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作者(外文):Li, Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Influence of the Persuasive Effects of Medical Drama Narrative on College Students Concerning Organ Donation
指導教授(外文):Wang, Tzu-Hua
口試委員(外文):Wang, Kuo-Hua
Chou, Chin-Cheng
Wang, Chia-Yu
Chiu, Fu-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Entertainment EducationMedical TV DramaNarrative PersuasionTheory of Social CognitionPersuasive EffectOrgan Donation
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In history down the ages, the government of China had been extensively employing the organs of prisoners under the sentence of death as the sources of human organ transplantation. On January 1, 2015, the government of China announced the complete cessation of the use of organs from prisoners under the sentence of death as the source of donors. From that point, citizens’ voluntary donation of organs after death has become the only channel of source of organ transplantation. Currently, every year, about 300000 patients in China were in need of organ transplantation due to organ failure and other situations. However, only around 10000 cases of organ transplantations could be completed each year. There still existed a huge gap between the number of donated organs and the number of patients who needed organ transplantations.
Some evidences demonstrated that, the contact with information from entertainment media might produce positive educational effects. Therefore, the focus of the research in the paper was the entertainment education—the insertion of health information into mass entertainment programs; one of the key theories in the field of entertainment education—the model of possibility of extended precision procession believed that, entertainment education could establish a persuasive model through its narration; the theory also proposed that the narrative of the story could influence people’s absorption of the story and that the building of a variety of approaches of the persuasive mechanism could influence the relevant attitudes and behaviors. The two central questions of the study were: firstly, through which course could the theory of entertainment education lead to the achievement of the goal of education; secondly, what were the benefits in the application of entertainment education theories into medical dramas? To answer these questions, the author looked into the influence of medical drama narrative on its persuasive effects on college students concerning organ donation.
The experiment included a total of 435 college students as the research objects, who were arranged to watch a designated medical drama with the main storyline describing a little girl waiting for kidney transplantation. The students’ attitudes and behaviors concerning organ donation were surveyed with questionnaire one week after their watching of the TV drama so as to demonstrate the process behind the effects of entertainment education. Specific findings of the research were as follows:
1. Influence of Individual Factors in Medical Drama Narrative on its Persuasive Effects on College Students Concerning Organ Donation.
In terms of the influence of individual factors on their attitudes, character identity and consolidation had significant influence on the attitudes. The higher the recognition of character and consolidation held by the group toward the medical drama was, the stronger their attitude of being persuaded into organ donation could be. Moreover, from the perspective of the strength of influencing relationship with their attitudes, the influence of character identity was the most powerful, followed by consolidation. There was no significant influencing relationship between emotional involvement and their attitudes.
In terms of the influence of individual factors on behaviors, character identity, emotional involvement and consolidation presented significant influencing relationship with objects’ behaviors. The higher the character identity, emotional involvement and consolidation recognized by the group that watched the medical drama were, the bigger the possibility that they could be persuaded into the behavior of organ donation. Moreover, from the perspective of the strength of the influencing relationship with their behaviors, the influence of character identity was the most powerful, followed by consolidation, and then emotional involvement.
2. Influence of Environmental Factors in Medical Drama Narrative on its Persuasive Effects on College Students Concerning Organ Donation.
As for the influence of environmental factors on objects’ attitudes, the higher the product quality, intention and the degree of convergence identity were, the stronger their attitude of being persuaded into organ donation could be. In addition, judging from the strength of influencing relationship with attitudes, the influence of convergence was the most powerful, followed by intention, and then product quality. There was no significant influencing relationship between attraction and objects’ attitudes.
For the influence of environmental factors on behaviors, there was an obvious influencing relationship between product quality, intention, convergence, attraction and the behaviors. The higher the group’s recognition of product quality, intention and convergence in the medical drama was, the bigger the possibility was that they could be persuaded into the behavior of organ donation. In addition, judging from the strength of influencing relationship with behaviors, the influence of convergence was the most powerful, followed by intention, then product quality, and then attraction.
3. Influence of Two Aspects as Individual Factors and Environmental Factors in Medical Drama Narrative on its Persuasive Effects on College Students Concerning Organ Donation.
Environmental factors and individual factors enjoyed significant influencing relationships with attitudes. The more the group got influenced by the environmental factors and the individual factors during the medical drama, the stronger their attitude of being persuaded into organ donation could be. Moreover, from the perspective of the strength of influencing relationship with attitudes, the influence of environmental factors was the most powerful, followed by individual factors.
Environmental factors and individual factors presented significant influencing relationships with behaviors. The more the group got influenced by the environmental factors and the individual factors during the medical drama, the bigger the possibility was that they could be persuaded into the behavior of organ donation. Moreover, from the perspective of the strength of influencing relationship with behaviors, the influence of environmental factors was the most powerful, followed by individual factors.
目 錄¬
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究的重要性 3
第三節 研究目的、問題與假設 6
第四節 研究方法與結構 9
第五節 名詞釋義 12
第六節 研究難點與限制 16
第七節 預期成果及可能的創新點 17
第二章 文獻綜述 18
第一節 社會認知理論 18
第二節 器官捐獻 25
第三節 娛樂教育 29
第四節 敘事說服 34
第五節 擴展精細加工可能性模型E-ELM 41
第六節 小結 47
第三章 研究方法 50
第一節 研究架構 50
第二節 研究流程 52
第三節 研究工具 54
第四節 研究設計 58
第五節 預測試 61
第四章 研究結果與討論 72
第一節 人口統計描述 73
第二節 描述性統計 86
第三節 變異數分析 98
第四節 相關分析 114
第五節 迴歸分析與假設檢定 119
第六節 小結與討論 133
第五章 結論與建議 142
第一節 結論 142
第二節 建議 145
參考文獻 147
附錄 158
附錄一 故事情節梗概 158
附錄二 問卷 160
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