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作者(外文):Yu, She-Fan
論文名稱(外文):The “Thinking Map” Learning Technique: Its Effects on the Reading Comprehension and Writing Performance of Taiwanese Elementary-School Students
指導教授(外文):Chen , Feng-Ru
口試委員(外文):Tzeng, Yuh-Tsuen
Chien, Chin-Wen
Yeh, Mei-Li
Su, Yi-Fen
外文關鍵詞:Thinking MapsSecond LanguageReading ComprehensionWriting Performance
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The purpose of the present research was to investigate the effects of the “Thinking Map” learning technique on Taiwanese elementary-school students, especially in the areas of reading comprehension and writing performance. It incorporates (1) a feasibility study; (2) analysis of the effectiveness of the technique; (3) an examination of the particular Thinking Maps created by study participants, as well as their implications for the usefulness of the technique; and (4), a conclusion presenting the results of this research, plus a few suggestions for future research and instruction.
Two experimental studies were conducted. In the first, the Thinking Map techniques were taught to 24 fourth-grade students. Adjustments and revisions were made to the original teaching plan as a result of discussion and collaboration with the students’ regular teachers. Significant differences between pre-test and post-test scores indicate that Thinking Map techniques are indeed feasible and effective for this age level.
The second study—including experimental and control groups of 22 students each (randomly assigned from grade six classes)—was designed on the basis of the first, with the suggested adjustments and revisions. Here significant differences were found between pre-test and post-test scores with respect to reading comprehension (including “vocabulary comprehension,” and “inferential understanding,” but not
“information retrieval”) and writing performance (including “content,” “organization,” and “sentence fluency” measurements, but not “conventions”). Scores in reading comprehension tended to rise in a straight line as the number of interventions rose, suggesting a progressive effect. A similar pattern appeared with respect to writing performance, at least initially, but improvement slowed.
The particular Thinking Maps created by the experimental group were analyzed according to “expand,” “clarify,” “assimilate,” and “describe” subheadings. The data reveals a positive, linear correlation between increased instruction using Thinking Maps and improvements in reading comprehension and writing performance. Based on questionnaire feedback as well as student interviews, most participants in the experimental group regard Thinking Maps positively.
These results have implications for the use of Thinking Map techniques in elementary-school contexts, and suggest particular directions for future research in this area.
第一章 緒論.................................................1
第一節 研究背景.........................................1
第二節 研究動機及研究目的...............................7
第三節 研究的待答問題...................................7
第四節 名詞釋義.........................................8

第二章 文獻探討............................................11
第一節 英文的習得與學習................................11
第二節 英文的閱讀與寫作................................26
第三節 思考地圖的理論與內涵.............................39
第四節 思考地圖在英文閱讀與寫作教學的應用................54

第三章 思考地圖應用於國小英文閱讀和寫作的試驗性教學...........71
第一節 行動研究的意義及選用行動研究的理由.................71
第二節 研究方法......................................73
第三節 研究結果與討論................................91
第四章 思考地圖應用於國小英文閱讀理解和寫作表現的成效.........119
第一節 研究方法 .....................................119
第二節 教學實驗處理...................................126
第三節 研究結果與討論.................................140
第五章 主要發現、結論與建議...............................165
  第一節 主要發現.......................................165
第二節 結論..........................................167
第三節 建議..........................................168

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