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作者(外文):Chu, Yu-Min
論文名稱(外文):Shape-Guided Dual-Memory Learning for 3D Anomaly Detection
指導教授(外文):Chen, Hwann-Tzong
Liu, Tyng-Luh
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Chiou-Ting
Wang, Sheng-Jyh
外文關鍵詞:Anomaly DetectionDefect Detection3D Anomaly DetectionUnsupervised Anomaly Detection
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本論文提出了一個由形狀引導的專家模型學習框架,可以有效解決無監督式3D 異常檢測的問題。此方法依靠兩個專家模型的協同作用,結合顏色和形狀模態定位出異常區域。第一個專家模型利用幾何資訊,通過建模局部形狀的隱式距離場來探測三維結構異常。第二個專家模型則使用與第一個專家模型相關的二維色彩特徵,識別局部形狀上的顏色異常。我們利用這兩個專家模型,從正常的訓練樣本中建立雙重記憶庫,並通過形狀引導的推理,精確定位測試樣本中的缺陷。憑藉三維各點的表達能力,以及有效結合互補模態的策略,我們的異常檢測方法在MVTec 3D-AD 資料集上,與當前各種方法相比,取得了最佳表現,並具備更高的召回率和更低的誤報率,對於實際應用更具價值。
We present a shape-guided expert-learning framework to tackle the problem of unsupervised 3D anomaly detection. Our method is established on the effectiveness of two specialized expert models and their synergy to localize anomalous regions from color and shape modalities. The first expert utilizes geometric information to probe 3D structural anomalies by modeling the implicit distance fields around local shapes. The second expert considers the 2D RGB features associated with the first expert to identify color appearance irregularities on the local shapes. We use the two experts to build the dual memory banks from the anomaly-free training samples and perform shape-guided inference to pinpoint the defects in the testing samples. Owing to the per-point 3D representation and the effective fusion scheme of complementary modalities, our method efficiently achieves state-of-the-art performance on the MVTec 3D-AD dataset with better recall and lower false positive rates, as preferred in real applications.
List of Tables 3
List of Figures 4
摘要 6
Abstract 7

1 Introduction 8
2 Related Work 10
2.1 2D Anomaly Detection 10
2.2 3D Anomaly Detection 11
3 Approach 13
3.1 Shape-Guided Expert Learning 13
3.2 Shape-Guided Inference 16
4 Experiments 19
4.1 Experimental Setup 19
4.2 Implementation Details 21
4.3 Evaluation Metrics 21
4.4 Experimental Results 22
4.5 Computational Complexity 24
4.6 Patch Size Analysis 25
4.7 Qualitative Results 25
4.8 Additional Ablation 28
4.8.1 Benefit of Combining RGB and 3D Information 28
4.8.2 The Effectiveness of Sparse Coding 30
5 Conclusion 31

A More Experimental Results 32
Bibliography 33
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