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作者(外文):Li, Li-Chuan
論文名稱(外文):The Culture of Curse Words in Vungalid Paiwan
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Mei-Li
口試委員(外文):Li, Pei-Rung
Hsieh, Fu-Hui
外文關鍵詞:Paiwan peopleVinungalidan (Wangjia) dialectswearing cultureconceptual metaphorcognition
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在不同的文化中,罵人的方式也對應整個族群的社會文化而有不同的表達方法,是族群整個宇宙認知系統的一部分,也是一套價值觀的呈現。所以,本論文旨在探討排灣族 vinungalidan(望嘉方言)的罵語,從中發現排灣族文化與語言間的相互促動,進而了解排灣語望嘉方言罵語方式的文化意涵。
本研究發現 vinungalidan(望嘉方言)罵語的表現形式可分為構詞形式和句子形式兩部分。構詞形式上除了禁忌詞、隱私部位和排泄相關的詞彙可自成罵語外,其他大多以附加前、後綴和字根重疊的形式成為罵語。句子形式則以祈使句較為普遍,用來表示命令和辱稱的言語信息,其他句子形式還有陳述句、感嘆句和疑問句,來表達責備或不滿的情緒,以及利用短罵語重疊的方式加重罵語的力度和功能。這些罵語涵蓋了詛咒、恐嚇、譏諷、鄙視和詆損等功能。
探究排灣族概念隱喻運作模式和罵語意涵的關聯,發現排灣族望嘉方言的罵語中透露排灣族人的生死觀、生活觀、教育觀及感情觀,更反映出排灣族人「尊重」、「和諧」、「勤勞」的三大文化核心價值。隱藏在 vinungalidan(望嘉方言)罵語中的是傳達排灣族人的行為規範與傳承文化內涵的目的。
In different cultures, the way of swearing also corresponds to the social culture of the whole ethnic group and has different expressions. It is part of the whole cosmic cognitive system of the ethnic group and the presentation of a set of values. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the cursing words of Vinungalidan Paiwan (Wangjia dialect), find out the mutual promotion between Paiwan culture and language, and then to understand the cultural meaning of cursing words in Vinungalidan Paiwan.
Language, culture and cognition are closely related. This study deconstructs the semantic content of cursing words with reference to Paiwan grammar and analyzes the expression forms of curse words from the perspective of linguistic behavior. This Paper uses the logic of cognitive linguistics to explore the thinking mode of cursing under the framework of Paiwan traditional culture and tries to explore the cultural connotation hidden in the form of cursing language from the perspective of cultural linguistics, so as to prove that language reflects the thinking and culture (belief and attitude) of ethnic groups.
This study found that the expression forms of Vinungalidan Paiwan cursing words can be divided into two parts: word formation form and sentence form. In the form of word formation, except taboo words, private parts and excretion-related words can form curse words by themselves, and other words are mostly in the form of adding prefix, suffix and word root overlap. The sentence form of imperative sentence is more common, which is used to express the verbal information of command and insult. Other sentence forms include declarative sentence, exclamatory sentence and interrogative sentence to express the emotion of blame or dissatisfaction, and to increase the strength and function of cursing words by the way of the overlap of short cursing words.These insults include curse, intimidation, ridicule, contempt and disparagement.
The Paper explores the relationship between the conceptual metaphor operation mode of the Paiwan people and the meaning of cursing words, and it finds that the cursing words in Vinungalidan Paiwan reveal the views of life and death, life, education and emotion of the Paiwan people, and it also reflects the three core cultural values ‘Respect’ ‘Harmony’ and ‘diligence’ of the Paiwan people. The cursing words hidden in Vinungalidan convey the behavioral norms of Paiwan people and their purpose of inheriting cultural connotations.
第一章 緒 論........................................................ 1
1.1 研究動機........................................................ 4
1.2 研究目的........................................................ 7
1.3 研究範圍與書寫符號............................................... 8
1.3.1 排灣語的分布.................................................. 12
1.3.2 vinungalidan(望嘉方言)的範圍.................................. 17
1.3.3 vinungalidan (望嘉方言)書寫符號................................20
第二章 文獻探討與理論基礎............................................ 25
2.1 罵語研究相關文獻探討............................................ 25
2.2 排灣族 vinungalidan(望嘉方言)罵人文化的界定...................... 33
2.3 語言學理論基礎.................................................. 35
2.4 小結........................................................... 41
第三章 研究方法..................................................... 42
3.1 田野調查法和研究對象............................................ 42
3.2 無結構性訪談法.................................................. 43
3.2.1. 重點性訪談................................................... 43
3.2.2. 深度訪談.................................................... 43
3.3 語料分析與內容架構.............................................. 44
第四章 語料分析結果與討論............................................ 46
4.1 直罵 (詛咒、喝斥) .............................................. 46
4.2 擬態(動物、非物) ............................................... 54
4.3 人體相關 (缺損、隱私部位和排泄) ..................................58
4.4 對他族的負面印象................................................ 62
4.5 行為特徵....................................................... 65
4.6 小結........................................................... 69
第五章 望嘉方言罵人的文化意涵........................................ 72
5.1 對死亡與疾病的恐懼.............................................. 72
5.2 強調人畜的分別,與人身體的功能................................... 73
5.3 族群意識與社會階級.............................................. 73
5.4 男女的分工...................................................... 74
第六章 結論..........................................................76
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