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作者(外文):Gangadhar, Gabrielle M.
指導教授(外文):Lin, Pi-Jen
口試委員(外文):Tsai, W. H.
Hsu, H. Y.
外文關鍵詞:questioning techniquesteachers' questioning
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This study investigates teachers’ questioning techniques in mathematics at the Grades 3 to 6 levels in a private bilingual elementary school in Hsinchu County, Taiwan. The study aims to ascertain the factors that constitute, effect, as well as improve teachers’ questioning techniques. Three research questions were developed for the study. The study sample consisted of 4 teachers of ESL (English as a Second Language) mathematics and 55 Grades 3 to 6 students (boys and girls). Based on the data collected via a questionnaire and classroom observation, the analysis resulted in the following findings that the majority of the questions which teachers of ESL mathematics asked during mathematics lessons were in the low-cognitive level category and the aims of majority of the questions were convergent in nature. The predominance of lower level or convergent questions asked by teachers of ESL mathematics indicated that questioning had been used in a narrow rather than a broader way. The study also revealed factors that mitigate against teachers’ questioning techniques in the ESL mathematics classroom, lack of knowledge of taxonomies, limited attendance to Continuing Professional meetings, lack of some mathematics vocabulary, students at different points in the lesson, comprehension of questions in the textbook, language barrier, negatives reactions to students’ responses, lack of substantial subject matter know-how, lack of preparation and teachers’ views about students’ abilities. Suggestions were made by respondents and additional recommendations were suggested by the researchers to ensure and improve teachers’ questioning techniques.

Title Page….
Certificate of Approval
Abstract………. i
摘要………. ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms xi

Limitations of the study 5
Delimitations of the study 5
Research objectives 5
Research questions 5
Definition of terms 6


Theoretical framework…. 7
Aims of questions 8
What effective questioning entail 11
Establishing an effective questioning environment 11
Effective questioning practices of teacher 12
Ineffective questioning practices of teacher 16
Types and levels of questions 18
Anderson and Krathwohl classification 18
Low level and high level questions 21
Procedural, convergent and divergent questions 22
Factors that affect teachers’ questioning 23
Literature review summary 24

Introduction 26
Research design 26
Context of the study 27
Target population 27
Study sample and sampling technique 27
Demographic features of the participants 28
Research instruments 30
Classroom observations 30
Questionnaires 32
Procedures for data collection 32
Data analysis procedure 33

Types of questions 36
Types of questions by grades 39
Levels of questions 52
Aims of questions asked 57
Factors affecting teachers’ questioning 62
Summary of the findings 68

Types and levels of questions 70
Aims of questions 71
Factors affecting questioning in mathematics classrooms 74
Lack of knowledge of the taxonomies 74
Limited attendance to Continuing Professional Development meetings 75
Lack of some mathematics vocabulary 75
Students at different points in the lesson 76
Comprehension of questions in the textbook 77
Language barrier 78
Negative reactions to students’ responses 79
Lack of substantial subject matter know-how 79
Lack of preparation 80
Teachers’ views about students’ abilities 81
Conclusion 81
Recommendations 84
Awareness about classroom questioning in mathematics 85
Balanced incorporation of both low and high level questions 85
Plan and prepare questions 86
Questions must be given emphasis in the mathematics
methodology courses 86
Continuing Professional Development meetings 86
Suggestions for further research 88

Appendix 1: Questionnaire 106
Appendix 2: Observation checklist 114
Appendix 3: Letter to school principal 115
Appendix 4: Bloom’s action words 117
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