歷父母離婚成年女性的婚姻調適歷程來自父母離異的影響132
第六章 研究結論與建議137
第一節 研究結論137
第二節 研究者的省思140
第三節 研究範圍與建議142
參考文獻 145
附錄一 研究邀請函154
附錄二 前導性研究訪談大綱155
附錄三 正式研究訪談大綱156
附錄四 訪談同意書157
附錄五 訪談日誌158
附錄六 研究參與者檢核函159
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