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作者(外文):Liu, Grace Y
論文名稱(外文):Precise Control of Microtubule Disassembly in Living Cells
指導教授(外文):Lin, Yu-Chun
口試委員(外文):Wang, Hui-Ching
Wang, Won-Jing
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:18
  • 評分評分:*****
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Microtubules tightly regulate various cellular activities. Our understanding of microtubules is largely based on microtubule-targeting agents, which, however, are insufficient to dissect the dynamic mechanisms of specific microtubule populations due to their slow effects on the entire pool of microtubules. To address this limitation, we have incorporated chemogenetics to disassemble specific microtubule subtypes including ciliary axonemes, mitotic spindles, and intercellular bridges, by rapidly recruiting engineered microtubule-cleaving enzymes onto target microtubules. Acute microtubule disassembly swiftly halted vesicular trafficking and lysosomal dynamics. It also immediately triggered Golgi and ER reorganization and slowed the fusion/fission of mitochondria without affecting mitochondrial membrane potential. Cell rigidity was increased after microtubule disruption owing to increased contractile stress fibers. These tools enable to uncover new insights of how microtubules precisely regulate cellular architectures and functions.
This thesis is modified from my previously published work in EMBO Journal, titled 'Precise control of microtubule disassembly in living cells'.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview of microtubules 1
1.2 Endogenous processes to regulate MT dynamics 1
1.3 Overview of the microtubule severing enzyme, Spastin 2
1.4 Overview of present microtubule disruption techniques 3
Chapter 2 Methods and Materials 6
2.1 Cell culture and transfection 6
2.2 DNA construction 6
2.3 Immunofluorescence staining 7
2.4 Western blotting 8
2.5 Live-cell imaging 9
2.6 Measurement of microtubule filament area 10
2.7 Tracking vesicles and lysosomes 10
2.8 Analysis of mitochondrial morphology and dynamics 11
2.9 Cell synchronization 12
2.10 Statistical analysis 12
2.11 List of antibodies and dyes 13
2.12 List of chemical reagents 14
2.13 Supplementary sequences 15
Chapter 3 Results 20
3.1 Rapid translocation of proteins of interest onto microtubules 20
3.2 Engineering microtubule-severing enzymes for precise microtubule disruption 21
3.3 Rapid disruption of specific microtubule-based structures 24
3.4 Acute microtubule disassembly inhibits vesicular trafficking and lysosomal dynamics 26
3.5 Microtubules are essential for organization of Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum 27
3.6 Microtubules are essential for the dynamics of mitochondria 28
3.7 Acute microtubule disassembly immediately triggers stress fiber formation and increases cell rigidity 31
Chapter 4 Discussion and Conclusion 34
References 38
Figures 50
Figure 1. Rapid translocation of proteins of interest onto microtubules 50
Figure 2. The microtubule-severing activity of engineered Spastin enzymes 53
Figure 3. Rapidly recruiting engineered Spastins onto microtubules 55
Figure 4. The microtubule disruption rates of MTAs and our system 57
Figure 5. Our system can disrupt long-lived acetylated microtubules 59
Figure 6. Rapid disassembly of microtubules in COS7 cells 61
Figure 7. Rapid disassembly of microtubules in U2OS cells 63
Figure 8. Using a gibberellin-based system to rapidly translocate proteins of interest onto microtubules 65
Figure 9. Using the gibberellin-based system to rapidly disassemble microtubules 67
Figure 10. Acute microtubule disruption is not dependent on proteasome-mediated degradation 69
Figure 11. Inhibition of Spastin activity reverses microtubule disassembly 71
Figure 12. Disassembly rates of detyrosinated and hyperglutamylated microtubules 73
Figure 13. Subcellular distribution of CFP-FRB-MAP4m at different cell cycle phases 76
Figure 14. Rapid disassembly of ciliary axonemes 78
Figure 15. The structure of the primary cilia occasionally does not collapse after axoneme disassembly 80
Figure 16. Rapid disassembly of mitotic spindles and intercellular bridges 82
Figure 17. Spastin does not rapidly disrupt centrosomes 84
Figure 18. Acute microtubule disassembly halts vesicular trafficking 86
Figure 19. Acute microtubule disassembly halts lysosomal dynamics 88
Figure 20. Acute microtubule disassembly reorganizes the Golgi apparatus 90
Figure 21. Acute microtubule disassembly reorganizes the ER 91
Figure 22. The effects of acute microtubule disassembly on the dynamics and activities of mitochondria 92
Figure 23. Microtubule disassembly enhances stress fiber formation and cell rigidity 95
Figure 24. Method used to measure microtubule filament area in real time 98
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