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作者(外文):Chen, Kuan-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Fraud cost research and policy analysis
指導教授(外文):Wu, Shih-Ying
口試委員(外文):Chou, Jui-Hsien
Fu, Min-Tseng
中文關鍵詞:機會成本加州 47 號法案攔阻金額率攔阻率
外文關鍵詞:Opportunity costsCalifornia Proposition 47Interception amount rateInterception number rate
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台灣近年開始被戲稱為詐騙王國,且根據刑事局統計,2023 年境內遭詐騙的
金額已高達 88 億,案發件數並已高達將近 3 萬 8 千件,雙雙達到近六年的新 高,可見政府打擊詐欺犯罪的政策及作為不僅無法有效遏止犯罪發生,可能還 得到反效果,人民間開始互相不信任,對於政府提供的文書也須多重查證,甚 而直接忽視,因此不禁令我們反思,持續投入人力及資源在打擊詐欺犯罪,是 否能有效解決此嚴重的「國家問題」,抑或是資源錯置,不應將所有的案件一 視同仁,須了解背後的「機會成本」。
處理一件詐欺案件,司法系統基本需投入的資源包含警察、檢察官、法官及 人犯在監獄服刑的費用等,而根據刑事局民國 111 年的統計資料,百分之三十 以下的詐騙案金額低於新台幣三萬元以下,處理犯罪的目的在於使嫌犯得到教 訓,因而令犯嫌感到畏懼及因此避免其再犯與賠償被害人遭侵害的權益以維持 公共秩序及保護社會安全,然若所得到的效益嚴重低於所投入的成本,是否國 家有需要調整目前查處此類事件的方式,美國加州於 2014 年通過 47 號法案, 它將一些非暴力的犯罪歸類為輕罪,節省下來的經費用於輔導、受害者服務或 者心理治療等,我們可以思考此種方式是否能更有效的利用資源,以達成降低 詐欺犯罪發生數及進而重建社會互信的目標。
本文以分析詐欺案件從報案開始至案件判決執行,每階段所需消耗的最低成 本。資料來源為民國 106 年至 110 年,經計算處理一件詐欺案件平均成本為新 台幣 65058 元,而平均每年處理所有詐欺案件,則需耗費新台幣 1,266,082,491 元。為有效衡量政府所提出的打擊詐欺策略是否有效,不能僅以案件發生數作 為唯一衡量標準。經計算發現,我國攔阻金額率(攔阻金額/(攔阻金額+遭詐騙 金額))已從 110 年的 31%提升至 112 年 50%及攔阻率(攔阻件數/(攔阻件+遭 詐件數))由 25%提升至 28%,藉此降低詐騙集團的投資報酬率,而減少後續人 員投入的意願,且政策的效果通常有其延續性,若以此角度衡量行政院所提出得 新世代打擊詐欺策略行動綱領,可謂相當有效。
Taiwan has been nicknamed the Kingdom of Scams in recent years, and according to statistics from the Criminal Bureau, the amount of fraud committed in the country in 2023 has reached 8.8 billion, and the number of cases has reached nearly 38,000, both reaching a new high in the past six years. It can be seen that the government policies and actions to combat fraud crimes not only fail to effectively curb the occurrence of crime, but may also have the opposite effect. People begin to distrust each other, and documents provided by the government must be double- checked or even ignored. Therefore, we cannot help but reflect on whether the continuous investment of manpower and resources in combating fraud crimes can effectively solve this serious "national problem", or is it a misplacement of resources? We should not treat all cases equally, and we must understand the "opportunity costs" behind them.
To handle a fraud case, the judicial system basically needs to invest resources including police, prosecutors, judges and the cost of prisoners serving their sentences in prison. According to statistics from the Criminal Bureau in 2011, less than 30% of fraud cases involved amounts less than NT$30,000. The purpose of handling crimes is to make the suspect learn a lesson, thereby making the suspect feel fearful and avoid re-offending, and to compensate the victim for the infringement of his rights to maintain public order and protect social security. However, if the benefits obtained are seriously lower than the costs invested, does the country need to adjust the current way of handling such cases? California passed Bill 47 in 2014, which classifies some non-violent crimes as misdemeanors. The funds saved can be used for counseling, victim services or psychological treatments. We can think about whether this approach can use resources more effectively to achieve the goal of reducing the number of fraud crimes and thus
rebuilding social trust.
This article analyzes the minimum cost required at each stage of a fraud case from the reporting of the case to the execution of the judgment. The data source is from 2017 to 2021. The average cost of handling a fraud case is calculated to be NT$65,058, and the average annual cost of handling all fraud cases is NT$1,266,082,491. In an environment where global fraud crimes continue to be rampant, in order to effectively measure the effectiveness of the anti-fraud strategies proposed by the government, the number of cases cannot be used as the only criterion. After calculation, it was found that our country’s interception amount rate (interception amount/(interception amount + defrauded amount)) has increased from 31% in 2021 to 50% in 2023, and the interception number rate (interception number/(interception number + number of fraud cases) )) from 25% to 28%, thereby reducing the fraud group’s return on investment and reducing the willingness of subsequent personnel to invest. And the effects of policies usually have continuity. If we measure the action plan for the new generation anti-fraud strategy proposed by the Executive Yuan from this perspective, it can be said to be quite effective.
第一章 緒論....................................................................................7 1.1 研究背景與動機...........................................................................7 1.2 研究目的..................................................................................10
第二章 理論架構與文獻回顧...............................................................13 第三章 詐欺案件進入司法系統成本分析................................................20 3.1 警察受理階段............................................................................20
3.2 檢察官偵查階段..........................................................................27 3.3 法院審理階段.............................................................................27 3.4 監獄執行階段.............................................................................32 3.5 總成本......................................................................................34 3.6 成本的推估假設與限制................................................................35 第四章 政府處理詐欺案件的政策與效果.............................................37 4.1 新世代打擊詐欺策略行動綱領 1.5...................................................37 4.2 政策效益評估.............................................................................38 4.3 詐欺案件的其他影響....................................................................51 4.4 小結.........................................................................................52 第五章 結論與建議........................................................................54 5.1 研究結論..................................................................................54 5.2 政策建議..................................................................................55 5.3 研究限制..................................................................................56 參考文獻.......................................................................................57
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