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作者(外文):Chu, Kai-Yi
論文名稱(外文):Applying Deep Learning in Managing Incivility on Social Media
指導教授(外文):Wang, Jyun-Cheng
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Pei-Fang
Chiang, Cheng-Hsin
外文關鍵詞:IncivilityGraph neural networksSocial network analysisNatural language processingNegative emotion
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Incivility on the Internet can adversely affect users, causing emotional stress, mental health issues, and reduced social interactions. Current management methods mainly rely on user reporting, which is inefficient and slow. Automatic detection systems, often using natural language processing or keyword detection, have high false positive rates. This study explores a more accurate identification method and seeks ways to manage incivility with minimal impact on normal comments.
This study has two main parts. The first part investigates using Graph Neural Networks (GNN) combined with Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to detect incivility. We collected comment data from Reddit's "worldnews" subreddit, using NLP to obtain edge parameters and SNA to calculate for node parameters. The GNN model demonstrated excellent detection accuracy. The optimal configuration included centrality metrics and sentiment analysis scores. The second part involved experimental validation. Participants were divided into three groups: unblocked, blocked, and warning. The PANAS (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule) measured emotional changes before and after the intervention. Results showed that blocked and warning groups significantly reduced negative emotions compared to unblocked group, with no significant difference between blocked and warning groups. The results indicate that both strategies are equally effective in reducing negative emotions.
Based on the identification model and experimental results, we hope to provide a better incivility management approach for social media platforms. These measures can create a better online environment, enhance users' mental health and positive interaction experiences, and improve overall well-being on social media platforms.
Abstract 2
摘要 3
List of Contents 4
1. Introduction 6
1.1 Research Background 6
1.2 Research Motivation 7
1.3 Research Question 8
2. Literature Review 9
2.1 Negative Impact of Incivility 9
2.2 GNN, SNA and NLP for Incivility Detection 10
2.3 Experimental Studies on Effects of Warning Labels 12
3. Methodology 15
3.1 Data Collection 18
3.2 Incivility Detection 21
3.3 An Experiment on the Impact of Incivility Warning Messages 25
4. Data Analysis 28
4.1 Incivility Detection 28
4.2 Impact of Incivility Warning Messages 32
5. Discussion 40
5.1 Incivility Detection 40
5.2 Impact of Incivility Warning Messages 42
6. Conclusion 44
6.1 Limitation 46
6.2 Future Work 48
7. Reference 49
8. Appendix 54

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