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作者(外文):Kuo, Fang-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Online Social Network Data-Driven Early Detection on Short-Form Video Addiction
指導教授(外文):Shen, Chih-Ya
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Bay-Yuan
Hung, Hui-Ju
Chen, Yi-Ling
外文關鍵詞:Short-form Video AddictionSocial Network AnalysisGraph Neural NetworkDeep LearningLarge Language Model
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短影音內容近年來風靡全球,成為各大社群媒體上的熱門娛樂形式。然而, 當代研究指出,短影音成癮會在生理和心理方面造成諸多負面影響,如注意力 下降和學習動機低落。此外,短影音成癮也與其他現象相關,例如缺乏現實生 活中的心理支持、家庭或學業壓力、以及社交恐懼等問題。然而,現今針對短 影音成癮的研究,多是在使用者出現生理、心理乃至生命負面後果時才被發 現。因此,本研究旨在構建以社群網路行為為基礎的短影音成癮資料集,並設 計短影音成癮的早期偵測架構。實際上,利用社群網路上的豐富使用者數位足 跡來解決心理健康問題是現今常用的方法。然而,過往研究多著重於憂鬱和自 殺傾向的偵測。在本研究中,我們首先引入大型語言模型來處理圖資料集中常 見的稀疏性問題和資料缺失問題;同時,我們將社群網路的行為數據分為不同 的模態,並設計了一個異質的社交網路結構作為短影音成癮偵測的主要依據。 我們使用自行建構的資料集對短影音成癮者進行一系列量化分析,並進行大量 實驗驗證利用社群數據與異質社群圖在短影音成癮偵測上的有效性。
Short-form video has become a globally popular form of entertainment in re- cent years, appearing on major social media platforms. However, contemporary research indicates that short video addiction can lead to numerous negative effects on both physical and psychological health, such as decreased attention span and reduced motivation to learn. Additionally, short-form video addiction (SFVA) has been linked to other issues such as a lack of psychological support in real life, family or academic pressure, and social anxiety. Currently, the detection of SFVA typically occurs only after users experience negative consequences. Therefore, the study aims to construct a short video addiction dataset based on social network behavior and design an early detection framework for short video addiction. In fact, leveraging the rich digital footprints left by users on social networks is a common method for addressing many psychological health detection issues. However, previous research has mostly focused on detecting depression and suicidal tendency. In this study, we first introduce large language models to address the common issues of sparsity and missing data in graph datasets. Meanwhile, we categorize social network behavior data into different modalities and design a heterogeneous social network structure as the primary basis for detecting short video addiction. We conduct a series of quantitative analyses on short video addicts using our self-constructed dataset, and perform extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of our method EarlySD, using social data and heterogeneous social graphs in the detection of short video addiction.
Abstract (Chinese) I
Abstract II
Contents III
List of Figures VI
List of Tables VII
1 Introduction 1
1.1 BackgroundandMotivation ...................... 1
2 Related Works 6
2.1 MentalHealthDetectionwithSocialMediaData . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 GraphNeuralNetworkonSocialNetwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Large Language Model as Enhancer on Graph-Related Task . . . . 9
3 Preliminary Analysis
3.1 RealDataCollection .......................... 11
3.2 FeatureExtraction ........................... 12
3.3 Quantitative Insight from demographic and social behavior feature . 13
4 Problem Formulation .......................... 18
5 Method Design 20
5.1 EarlySDArchitecture.......................... 20
5.2 LLM-enhancedStructuralAugmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 5.2.1 u-uEdgeAugmentation .................... 21 5.2.2 u-tEdgeAugmentation .................... 22
5.3 HeterogenousGraph-basedSFVAclassifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.3.1 EmbeddingInitialization.................... 23
5.3.2 Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network Classifier as SFVA EarlyDetector ......................... 24
6 Experiment 26
6.1 DataStatistics ............................. 26
6.2 Baselines................................. 27 6.2.1 Feature-basedclassifier..................... 27
6.2.2 State-of-the-art methods for mental health detection . . . . 28
6.3 ExperimentSetting........................... 29 6.3.1 SocialGraphRefinementModule ............... 29 6.3.2 HeterogenousGraphClassifier................. 29 6.3.3 EvaluationMetrics ....................... 30
6.4 PerformanceComparison........................ 30
6.5 AblationStudy ............................. 31
6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3
7 Conclusion
8 Appendix
ExpandedTopicSet ...................... 31
Similarity-based Edge Generation and Parameter Study ............................. 33 DifferentFeatureModality................... 34
36 37
8.1 FeatureDetails ............................. 37
Bibliography ............................. 40
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