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作者(外文):Chou, Jyuan-Ru
論文名稱(中文):傳統祭典飲食文化融入都會區排灣族語教學設計 -以cinavu、qavay、vinengel為例
論文名稱(外文):Intergrating Festival Food Culture into Paiwan Language Teaching in Urban Area: A Case Study on cinavu, qavay, and vinengel
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Mei-Li
口試委員(外文):Li, Pri-rong
Xie, Fu-hui
外文關鍵詞:festival food culturePaiwan peoplecurriculum design5W1Hexperiential learning method
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本研究先以5W1H(What: cinavu、qavay、vinengel「是什麼?」Who:「誰做?」Where:「在哪裡做?」When:「何時吃?」Why:「為什麼吃?」How:「如何做?」)為主軸採集語料,分析三種祭典飲食的內涵與意義,接著轉化田調採集成果為教材,並透過教學設計實施cinavu的教學,透過教學讓學生深入了解排灣族傳統祭典飲食。研究者希望改變過去傳統的教學方法,不再以單向的說教方式呈現教材,而是轉向創造體驗學習環境,讓學生能夠理解並實際製作cinavu。結果顯示透過「體驗式學習」,可以在「做中學,學中做」的主動學習過程中,提升學生的學習動機。這種教學方法能夠激發學生的興趣和參與度,透過教育,我們能夠讓更多人認識這些食物背後的文化價值並讓他們更深入地體驗和理解排灣族傳統祭典飲食的價值和意義。
The traditional diet of the Paiwan people is gradually declining, especially the festival diet has been seriously affected. Although a lot of information about cinavu followed by qavay can be obtained from the Internet. However, most people are not unfamiliar with vnengel. In fact, cinavu, qavay, vinengel, the food generally thought as only raditional delicacie, play the role of ritual food in traditional Paiwan society. As these foods are bought in the market for meager sums, the cultural meaning involved gradually fades away. After tasting, people's final feeling is only "delicious", and the cultural meaning behind it is gradually blurred.
It is necessary to impart culturally correct knowledge to students so that they could understand the importance of these diets. In doing so, students will better understand the place and role of these foods in Paiwan society, and the traditional values and beliefs they carry. Such education will help preserve and pass on the cultural heritage of the Paiwan people and make more people aware of the uniqueness of these diets.
This research starts with 5W1H (What: What is cinavu/qavay/vinegel?" Why: "Why eat it"? Who: "Who makes it"? Where: "Where"? When: "When to eat it"? How: "How to make it") to collect data concerning these foods, analyze the connotation and significance of the three kinds of ceremonial food, and then transform the research results of fieldwork into teaching materials and teaching design. The researcher hopes to change the traditional teaching methods in the past, instead of presenting teaching materials through teacher’s monologue lecturing, an experiential learning environment is created so that students can understand what is cinavu and experience making cinavu. The results show that through "experiential learning", students’ learning motivation get enhanced through the "learning by doing, doing by learning" process. This teaching method can stimulate students' interest and participation. Through education, we can let more people know the cultural value behind these foods and allow them to experience and understand the value and significance of Paiwan traditional festival foods more deeply.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 2
1.2研究動機 3
1.3研究目的 4
1.5名詞釋義 5
1.5.1文化的意義 5
1.5.2排灣族 6
1.5.3排灣族vusam 18
1.5.4排灣族傳統教育 18
1.5.5體驗式學習(experiential learning) 19
第二章 研究方法 21
2.1 研究架構 21
2.2田野調查 22
第三章 田調資料與分析 26
3.1 cinavu資料整理與分析 26
3.1.1 papu ngadan tua cinavu? cinavu「命名」? 26
3.1.2 What: anema a cinavu? cinavu「是什麼」? 28
3.1.3 Who: ti ima seman cinavu?「誰做」cinavu? 29
3.1.4 Where: i nuan a cemavu tua cinavu? 在哪裡包cinavu? 30
3.1.5 When: nungida keman tua cinavu? 「何時吃」cinavu? 30
3.1.6 Why: akumaya cemavu tua cinavu?「為什麼做」cinavu? 31
3.1.7 How: kudain a cemavu tua cinavu?「如何包」cinavu? 31
3.1.8小結 35
3.2 qavay訪談資料整理與分析 38
3.2.1 papu ngadan tua qavay? qavay「命名」? 38
3.2.2 What: anema a qavay? qavay「是什麼」? 39
3.2.3 Who: ti ima seman qavay?「誰做」qavay? 39
3.2.4 Where: i nuan a seman qavay?「在哪裡包」qavay? 40
3.2.5 When: nungida keman tua qavay?「何時吃」qavay? 40
3.2.6 Why: akumaya seman qavay?「為什麼做」qavay? 41
3.2.7 How: kudain a qavay? 「如何包」? 41
3.2.8小結 52
3.3 vinengel訪談資料整理與分析 55
3.3.1 papu ngadan tua vinengel? vinengel「命名」? 55
3.3.2 What: anema vinengel? vinengel「是什麼」? 56
3.3.3 Who: ti ima seman vinengel?「誰做」vinengel? 56
3.3.4 Where: i nuan a seman vinengel ?「在哪裡做」vinengel? 56
3.3.5 When: nungida keman tua vinengel? 「何時吃」vinengel? 56
3.3.6 Why: akumaya seman vinengel?「為什做」vinengel? 57
3.3.7 How: kudain a cemavu ta vinengel?「如何包」? 57
3.3.8小結 64
4.1教學活動設計 74
4.1.1 編製的流程 74
4.1.2 教學設計理念 75
4.1.3 教學活動設計架構 75
4.2 教學實施 76
4.2.1 教學對象 76
4.2.2 教學步驟 76
4.2.3 學習成效 78
4.2.4實施後的反思與建議 79
4.3 本教案實施於新課綱之可行性 82
4.3.1 九年一貫課程(原住民族語)目標 82
4.3.3 本教學方案與十二年課綱課程之教育目標 83
第五章 結論與建議 86
5.1 結論 86
5.2 建議 87
5.2.1對學校或教學者有以下建議 87
5.2.2對有志研究傳統祭典飲食的研究者的建議 88
5.2.3對政府相關單位建議 88
5.3 研究限制與未來發展方向 89
引用文獻 91
附錄一:田野調查訪談人內容 95
附錄二:教學活動教案設計 129
附錄三:學習自評表 158
附錄四:學習單 159
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