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作者(外文):Chien, Ying-Chieh
論文名稱(外文):Metaphors in the Lyrics of Popular Music in Taiwan: With Particular Reference to Mayday
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Jui-Chuan
口試委員(外文):Yang, Chung-Yu
Huang, Han-Chun
外文關鍵詞:metaphorpopular songsMayday
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本文旨在探討臺灣流行歌詞中的隱喻。隱喻是一種牽涉不同領域映射的認知表現,將來源域(source domain)的結構或邏輯映射到目標域(target domain),是一種具普遍性、系統性及概念性的語言表徵。探討目前臺灣流行歌曲中隱喻的文獻,發現這些文獻所選定的歌曲來自不同的作詞家,各作詞家對於隱喻的選取可能會有不同的偏好,較難看出隱喻使用的差異及創作上的一致性,為目前研究上的缺口,值得進一步探究。
為彌補上述缺口,本研究選定五月天的歌曲為研究對象。以Lakoff& Johnson (1980)的隱喻理論作為基礎,探討目標域和來源域之間映射之情形,再將五月天的歌曲依年代分成三個時期,探討不同時間使用的差異,接著分析國語歌曲及閩南語歌曲所使用隱喻的差異。
The thesis aims to explore metaphors used in the popular songs in Taiwan. Metaphor is a cognitive process involving mapping between source domain and target domain. On the belief that it is based on human experience (Lakoff and Johnson 1980), such a process is assumed to be universal and systematic cross-linguistically. Due to the fact that metaphors in modern popular songs in Taiwan that previous studies focus on are gleaned from songs composed by different lyricists, it is sometimes hard to decide whether the different uses of metaphors are a result of different preferences by different lyricists or a result of lyricists’ reflection of different stages of life. This thesis fills the gap by focusing specifically on the songs of Mayday, a very popular band in Taiwan. All the songs are composed by the vocalist Ashin. According to the major events of the band, their songs are divided into three stages. We would like to explore whether Ashin will choose to use different metaphors at different stages of life and whether there is any difference in his use of metaphors in his Mandarin songs and Taiwanese Southern Min songs.
Our research shows that, the most frequently used target domain in Mayday’s songs is ‘life’, followed by ‘love’. In each stage, ‘Life is a journey’, ‘Life is a war’ and ‘Life is a container’ are the top three metaphors. Overall, these songs are clear reflections of their philosophy and life experiences. Dissatisfaction with life is a major feature of the first stage. Description of people and events becomes the main theme in the second stage. Their comprehension of life meanings can be clearly seen in the third stage. As for language differences, both ‘love’ and ‘life’ are equally and frequently used in Mandarin songs, while much more emphasis is put on life experiences in Taiwanese Southern Min songs.
To summarize, the characteristics of Mayday’s songs are as follows. First, the major themes are love and life, with the latter being more prevalent. Second, ‘journey’ and ‘container’ are the main source domains. Third, through the variation of themes and metaphors, we can get a clear picture of their life experiences, seeing them turn from big boys into mature men. Fourth, compared with Taiwanese Southern Min songs, which focus more specifically on life experiences, more different themes are covered in Mandarin songs. Fifth, ideas of the young and current cultures are well expressed in their songs, explaining why their songs are deeply rooted in the hearts of people.
摘要 I
誌謝辭 III
第一章緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與研究問題 3
1.3 研究範圍 4
1.4 語料來源 5
1.5 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 國語文獻 6
2.1.1 張雯禎(2008) 6
2.1.2 劉雅玲(2010) 7
2.1.3 楊媛喬(2014) 8
2.1.4 徐以昕(2016) 9
2.1.5 王國樹(2010) 10
2.1.6小結 10
2.2 閩南語文獻 11
2.2.1賴玲玉(2011) 11
2.2.2涂文欽(2013) 12
2.2.3小結 13
第三章 理論架構 14
3.1 隱喻 14
3.1.1 隱喻的定義 15
3.1.2 認知角度的隱喻類型 18
3.2 轉喻 23
3.3小結 28
第四章 資料分析 30
4.1 目標域分析 30
4.2 來源域分析 33
4.2.1愛情 33
4.2.2 人生 49
4.2.3 友情 64
4.2.4 時間 66
4.2.5 人 66
4.3 不同時期之差異 67
4.3.1 不同時期目標域之差異 68
4.3.2 不同時期隱喻之差異 73
4.4 不同語言之差異 88
4.4.1 不同語言目標域之差異 88
4.4.2 不同語言隱喻之差異 92
第五章 結論及研究建議 103
5.1 結論 103
5.2研究建議 107
參考文獻 109

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