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作者(外文):Kuo, Yu-Chu
論文名稱(外文):Investigating the Effects of Spectator Sports Event Quality on Spectators’ Perceived Value and Behavioral Intentions
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Chien-Ming
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chun-Yi
Yang, Tsung-Wen
外文關鍵詞:Chinese Professional Baseball Leaguebaseball league fanssports event qualityperceived qualityBehavioral Intentions
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本研究之目的主要在瞭解球迷知覺的觀賞性賽事品質、知覺價值與行為意向的現況、同時探討中華職棒知覺價值在觀賞性賽事品質與行為意向間之中介效果情形。採問卷調查法,以在桃園國際棒球場與台中市洲際棒球場的棒球球迷為對象,研究工具包含核心品質、周邊品質、知覺價值與行為意向四種量表。採便利取樣(convenient sampling),總計發放440份問卷,有效問卷404份,有效回收率91.8%。根據調查問卷,進行樣本資料描述、皮爾遜績差相關分析與模式考驗進行分析,核心品質對知覺價值平均值屬中度相關;周邊品質對知覺價值平均值屬於中度相關;知覺價值對行為意平均值屬中度相關;核心品質對行為意向平均值屬中度相關;周邊品質對行為意向屬低度相關。再以線性結構方程式(LISREL)推估模式各變項間的因果關係,結果顯示核心品質對知覺價值有正向的影響效果;周邊品質對知覺價值有正向但較低的影響效果;知覺價值對行為意向有正向的影響效果;核心品質與周邊品質會透過知覺價值為中介進而影響行為意向。因此建議未來球團應更努力經營核心品質(比賽內容)。
This study explored the status quo of perceived quality, perceived value, and behavioral intentions of sports fans pertaining to spectator sports events among Chinese Professional Baseball League fans in Taiwan. In addition, it investigated the mediating effect of perceived value between spectator sports event quality and behavioral intentions. First, a questionnaire survey was conducted with baseball fans attending sports events at Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium and Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium. Four scales were employed to measure the correlations among the following four variables: core quality, team accessories quality, perceived value, and behavioral intentions. In total, 440 questionnaires were distributed and 404 valid questionnaires were returned, yielding a return rate of 91.8%. The collected survey data were described and analyzed using Pearson product-moment correlation and model-based testing. The analysis results indicated moderate correlations between core quality and perceived value means, between team accessories quality and perceived value means, between perceived value and behavioral intention means, and between core quality and behavioral intention means. Moreover, team accessories quality was revealed to have low correlation with behavioral intentions, and deemed as positively but non-significantly correlated to perceived value. Furthermore, perceived value was found to be positively correlated to behavioral intentions, and core quality and team accessories quality were found to affect behavioral intentions through the mediation of perceived value. This study suggested that Chinese Professional Baseball League teams should further improve their core quality (competition content) in the future.
中文摘要 .....................................I
英文摘要 .....................................II
第壹章 緒論 .....................................1
第一節 研究動機 .....................................1
第二節 研究目的 .....................................3
第三節 名詞解釋 .....................................3
第貳章 文獻探討 .....................................5
第一節 賽事品質 .....................................5
第二節 知覺價值 .....................................9
第三節 行為意向 .....................................11
第四節 研究假設 .....................................14
第參章 方法 .....................................15
第一節 研究架構 .....................................15
第二節 研究對象 .....................................16
第三節 研究流程 .....................................16
第四節 研究工具 .....................................19
第五節 驗證模式 .....................................29
第六節 資料處理 .....................................30

第肆章 結果 .....................................32
第一節 受試者樣本背景資料....................................32
第二節 各變項基本描述統計與簡單相關...........................34
第三節 模式驗證.............................................37
第四節 小結................................................45
第伍章 討論與結論.....................................46
討論 .....................................46
結論 .....................................49
建議 .....................................49
參考文獻 .....................................51

圖 次

圖 1 假設模式架構圖..................................... 15
圖 2 研究流程圖........................................ 17
圖 3 本研究假設模式路徑圖.....................................30
圖 4 本研究模式徑路估計圖.....................................44

表 次

表 1 賽事品質構面.....................................7
表 2 專家效度名單.....................................18
表 3 核心品質項目分析摘要表.....................................20
表 4 核心品質量表因素分析摘要表.....................................21
表 5 周邊品質項目分析摘要表.....................................22
表 6 周邊品質量表因素分析摘要表.....................................23
表 7 知覺價值項目分析摘要表.....................................24
表 8 知覺價值量表因素分析摘要表.....................................25
表 9 行為意向項目分析摘要表.....................................26
表 10 行為意向量表因素分析摘要表.....................................27
表 11 本研究受試者之背景變項摘要表................................ 33
表 12 各觀察變項之描述統計摘要表.....................................35
表 13 樣本各觀察變項相關矩陣.....................................36
表 14 本研究潛在變項與觀察項表.....................................38
表 15 本研究各觀察變項與潛在變項之符號代表...........................39
表 16 結構方程式(SEM)各項參考指標門檻...............................40
表 17 樣本共變數矩陣.....................................42
表 18 適配度指標摘要表.....................................42
表 19 本研究模式參數估計摘要表.....................................43
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