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作者(外文):Lin, Ying-Bi
論文名稱(中文):危機洞察下的 CSR策略 —— 以深圳 C建築公司為例
論文名稱(外文):CSR Strategy Under Crisis: Insights from Shenzhen C Construction Company
指導教授(外文):Liu, Yu-Wen
中文關鍵詞:危機洞察企業社會責任社會責任金字塔理論利益相關者理 論
外文關鍵詞:Crisis InsightCorporate Social ResponsibilitySocial Responsibility Pyramid TheoryStakeholder Theory
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摘 要
業自身的生存和發展,還深刻影響著社會穩定和公共福祉。 本文以深圳市
C 建築有限公司為案例,探索企業在危機情況下如何通過企業社會責任
本研究采用案例研究方法,通過深圳市C 建築有限公司的實際調查來
分析其在疫情期間的CSR 履行情況進而探討危機狀況下企業主對社會責任
的洞察、動機、策略等解讀。 研究主要通過問卷調查和訪談來收集數據。
研究發現,深圳C 建築有限公司在疫情期間通過多種措施履行企業社
的運營穩定和員工的健康安全。 公司的CSR 活動不僅增強了公眾對企業
的正面形象,也促進了與政府和社區的良好關係。 然而,研究也指出公司
Enterprises are facing unprecedented challenges in the global public health
crisis of the COVID-19. The fulfillment of corporate social responsibility (CSR)
in a public health emergency such as the COVID-19 is not only related to the
survival and development of the enterprise itself, but also has a profound impact
on social stability and public well-being. Taking Shenzhen C Construction Co.,
Ltd. as a case study, this paper explores how enterprises can effectively
participate in social governance through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
activities in crisis situations, aiming to analyze how these activities affect the
sustainable development of the enterprise and its contribution to society.
This study adopts a case study approach to analyze the CSR fulfillment of
Shenzhen C Construction Co. during the epidemic through an actual survey. The
study mainly collects data through questionnaires and interviews. The
questionnaire was designed to cover the specific CSR measures taken by the
company during the epidemic, while the interviews covered different
stakeholders, such as the company's top management, employees and partners,
in order to obtain data and perspectives from multiple perspectives. In addition,
the study also systematically analyzed the fulfillment of corporate responsibility
at four levels: economic, legal, ethical and charitable through a literature review,
combined with the pyramid theory of corporate social responsibility and
stakeholder theory.
The study found that Honest Hong Construction Co., Ltd. fulfilled its CSR
during the epidemic through a variety of measures, such as donating antiepidemic
materials and providing health protection measures for its employees,
which effectively maintained the operational stability of the company and the
health and safety of its employees. The company's CSR activities not only
enhanced the public's positive image of the company, but also promoted good
relations with the government and the community. However, the study also
points out that companies still face certain challenges in the fulfillment of their
legal and ethical responsibilities, especially in the areas of information
transparency and stakeholder engagement, which need to be further strengthened.
目 录
摘 要 ........................................................ ii
第一章 緒論 ................................................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 ....................................... 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 ................................... 2
第二章 理論與文獻綜述 ......................................... 4
第一節 企業社會責任金字塔理論 ............................... 4
第二節 利益相關者理論 ....................................... 5
第三節 文獻綜述 ............................................. 7
第三章 研究方法 .............................................. 15
第一節 研究設計 ............................................ 15
第二節 研究主體 ............................................ 16
第三節 訪談對象 ............................................ 17
第四節 訪談大綱 ............................................ 18
第四章 研究結果 .............................................. 23
第一節 個案背景 ............................................ 23
第二節 企業社會責任履行現狀 ................................ 23
第三節 CSR 動機及策略分析 .................................. 29
第五章 結論與建議 ............................................ 35
第一節 研究結論 ............................................ 35
第二節 優化個案企業CSR 策略的對策建議 ...................... 36
第三節 研究展望 ............................................ 41
参考文献 ..................................................... 43
附錄1:企業履行社會責任調查問卷 ............................. 49
附錄2:訪談記錄要點整理 ..................................... 54
图1:您了解的社会责任都包含哪些内容? ....................... 25
图2:您认为贵企业可以承担的社会责任具体内容应包括? ......... 26
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