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作者(外文):Hung, Chia-Ling.
論文名稱(中文):TPRS 運用於兒童華語教學之行動研究— 以紐西蘭小學為例
論文名稱(外文):An action research on the use of TPRS instruction for teaching Mandarin as a second language in primary school-- A case study of two primary schools in New Zealand.
指導教授(外文):Liu, I-chun
口試委員(外文):Zhang, Jin-Lan
Wu, Chen-huei
中文關鍵詞:TPRS 教學法兒童華語教學紐西蘭行動研究
外文關鍵詞:TPRS instructionchildren’s TCSLNew Zealandaction research
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本文主要探討如何將 TPRS(Teaching Proficiency Through Reading and
Storytelling)模式的教學運用兒童華語課堂中。TPRS 教學法之創始人 Ray(1997)
為西語教師,在其西語課堂中使用 TPRS 教學法獲得了極大的成功。然而,從大
部分與 TPRS 教學法相關文獻或研究中可發現, TPRS 教學運用於二語課堂之研
語言學習課堂中。另外,目前 TPRS 教學法相關研究大多針對成人或年紀較長之
因此,本文探討近幾年對 TPRS 的各項研究與教學原則,設計相關課程,並
小學。實驗過程將學生分為兩組,一組融入 TPRS 教學法於華語課程中,另一組
及觀課教師對於 TPRS 應用於課堂之想法。
本研究發現,TPRS 教學法的故事單詞教學,的確可提升學生的學習興趣。
另外,在比較傳統教學組與 TPRS 教學組學生之學習表現時發現, TPRS 組學生
之學習表現正確率明顯地大於傳統語言教學組。然而,本研究亦發現運用 TPRS
教學法運用於兒童華語教學的一些問題,如一直使用 TPRS 之制式方法進行教學,
遊戲融合 TPRS 教學模式,藉以提高學生的學習興趣。
Use of teaching methods plays an important role in second language acquisition, which influences not only students’ performance in classroom, but also their motivation towards learning and their achievement. In addition, different ages of learners perceive the effectiveness of teaching methods differently. The ways of young learners process a language are usually passive and different from adult’s learning process. As a result, how to choose right and appropriate teaching methods is crucial for a language teacher to succeed in a second language classroom.
This action research centers on how to adapt TPRS instruction to children Chinese language classroom. It involved two groups of students and took nine weeks to administer. One of the groups been taught in TPRS approach and the other was in a more traditional way. The collected data include surveys done by teachers and students to get more ideas of how they feel about the TPRS language classes or the traditional language classes, as well as students’ worksheets.
The findings show that using TPRS approach increases kids’ interests in learning Chinese. After comparing the students’ performance of the worksheets, the TPRS group conspicuously outperform the traditional group. However, the study discovers that the students will still lose their interests little by little when the class was taught only in TPRS. Therefore, integrating TPRS with other interesting activities would serve an ideal way to help enhance kids’ interests and learn Chinese effectively.
第一章 緒論 ..................1
1.1 研究動機..................2
1.2 研究問題及研究目的.........3
1.3 名詞解釋..................4
第二章 文獻探討 ...............6
2.1 兒童的語言習得與語言教學....7
2.1.1 興趣與語言習得...........8
2.1.2 兒童語言習得理論........10
2.1.3 語言教學法..............12
2.2 TPRS 教學法相關研究.......15
2.2.1 TPR 教學法.............16
2.2.2 TPRS 教學法及相關研究...17
2.3 小結.....................22
第三章 研究方法 ..............23
3.1 施測環境背景..............23
3.1.1 施測環境背景............23
3.1.2 施測學生華語學習背景.....26
3.2 研究實行步驟..............27
3.3 教學設計原則、方向及實驗限制.30
3.4 教學設計內容................32
3.5 教學成效評量................39
3.5.1 研究者省思................39
3.5.2 受測學生課堂表現及反饋.....40
3.5.3 觀課教師意見及反饋.........41
第四章 行動研究實施結果與討論 ....43
4.1 TPRS 教學法實行遭遇問題及解決方法 ....43
4.1.1 TPRS 教學法融入兒童華語課堂之優點...43
4.1.2 TPRS 教學法課堂所觀察到現象........48
4.1.3 小結..........53
4.2 學生問卷及測驗結果探討................53
4.2.1 學生問卷結果.......................54
4.2.2 學生課堂學習單正確率探討............57
4.2.3 小結..............................66
4.3 觀課教師反饋.........................67
4.3.1 觀課教師意見回饋單統計..............67
4.3.2 小結..............................70
第五章 結 論 ...........................72
5.1 研究發現............................72
5.2 教學建議............................75
5.3 研究限制............................77
參考文獻 ...............................79
附錄:教學周記 .........................82
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