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作者(外文):Liu, Yen-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Varied-voltage DC-link Fed E-scooter Motor Drive with Integrated Bidirectional charger and Energy Harvester
指導教授(外文):Liaw, Chang-Ming
口試委員(外文):Chen, Seng-Chi
Lee, Jheng-Dao
外文關鍵詞:EVE-scooterSPMSMcurrent controlspeed controltorque controlbatteryHBCLLC converterinterleaved converterSMRinverterG2SS2HS2Senergy harvesting
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This thesis develops an electric scooter (E-scooter) surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor (SPMSM) drive with integrated bilateral charger and plug-in energy harvester (PEH). The PEH allows the scooter-to-scooter (S2S) auxiliary charging be conductible. The motor drive varied DC-link voltage is boosted from the battery through a bidirectional interleaved DC/DC interface converter. The motor drive efficiencies over wide speed range are increased. And the reduced current ripple and fault-tolerance are preserved thanks to the interleaving converter operation.
First, the battery directly powered fixed-voltage DC-link fed SPMSM drive is established. The silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET is employed to construct the PWM inverter with higher efficiency. The rotor position and armature current sensing mechanisms, and the current control scheme based on space vector pulse-width modulation (SVPWM) approach are adequately designed to have fast current control response. Then, the torque and speed control schemes with satisfactory dynamic characteristics are developed for facilitating the vehicle motion operation control. Good EV motor driving performances are verified by a lot of measured results, including acceleration/deceleration, reversible running and regenerative braking operations. Additionally, a dynamic brake leg is installed on the DC-link to prevent the occurrence of over-voltage.
Next, the battery bidirectional interleaved DC-DC interface converter is developed. The designs of power circuit and current control scheme of cell converter are first made. Then the current sharing scheme and the common voltage control scheme are designed. Normal operation and good operating characteristics are demonstrated experimentally. Using the well designed interleaved converter, the E-scooter PMSM drive with boosted DC-link voltage is established. The detailed comparative performance evaluation for the motor drives having fixed and varied DC-link voltages is conducted. The latter possesses better driving characteristics with smaller battery consumed energy over wide speed range.
In idle condition, the developed E-scooter motor drive can be operated in grid- connected mode and plugging mode. A half-bridge CLLC (HBCLLC) resonant converter is used for providing galvanic isolation. In grid-connected mode, the embedded motor drive power stages are arranged to form an integrated bidirectional on-board charger. The single-phase grid-to-scooter (G2S) and scooter-to-home (S2H) operations can be performed. The G2S charging performances using externally added energy storage inductor and the inductor by armature windings are comparatively assessed. As to the plugging mode, the Vienna switch-mode rectifier (SMR) is employed to accept the possible three-phase AC, single-phase AC and DC sources. For the DC source with scooter battery, the S2S operation can be performed.
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Literature Survey 1
1.3 Contributions of this Dissertation 3
1.4 Organizations of this Thesis 4
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Overview of Electric Vehicles 6
2.2.1 Classifications of EVs 6
2.2.2 Power Control Units 8
2.3 Energy Storage Devices 9
2.4 Possible Inter-connected Operations of EV 11
2.5 Interface Power Converters 12
2.5.1 DC-DC Converters 12
2.5.2 Switch-mode Rectifiers 14
2.5.3 SPWM Inverters 16
2.6 Introduction of PMSM Drive 18
2.6.1 Some Key Issues of an EV PMSM Drive 18
2.6.2 Motor Structures 18
2.6.3 Physical Modeling 20
2.6.4 Estimation of Equivalent Circuit Model Parameters 22
2.7 Digital Control System 24
2.7.1 Sample Interval Selection 25
2.7.2 Design of Control Algorithm 25
3.1 Introduction 27
3.2 System Configuration 27
3.2.1 The Employed SPMSM and SPMSG 28
3.2.2 PWM Inverter and Dynamic Brake 28
3.3 Digital Control Environment 29
3.3.1 Sensing and Interfacing Circuits 29
3.3.2 The Employed DSP 31
3.3.3 Control Flowcharts 31
3.4 Control Schemes 33
3.4.1 Current Control Scheme 33
3.4.2 Torque Control Scheme 34
3.4.3 Speed Control Scheme 34
3.4.4 Zero-sequence Injected SPWM 37
3.5 Driving Performance Evaluation 39
3.5.1 Speed Mode 39
3.5.2 Torque Mode 43
3.6 Energy Conversion Efficiency 45
4.1 Introduction 52
4.2 System Configuration 52
4.3 Battery Interleaved Bidirectional Interface DC-DC Converter 52
4.3.1 Power Circuit 54
4.3.2 Control Schemes 56
4.3.3 Performance Evaluation 64
4.3.4 Efficiency Characteristics 67
4.4 Comparative Performance Evaluation of the Developed E-scooter PMSM Drive with Fixed and Varied DC-link Voltages 70
4.4.1 Fixed DC-link Voltage 70
4.4.2 Varied DC-link Voltage 76
5.1 Introduction 81
5.2 System Configuration 81
5.3 Half-Bridge CLLC Resonant Converter 81
5.3.1 Operation Principle 81
5.3.2 Circuit Components 86
5.3.3 Control Strategy 90
5.3.4 Measured Results 91
5.4 G2S Charging Operation 96
5.4.1 System Configurations 96
5.4.2 Single-phase Full-bridge Boost SMR 97
5.4.3 Experimental Results 99
5.5 S2H Operation via Single-phase Inverter 105
5.5.1 Power Circuit 105
5.5.2 Control Scheme 106
5.5.3 Experimental Results 110
6.1 Introduction 112
6.2 Plug-in Energy Harvester with Three-phase AC Input 113
6.2.1 Circuit Operation of Three-phase Vienna SMR 113
6.2.2 Equivalent Circuits 116
6.2.3 Power Circuit Components 117
6.2.4 Control Scheme 119
6.2.5 Measured Results 123
6.3 Plug-in Energy Harvester with Single-phase AC Input 125
6.3.1 Circuit Operation 126
6.3.2 Power Circuit 127
6.3.3 Voltage Feedback Controller 127
6.3.4 Measured Results 128
6.4 Plug-in Energy Harvester with DC Input 129
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