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作者(外文):WU, CHIA-CHEN
論文名稱(外文):The Correlation between Language Learning Strategies and Second Language Collocation Learning – Based on the study of Event-Related Brain Potentials
指導教授(外文):Lu, Ching-Ching
口試委員(外文):Lu, Ching-Ching
King, Jung-Tai
Yang, Rong-Lan
外文關鍵詞:collocationlanguage learning strategiesevent-related potentialssecond language acquisition
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The term “language learning strategies” means the thoughts and actions that are adopted by the language learners to help them to learn a language efficiently. The im-portance of language learning strategies can hardly be overestimated.
The purpose of this study is to examine the relations between the use of some certain language learning strategies and their performance in detecting second lan-guage collocations, since there has been a considerable increase of research concerned with collocation in second language acquisition in recent years.
The ERP (event-related potentials) experiment serves appropriately as the basis for a study of collocation ability. The study differentiates the 26 participant in to 3 groups, based on their ERP responses in the collocation test. The findings of this study, albeit tentatively, suggest that the following language learning strategies, analyzing expressions, developing cultural understanding, identifying the purpose of a language task, planning for a language task, reasoning deductively, and taking notes, signifi-cantly connect to better performance of the Chinese learners in English collocation test.
The results show a clear relationship between the command in second language collocations and their language learning strategies. That offers profound insights into the cultures of learning. It would be beneficial to test on larger and different popula-tions in future research.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究問題 6
1.4 名詞解釋 7
1.5 論文架構 8
第二章 文獻回顧 9
2.1 學習策略相關研究 9
2.1.1 語言學習策略之相關研究 11
2.1.2 詞彙學習與語言學習策略之相關研究 16
2.2 詞語搭配相關研究 17
2.2.1 測量詞語搭配能力之相關研究 17
2.2.2 詞語搭配和N400 19 事件相關腦電位ERPs 23 語義促發之腦波相關研究 25
第三章 研究方法 29
3.1 語言學習策略問卷編製與流程 29
3.2 ERPs實驗方法 31
3.2.1 ERPs實驗目的 31
3.2.2 受試者 32
3.2.3 語料設計 33
3.2.4 實驗流程 35
3.2.5 實驗儀器設定 36
3.2.6 實驗資料處理 37
3.2.7 統計分析 39
第四章 結果與討論 40
4.1 研究發現 40
4.1.1 受試者詞語搭配情境數值結果 40
4.1.2 受試者學習策略頻率使用分析 43
4.2 綜合討論 54
4.2.1 H組及L組使用頻率高與使用頻率低策略之比較 54 H組及L組使用頻率高策略之討論 56 H組及L組使用頻率低策略之討論 58
4.2.2 H組及L組六十二項策略之t檢定 59
第五章 結論與建議 65
5.1 結論 65
5.2 研究貢獻 68
5.3 研究限制 69
5.4 未來研究建議 70
5.1.1 受試者類型 71
5.1.2 受試者人數 71
5.1.3 實驗設計 71
5.1.4 研究方法 72
5.1.5 研究結果 72
參考文獻 73
附錄一 大學生學習英語之語言學習策略問卷調查 84
附錄二 實驗語料 88
附錄三 受試者基本資料 91
附錄四 高能力組受試者之N400腦電波圖 92
附錄五 低能力組受試者之N400腦電波圖 110

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