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作者(外文):Chiu, Lin-Hui
論文名稱(外文):The relationship between feeding habit and gastric mill morphology of crabs inhabitat on wetlands of western Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Young, Shuh Sen
口試委員(外文):Chang, Hsiao-Yun
Chang, Li-Hsueh
外文關鍵詞:gastric millmorphologyfeeding habitScanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
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本研究目的主要為探討多種蟹類之胃磨形態與食性差異之間的關連,以及不同的胃磨形態特徵是否能做為辨別蟹種的依據。以台灣西部沿海濕地採集之蟹類為材料,包含13科29屬48種。胃磨主要由位於中央的尾賁門骨及兩側的軛賁門骨組成,是十足目動物用以將攝取的食物研磨成小顆粒的重要工具。本研究將胃磨構造中研磨部位的軛賁門骨、尾賁門骨分別以掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscope,SEM )拍照,描述其形態特徵,並比較不同食性之胃磨結構的差異。根據解剖顯微鏡下所觀察的蟹類胃內含物,大致可以歸納出四種類型的螃蟹食性,即濾食型、藻食型、雜食型和肉食型。並且使用主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis ,PCA),來探討胃磨形態與食性之間的關連,結果發現我們可以用軛賁門骨的形態特徵初步判別蟹種的食性,其中包括軛賁門骨上的梳狀齒數、門齒數及犬齒數。以及用尾賁門骨的尾骨齒板數、軛賁門骨的臼齒數目及前臼齒與臼齒間是否癒合等特定胃磨形態特徵作為分類的依據
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the morphology of the gastric mill and the difference of feeding habits, as well as whether the characteristics of different gastric mill can be used as the basis for distinguishing crab species. The crabs collected from the western coastal wetlands of Taiwan are composed of 13 species , 29 genera and 48 species. Gastric mill mainly composed by the central of urocardiac ossicle and zygocardiac ossicle on both sides of the, is an important tool of the decapoda to grind the ingested food into small particles. In this study, the urocardiac ossicle and zygocardiac ossicle as the parts of the gastric mill to deal with grinding were taken by scanning electron microscope (SEM), and the morphological characteristics were describe and compared the difference of feeding habit gastric mill morphology . By the contents of the food contained in the stomach contents under the dissecting microscope. The crabs can be roughly classified into four types: the filter-type, the algivore, the omnivorous and the carnivore crabs. The principal component analysis (PCA) was used to investigate the relationship between gastric morphology and feeding habits. The morphological features can be used to determine the feeding habits including the number of comb teeth , incisor teeth and canine teeth on the zygocardiac ossicle. The morphological characteristics such as the number of bone plates of urocardiac ossicle, the number of molars on the zygocardiac ossicle, and the presence or absence of healing between premolar and molars can be used as classification basis.
目錄 Ⅰ
中文摘要 Ⅴ
英文摘要 Ⅳ
壹、前言 1
貳、材料與方法 3
参、結果 8
(一)西部沿岸蟹類食性分類 8
(二)尾賁門骨及軛賁門骨型態描述 9
勝利黎明蟹Matuta victor 9
司氏酋婦蟹 Eriphia smith 11
兇狠圓軸蟹 Cardisoma carnifex 13
方形大額蟹 Metopograpsus thukuhar 15
瘤突斜紋方蟹 Plagusia squamosa 17
豆形拳蟹 Philyra pisum 19
短身大眼蟹 Macrophthalmus abbreviates 21
萬歲大眼蟹 Macrophthalmus banzai 24
短指和尚蟹Mictyris brevidactylus 27
角眼沙蟹 Ocypode ceratophthalmus 29
中華沙蟹 Ocypode sinensis 31
斯氏沙蟹 Ocypode stimpsoni 33
雙扇股窗蟹 Scopimera bitympana 35
長趾股窗蟹 Scopimera longidactyla 37
弧邊招潮蟹Uca arcuata 39
北方凹指招潮蟹Uca borealis 41
粗腿綠眼招潮蟹 Uca crassipes 43
台灣招潮蟹Uca formosensis 45
清白招潮蟹Uca lacte 47
波檸豆蟹 Pinnotheres boninensis 49
銹斑蟳 Charybdis feriatus 51
日本蟳 Charybdis japonica 53
武士蟳 Charybdis miles 55
鋸緣青蟳 Scylla serrata 57
頓齒短槳蟳Thalamita crenata 59
少刺短槳蟳 Talamita danae 61
刺手短槳蟳 Thalamita spinimana 63
漢氏梭子蟹 Portunus haanii 65
遠洋梭子蟹 Portunus pelagicus 67
紅星梭子蟹 Portunus sanguinolentus 69
無齒螳臂蟹Chiromantes dehaani 71
紅螯螳臂蟹 Chiromantes haematocheir 73
雙齒近相手蟹 Perisesarma bidens 75
神妙擬相手蟹Parasesarma pictum 77
摺痕擬相手蟹 Parasesarma plicatum 79
隆脊張口蟹 Chasmagnathus convexus 81
日本絨螯蟹 Eriocheir japonica 83
平背蜞 Gaetice depressus 85
白紋方蟹Grapsus albolineatus 87
台灣厚蟹 Helice formosensis 89
似方厚蟹 Helice subquadrata 92
德氏仿厚蟹 Helice wuana 94
絨毛近方蟹 Hemigrapsus penicillatus 96
肉球近方蟹 Hemigrapsus sanguineus 98
秀麗長方蟹 Metaplax elegans 100
字紋弓蟹 Varuna litterata 102
肉球皺蟹 Leptodius sanguineus 104
皺紋團扇蟹 Ozius rugulosus 106
(三)胃磨形態分析 110
肆、討論 116
參考文獻 120
附錄 123

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