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作者(外文):Lim, Jia-He
論文名稱(外文):EEGen: Advancing EEG Synthesis with Transformer-Based Generative Models
指導教授(外文):Kuo, Po-Chih
口試委員(外文):Chuang, Chun-Hsiang
Wei, Chun-Shu
外文關鍵詞:Transformer ModelsEEG Signal SynthesisBrain-Computer InterfaceDiscrete Code
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隨著模型參數數量和訓練數據集規模的增加,近期基於深度學習發展的大型語言模型(Large Language Models, LLMs)進展顯著,其性能達到接近人類的水平。深度學習模型是啟發於人類大腦的架構,若能運用此架構模擬人腦腦波的生成,將有助於了解模型是否以類似於人腦的方式運作。本研究推出了一種基於Transformer架構的生成模型EEGen,用於產生連續的合成腦電圖(Electroencephalogram, EEG)訊號。由於EEG訊號有許多噪訊,我們使用了一種量化自動編碼器,將這些訊號壓縮為離散代碼,以更有效地擷取訊號中的時間特徵,實現不同數據集之間的泛化使用性。EEGen的編碼器以EEG訊號作為輸入,將訊號壓縮後傳入解碼器,讓解碼器自回歸地生成離散代碼。我們使用運動想象腦機介面(Brain-Computer Interface, BCI)作為評估我們方法的應用場景。本評估的挑戰在於,由於各個實驗與受試者存在顯著差異,跨數據集合併訓練與測試將是很大的挑戰。我們的實驗結果顯示,合成的EEG能有效地捕捉時間特徵,同時保持原始訊號的複雜度和頻譜。此外,分類任務結果表明,加入合成數據提高了分類準確度,並超過了基於生成對抗網路(Generative Adversarial Network, GAN)或擴散模型等方法的效果。這些發現強調了基於Transformer的生成模型在多個數據集上有效泛化並生成高質量合成EEG訊號的潛力。
Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have been significant, with increases in both parameter count and training dataset size leading to performance levels nearing human-like capabilities. Despite their foundation in neural network architectures, it remains unclear if LLMs operate similarly to the human brain. This study introduces a transformer-based generative model, EEGen, designed to consecutively generate synthetic electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Due to the intrinsic noise in EEG signals, we employ a quantized autoencoder that compresses these signals into discrete codes, effectively capturing their temporal features to facilitate generalization across diverse datasets. The encoder of EEGen processes EEG signals as inputs, and its decoder autoregressively produces discrete codes. We evaluate our method in a motor imagery Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) application, where merging data across datasets is challenging due to experimental differences. Our results demonstrate that the synthetic EEG effectively captures the temporal patterns while preserving the complexity and power spectrum of the original signals. Furthermore, the classification task results reveal that the inclusion of synthetic data enhances performance and surpasses that of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)-based or diffusion-based methods. These findings highlight the potential of transformer-based generative models to effectively generalize across multiple datasets and produce high-quality synthetic EEG signals.
Abstract (Chinese)------------------------------------------I
Acknowledgements (Chinese)--------------------------------III
List of Figures--------------------------------------------VI
List of Tables-------------------------------------------VIII
1 Introduction----------------------------------------------1
2 Related Works---------------------------------------------6
2.1 Generative Models for Biological Signals----------------6
2.2 Vector Quantization-------------------------------------8
3 Method----------------------------------------------------9
3.1 Task Definition-----------------------------------------9
3.2 RVQ-----------------------------------------------------9
3.3 EEGen--------------------------------------------------11
3.4 CycleGAN-----------------------------------------------14
3.5 DDPM---------------------------------------------------14
4 Experiments----------------------------------------------15
4.1 Dataset------------------------------------------------15
4.2 Dataset Description------------------------------------15
4.3 Data Preprocessing-------------------------------------18
4.4 Channel Selection--------------------------------------19
4.5 Implementation Details---------------------------------19
4.5.1 RVQ Autoencoder Model Architecture-------------------19
4.5.2 EEGen Model Architecture-----------------------------21
4.5.3 CycleGAN Model Architecture--------------------------22
4.5.4 DDPM Model Architecture------------------------------23
4.5.5 Training and Inference of Generative Models----------24
4.6 Evaluation Metrics-------------------------------------25
5 Experimental Results-------------------------------------26
5.1 RVQ Codebook Utilization-------------------------------26
5.2 Data Visualization-------------------------------------29
5.3 Time Series Complexity Analysis------------------------30
5.4 BCI Classification Task--------------------------------31
5.5 Ablation Study-----------------------------------------37
5.6 Limitations--------------------------------------------39
6 Discussion-----------------------------------------------40
7 Conclusion-----------------------------------------------42
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