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作者(外文):Nguyen, Quy-Toai
論文名稱(外文):The Adoption of No-code AI platforms in Retail Marketing
指導教授(外文):Wong, Chan-Yuan
口試委員(外文):Chien, Pei-Yu
Chien, Ker-Hsuan
Fung, Hon-Ngen
外文關鍵詞:Retail MarketingAI
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  • 評分評分:*****
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This research examines the adoption of no-code AI platforms within the retail marketing sector, focusing on the driving factors, selection criteria, implementation challenges, benefits, and limitations of these platforms. The digital transformation in retail has escalated the necessity for platforms that enhance marketing efficiency, operational automation, and personalized customer engagement. Through qualitative analysis involving discussions with retail business managers and platform providers, this study categorizes the motivations for adopting no-code AI platforms into internal, external, and technological drivers. It also highlights the criteria used by retail businesses in selecting these platforms, which include technological capabilities, support services, and cost efficiency. Implementation challenges such as data integration, personnel readiness, and inter-departmental cooperation are discussed, along with the substantial benefits of operational efficiency and improved customer journey management. The research identifies critical limitations like the need for extensive personalization capabilities and the integration challenges with local communication tools. Insights from this study suggest that successful adoption relies on clear goal setting, high-level management involvement, and robust data management strategies. The findings aim to provide actionable insights for retail businesses who are considering adopting no-code AI platforms and platform providers seeking to refine their offerings. Future research is recommended to explore more diverse contexts and larger samples to generalize findings and further investigate the performance metrics of these platforms.
ABSTRACT -------------------------------------------------- i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ------------------------------------- ii
List of Tables ------------------------------------------------ iv
List of Figures ----------------------------------------------- iv
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION --------------------------------- 1
1.1 Research Background ----------------------------------- 1
1.2 Research Gaps ----------------------------------------- 2
1.3 Research Objectives and Questions --------------------- 2
1.4 Scope of Research -------------------------------------- 3
1.5 Structure of the study ----------------------------------- 4
CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ---------------------------- 5
2.1 Digital transformation in Retail --------------------------- 5
2.2 AI in Retail Marketing ------------------------------------ 6
2.3 No-code AI ---------------------------------------------- 7
3.1 Conceptual Framework ---------------------------------- 8
3.2 Research Method ---------------------------------------- 9
3.3 Data Collection ------------------------------------------ 10
3.4 Data Processing and Analysis ---------------------------- 12
CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS -------------------------------------- 13
4.1 Pre-implementation stage ------------------------------- 13
4.2 Implementation stage ----------------------------------- 22
4.3 Post-implementation stage ------------------------------ 27
5.1 Summary of findings ------------------------------------ 37
5.2 Discussion --------------------------------------------- 42
CHAPTER VI: CONCLUSION --------------------------------- 50
6.1 Conclusion --------------------------------------------- 50
6.2 Limitations and Future Research ------------------------ 51
REFERENCE ------------------------------------------------- 53
APPENDICE ------------------------------------------------- 57
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