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作者(外文):Chen, Yi-Hsiu
論文名稱(外文):Examination of Picture-naming Processing Using Event-Related Potentials
指導教授(外文):Lu, Ching-Ching
口試委員(外文):Wang, Pei-Ning
Shyu, Hann-Yeh
Chang, Yu-Kai
Cheng, Ying
外文關鍵詞:Boston Naming Tasklanguage processingEvent-Related Potentialssource Reconstruction
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在臨床波士頓叫名測驗(Boston Naming Test)中,我們發現失智症患者的叫名表現以語意類型的錯誤最多,但圖片叫名不只是說出圖片的名稱,其背後包含與圖片名稱相關的語意訊息的處理,是非常複雜的語意運作。因此,本論文以事件相關腦電位(ERPs),探討大腦如何處理圖片叫名的語言運作。
溯源分析方面採用移動偶極子(moving dipole),觀察視覺和聽覺在每毫秒偶極子所在的大腦部位。結果發現,視覺和聽覺本身就是截然不同的形式,但在相同的實驗語料,兩者溯源分析結果不同,三種刺激條件在溯源分析結果也不同,偶極子呈現不同的大腦部位,顯示不同類別的名稱處理,激活不同大腦部位做訊息整合。
In the performance of patients with Alzheimer’s disease on Boston Naming Task, verbal semantic paraphasia errors are most frequently found. It means that picture naming is not just an effortless behavior of mapping the pictures onto corresponding entries in the mental lexicon, but involves aspects of semantic integration processes. In this study, therefore, we observe the event-related brain potentials (ERPs) that is sensitive to semantic processes, for more understanding of how language is encoded in the brain during picture naming.
The Chinese version of the 30-item BNT is adopted in this study. Across the experiment, each item appears as the prime three times, while the target consists of three conditions: expected names, within-category violations, and between-category violations. The entire study is divided into two experiments, each of them includes 90 prime pictures and 90 target words, with the target word presented in its written form in the first experiment and in its oral form in the second experiment. The ERPs results show that both unexpected conditions elicit increased N400 relative to the expected condition. The N400 responses to the two unexpected conditions reflect their semantic similarity to the expected names.
In addition, we measure the surface voltage field on the head and attempt to identify the putative source within the brain. Due to the fact that EEG dipole modeling is useful for a variety of clinical questions, a dipole solution for each time point, the moving dipole model, is applied. Two distinctive patterns of the moving dipole are noted for written forms in experiment 1 and oral forms in experiment 2, in the condition of expected names. And the different conditions in each experiment result in different patterns, indicating different traces of source localizations.
In summary, the findings of this study support the hypothesis that N400 in the three conditions differ as a function of their semantic similarity to the expected targets in the picture naming task. The source solution results may also have more clinical applications in the naming researches of dementia patients in the future.
第一章緒論....................................................... 1
1.1 研究背景..................................................... 1
1.2 研究動機..................................................... 6
1.3 研究目的與問題.................................................7
1.4 論文架構......................................................8
2.1 波士頓叫名測驗相關研究.........................................9
2.2 語言運作模型.................................................14
2.3 事件相關腦電位研究............................................26
3.1 實驗一:視覺詞彙..............................................41
3.2 實驗二:聽覺詞彙..............................................46
3.3 腦波資料分析與處理............................................49
4.1 實驗一結果...................................................54
4.2 實驗二結果...................................................67
4.3 綜合討論.....................................................79
5.1 研究發現.....................................................83
5.2 研究貢獻.....................................................85
5.3 未來研究建議.................................................86
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