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作者(外文):Hu, Cong-Wei
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Leadership and Community Relationship Management of Chiefs of Police Stations– The Case of Hsinchu County
指導教授(外文):Wu, Shih-Ying
口試委員(外文):Chou, Jui-Hsien
Tseng, Fu-Min
外文關鍵詞:Police StationPolice BeatLeadership StyleInternal ManagementCommunity Policing
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Police officers (POs) are the vanguards of public security and frontline law enforcers. With police stations spread across Taiwan, they tirelessly maintain social order, ensure smooth traffic flow, and safeguard the public whenever needed. Among them, chiefs of police stations (CPSs) are pivotal in executing police missions. They are responsible for leadership and management and play a crucial role in community policing. This paper investigates the leadership styles, internal management tactics, community relationship management, and the drinking culture associated with community relationships. Convenience sampling was employed to survey current and former CPSs and POs in Hsinchu County. Data are primarily presented in numbers, using charts and tables to illustrate response trends. Descriptive statistics and cross-analysis of the collected data yielded the following five conclusions: first, CPSs who adopt a transformational leadership style for team leadership, internal management, and community relationship management may not only enhance team efficiency and effectiveness but also foster strong team cohesion. Second, in terms of internal management, the following five measures are beneficial for boosting team morale and preventing misconduct: a) CPSs guide the execution of police duties in person, b) officers are required to turn on body cameras while performing duty and save the footage afterwards for case review, c) leave policies are clearly defined, d) duties are fairly scheduled based on a predetermined shift scheme, and e) bonuses are awarded to POs who proactively detect major criminal cases. Third, in relation to managing community relationships, the following seven strategies may be effective: a) CPSs conduct crime prevention promotions in their jurisdictions, b) the police visit impoverished families along with social welfare organizations to provide relief and comfort, c) police stations establish Line groups for local communities to promote relevant information, d) news of solved cases is frequently published on social media, e) POs are encouraged to interact with local dignitaries, f) where the law permits, warnings are recommended to replace citations for minor traffic violations, and g) CPSs may effectively manage community relations through social meals, especially those involving alcohol consumption. Fourth, CPSs commonly encounter three issues while managing community relationships: a) POs are overburdened and unable to conduct effective household visits due to an increasing population within the jurisdiction while the number of POs is insufficient, b) despite police referrals, the emergency aid system may not be effective for impoverished families due to insufficient government resources or stringent criteria for reviewing qualifications, and c) the general public nowadays is less welcoming of police home visits. Fifth, with regard to the drinking culture involved in community relationship management, CPSs who engage in drinking alcohol during social meals are more likely to effectively enhance community relations.
In addition, cross-analysis of respondents’ demographic data and survey responses revealed differences in perceptions based on gender, age, and education level. Male POs were more supportive of drinking as a community relationship strategy than female POs. CPSs and POs aged 20 to 49 were more supportive of drinking as a community relationship strategy, while those aged 50 to 59 were not. Those with a master’s degree were more supportive than those with other educational backgrounds. The researcher offers recommendations based on personal work experience and observations regarding unendorsed internal management measures, community relationship strategies, and common issues faced by CPSs in community management. The findings suggest that police institutions and government departments should invest more resources and provide training for CPSs on leadership and community management strategies. The issues frequently encountered by CPSs while building community relations should be addressed to enable CPSs to effectively manage community relations and implement community policing, thus contributing to social stability.
第壹章 緒論-------------------------1
第貳章 文獻探討---------------------9
第參章 資料來源與問卷設計------------14
第肆章 實證研究分析-----------------19
第伍章 結論與建議-------------------57
附錄一 研究問卷(所長版)------------68
附錄二 研究問卷(員警版)------------73
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