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作者(外文):Ko, Po-Chih
論文名稱(中文):ESG 績效與極端風險:台灣市場之實證
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Study on ESG Performance and Tail Risk in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Huang, Yu-Lieh
外文關鍵詞:tail riskESGVaRCVaR
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本研究探討台灣市場中企業的 ESG 績效與極端風險之間的關聯性。研究樣本來自 2015 年至 2022 年間在台灣的上市櫃公司,並以 Bloomberg 資料庫為 ESG 資料來源。相較於之前的文獻,本研究在極端風險的衡量方式上考量了報酬的偏態與峰度,選擇了經 Cornish-Fisher 漸進展開式調整過後的風險值 (modified VaR) 與條件風險值 (modified CVaR) 作為極端風險的衡量工具。而在模型選擇上,使用普通最小平方法線性多元迴歸模型,評估了 ESG 績效對公司未來極端風險的影響,並且透過加入時間虛擬變數與不同信賴水準進一步增加結果的穩健性。結果顯示,台灣市場中的環境與公司治理績效對降低極端風險的閾值 (threshold value) 有顯著影響,但只有公司治理績效能夠降低損失的期望值。同時,這些效果皆會隨著信賴水準的上升,也就是事件越極端時漸漸失效,而社會責任績效則未顯示出任何顯著效果。
This study investigates the relationship between ESG performance and tail risk among companies in the Taiwan market. The sample comprises TWSE-listed and TPEx-listed firms in Taiwan from 2015 to 2022, with ESG data sourced from the Bloomberg database. Unlike prior literature, this study considers the skewness and kurtosis of returns in measuring tail risk, employing risk measures adjusted via the Cornish-Fisher expansion (modified VaR and modified CVaR). A multiple linear regression model using the ordinary least squares method was utilized to assess the impact of ESG performance on future tail risk. The robustness of the results was enhanced by the inclusion of time dummy variables and varying confidence level. The results indicate that in Taiwan’s market, environment and corporate governance performances significantly affect the threshold value for reducing tail risk. However, only corporate governance performance is effective in reducing the expected value of losses. Meanwhile, these effects gradually diminish as the confidence level increases, meaning they become less effective as the events become more extreme. Lastly, no significant effects of social responsibility performance have been observed.
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